Flat Earth Gang. Research Flat Earth

Flat Earth Gang. Research Flat Earth

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niels degrasse tyson said that space is not empty but full of stuff to push off of.

You're confusing thrust and lift. If anything thrust works better in a vacuum. Nothing to degrade its speed.

Pushes on the exhause gas that the rocket leaves behind

>you can't push yourself.

do you even rocket engine bro?

Hes an idiot. And push off of what? There is no air or atmosphere to push off of to create thrust in the first place. That guy is an idiot, Satanic nut

Basic physics my dude, action reaction

What is Newtons's Third Law

Imagine a metal ball in space, there's air inside but no air in space. Now poke a hole in the ball, air escapes because of pressure difference equalizing, it creates thrust from decompression. Similarly, this happens with the shuttle it's not "pushing" off of anything, it's technically using inertia from combusted fuel and takes a LOT more thrust than any of the previously mentioned types combined.

You mean newtons third lie



Thrust. Like a fire work.

Thrust can work in a vacumm

I meant cant


Newton had three laws. It's the third one you're looking for

>ion drive

Go read more books retards


you're retarded

Space is fake. Its just endless air

I like to think that a group of people started pushing Flat Earth to troll stupid people but now it has gotten totally out of hand.

I feel you have a very limited grasp of physics.

With every action, there is an opposite reaction.

Push enough stuff out of the back of a shuttle, the shuttle moves forward as the reaction.

all this thruster talk makes me want to play kerbal


Flat Earth believers are great people because as soon as they state that they believe, it immediately informs everyone else that they're stupid and don't need time wasted on them.

That's some great reasoning. Amazing argument you got there.

Are you from the south?

why don't you believe in science?

So much this.
Please believe in flat earth. When ww3 hits you and the fatties and the lgtbbq will be dead, finally

It doesn't push off anything that's in space already. Instead, it pushes off its own exhaust.

Average based of a small polling of narcissists that would get their IQ publicly collected

Thanks how did you notice

jet takes air, shoots it out, boats take water shoots it out, shuttle has to store the medium as oxidizer and fuel, shoots it out, which is hwy its expensive. They use fuel because velocity squared gets more bang for the buck and they don't have pressurize as much

could you have said that in a way that made any less sense?

could be worse

>trying to trivialise a valid point with an image.
wow there is nothing better than euthanasia is there!?

it's probably of the available listings of those who have taken legitimate tests.
some people take an IQ test for different reasons. places with higher populations that take the test would have a better sample rate.
but I digress, the test is also quite limited in what it actually tells us about a person's intelligence.

You deniers aint doing your research.. If it looks flat from where I stand, it's flat. Prove me right!

too late MOFO...everybody done seen you type "can"....just wait until the FE Society gets your post....sending nao.

>Neil deGrasse Tyson is a´n idiot
>now lemme tell you about space and shit
>btw satan hurr

could you lose any more brain cells?

it's almost as if when you're working in a salt mine, or being chased by a puma you don't have the time to think about cubes with ridiculous faces. there's no way a highly specialized test could have some bias.

a lot more than you could stand to lose.

Hold up user...you forget that the south is heavily populated with low IQ roody poos. The correct question should be "are a black male?"...for fucks sake, look at Idaho

It doesn't "push" on anything. It's literally in free fall all the time, but due to it's altitude it just continually misses the planet. Learn to simple ass physics, nigga.

and another one bites the dust. did you know that i can actually hear your cells screaming in pain from simply being a part of you?

heres what you cocksuckers are missing

i dont care what fucking denomination you are the point of science is to disprove God. The idea that theres no glass done above us, that the "planet" is a sphere and everything "just blew up into things" is a simple way to make you forget god.



not some magical BOOM

>still thinking space is empty
>not understanding equal and opposite reactions

the point of science is to get to the point where we can have personalised sexbots dumbass, why else would centuries of old men have devoted their lives towards it?

roughly 10 atoms per cubic centimeter..

at least mine are screaming. yours are all but silent. I wonder why? perhaps a closer look will tell us. oh, poor thing... it's empty!

cool story

if this is truly the culmination of all science, I would not be too upset.

He clearly isn't fishing for (you)s, faggot.

