Does your country have a good army ?

Does your country have a good army ?

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Ours is LGBTQ-certified.


In terms of handling their finances the army is the best of three. Manages to update/buy shit while the navy kept wanking over a carrier for 10 years.

The majority of military personnel are well trained, have good military tradition and good predisposition.

But... The government does everything possible to make work more difficult; For example there were occasions where they were sent to Iraq or Afghanistan and they were prohibited from firing the Jihadists because "Muh racism".

And Morocco bothering and every day with better weaponry.

Our army is almost completelly made of common folk because of consription, and I think we're decent people.

we ditched them after they made 5 coup d'etats in a single century

I really really really doubt it.

I think the majority of military budget goes for salaries and not training or new weapons and technology. Also I'm pretty sure the officers are all incompetent fucks and most of the older ones are Russian cucks who will gladly pass info or switch sides in case of war with Russia.

Thought it were only two.

1930, 1943, 1955, 1962, 1966 y 1976

Yes but it could be so much better. We are wasting our nations potential

Radio transmission of 1930, the new pres assumes control

Only knew the 62 and 76.

It's underfunded and mismanaged. I have full confidence in our troops themselves as they are among the best trained in the world but they can only do so much with limited and outdated equipment. Our governments, no matter is who is charge, doesn't give a single shit about the military and hasn't for decades

Aren't they having dificulties on buying new jets because of Bombardier shenanigans?

Yeah the whole thing is a fucking mess. I think they have decided on buying Super Hornets but only god knows when the fuck that will actually happen. They say 2019 but that probably means 2025

Why not Eurofighter, Rafale or Gripen?


underequipped and poorly managed (in civilian way) so no

buunch of disciplined and hardened brown manlets, they're all right.

We already have strong connections with Boeing and Canadians already build shit for Boeing so it's just the easier option

Not anymore.
I think it was decent during the cold war and obviously the best during WW2 though.
How the mighty have fallen.

Read somewhere that the Canadian govtw as threatening Boeing if they didn't drop the charges.


I only know we still have one because every now and then someone threatens to bringing back compulsory service.

Underequipped af

>posts a navy uniform

the army is not just tanks and GIs, it's also marines and navy soldiers

why dont you guys get decent rifles for a change and not use those crappy AK platform muslim guns


Well, since you mentioned "army" but posted a picture of sailors, here's an Indonesian Marine eating a live cobra.

Nice to see a photo of Indonesian soldiers with their Brazilian counterparts. Looks like some sort of joint exercise.

i guess yes
>inb4 le epic coward surrender meme

he said that because here it's not not army/navy/aviation, it's armée de terre/armée de l'air/marine nationale
personally i think it should be armée de l'eau this way we'd really have a good theme t b h

more like armée de mer, it's less autistic

Taken today at Trooping of the Colour.

no bomb went off or people run over, which was nice.

It always reminds me of Rafale.

Demonstration of the Astros 2020. I think ur military has the Astros II.

Yak-130 codename: "Mitten"


MiG-31BM codename: "Foxbat"

SU-35 codename: "Flanker E+"

Those are NATO names, no?

Nice, Philipines choose to buy them today.



yeah, we have no codenames for them.
SU-34 codename: "Fullback"

I think so, many people say we have modern stuff but we haven't used it yet.

SU-47 codename: "Firkin"

SU-50 codename: -

TU-160 codename: "Blackjack"

> armée de l'eau
user pls

Not bad not good

AK is more than a decent rifle. It mostly became "muslim" rifle because communust countries were supplying muslims in enormous numbers

It's not SU yet

I'm pretty sure answering your question is pretty pointless, as the result will probably be the same whatever I say.

they are killing machines, underfunded just as the way we like it but got rid of MS-13 back in the 2000s and are executing narcos by the hundreds nowadays.
They have a weird custom of not leaving witnesses or prisoners.

It's Ok.

Starting to feel my payment isn't enough.

you dont

Not really, but they're well-funded, highly armed, and numerous. And there are always more poor fucks waiting for their turn to die.

Mine sucks. Mostly because we have one. Anarchal Communist here.

Well they have done well in all the wars they have faught so yes I guess

I've heard that the brazilian army is one of the few state organs that is not corrupt. is that true?


I suppose it's inevitable, we do give it a great deal of attention

too many titanic enemies in the last century I expect has left us with this enormous institution

So you mean military, not army,

if it's not I wonder if one of their generals will take over some day

hasn't been one of those in south america for at least ten years I reckon

Yes, the best