In b4 baited.

If you are in space, you have a mass of 1 kg and you throw away an item that also has a mass 1 kg at 10m/s, you will accelerate to the opposite direction of the throw at 10m/s.
Burning fuel basically "throws" it into space, and the spaceship pushes itself away from the fuel.

maybe we like to argue. get over it.
here (you) go

Not the white mans fault they couldn't build a successful society in the 2.5 million years they've had.


lol actually...........

Van Allen Radiation Belt = Glass Dome

Fucking NASA them self say that we cannot go past the van allen belt

>gravity is a hoax
>m-muh buoyancy

here's your (you)

>Fucking NASA them self say that we cannot go past the van allen belt
no they didn't

>Hurr durr slavery is a white invention

Shittle farts and flies

air is fake, man. Show me some air, do it.

pretty much this, yeah.

you posted it

Really? Is that why those astronauts are always dying?

get fucked


Nasa admits humans can't pass through the dangerous Van Allen Belts

>National Geographic
Nice try government fag

this is honestly completely wrong lol

you're right, and people all around the globe agees with you!


Will it move if there's no resistance? There's no 'reaction'. No movement.

Must've been hard to fake 2,271 satellite launches
>Most by Russia btw

low altitude and "space" is different. ISS is fake. we never been to "space".

theres a fucking glass dome above us, that god placed there promising never to flood us again.

why the fuck do you think theres a rainbow?? you have to have a second refraction.

Funny thing i dint

Did you even watch the fucking video you stupidly posted...

>dont understand physics
>therefore flat earth

The Templars, through their pawns, spammers, have hatched a devilish plot to cover the sky with chemtrails in order to resurrect Adolf Hitler.

The Canadians, through their silent partners in the Democratic Party, cunningly plot to force women to have abortions to destroy their hated enemies, the Ecumenical Church.

This is gold m8, hope its not copy pasta.

mars isnt a thing. The rover pics could easily be any barren desert pics with a red filter

the homeless people of the world, through their hidden links with the Church of Scientology, have hatched a devilish plot to poison our water supplies to ascend to godhood. All we can do is teach the children well and hide them in the cellar.

Me too

You going to back your claims or should I just "believe" in them like your magic space wizard?

We can only hope so user


yeah, I believe in God. And yes, I also believe in science.

fucking learn to use it, candyass

also, may one day come to you where knowledge and wisdom are inseparable

Through hidden clues in Dungeons and Dragons, I have concluded that Mayan pyramids have been spotted on the moon, which I think you'll agree indicates The Jesuits will decimate the human population, to bring about the reign of the Antichrist. All we can do is contemplate our navels.

Through hidden clues in the Bible, I have concluded that there are no less than three "Necronomicons" currently being published, and this can only mean that The Bavarian Illuminati try to force women to have abortions to achieve total world domination. COPYING and DISSIMENATION of this IMPORTANT INFORMATION is ENCOURAGED.

Modern science has unearthed new evidence that most people naively believe "researchers have invented a fuel that is much more clean, cheap and efficient than oil", when it should be clear to any sane individual that the Templars have something to do with everything, therefore The Rosicrucians have already managed to cover the sky with chemtrails in order to cover up the evidence for a Recent Creation.


Easily observable phenomena that flat earth dumb dumbs can't explain:

-The motion of the planets in the sky
Why don't planets move with the rest of the sky?
-The motion of the stars in the southern hemisphere
Why do stars appear to circle the south pole?
-The horizion
Why do objects recede over the horizon starting at the bottom?
-Seasons of the Southern Hemisphere
Why does the sun move in the same arcs in the southern hemisphere as it does in the north
(I'm sure you don't understand this one but I can explain if you need me to)

Learn to use what you fucking moron?

It is obvious that "Spongebob Squarepants" remains bafflingly popular, which leads us to conclude that The Templars have already managed to nuke New York to destroy their hated enemies, The Majestic-12! All we can do is flee to the hills!



It is a well-known fact that "Spongebob Squarepants" remains bafflingly popular, which only reinforces the fact that The Bavarian Illuminati cunningly plot to decimate the human population, to win the love of the disembodied astral pegasus! All we can do is teach the children well and hide them in the cellar.