Why do europans towns look like cartoons?

Why do europans towns look like cartoons?

Why do american towns look like a dystopia with limited computational resources? Can you stop building the same house over and over again? Can't your engineers design a second template?

Why do american cartoons look like european towns?

Why do American towns look like Africa-tier warzones?

Why do murrican towns look like junk yards?



>Detroit is the average American city
>literally says tornado aftermath in the title

>clean street
>this surprises the american

The most lovable parts are those with Gothic architecture

Are you new to this board? Do you know what banter is?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>small yuro sissy townlets

>build a house in the tornado alley
>tornado destroys your house
The murrican dream

>shoes in fridge
>eggs in microwave
>homes in desert

I am greek
S-stop b-bullying

Why do american leaders look like cartoons?

Why are burger houses made of cardboard?

because european towns are actually clean
you must not be used to that

Why do european towns look so good?

What videogame is that?

dumbed down dwarf fortress with a fancy ui.
banished or something like this

in what way do they look like cartoons?

You fucking plebs... Show some respect for the bestestest German game of all time

the last good anno was 1602 so kys

>Having 3 cathedrals
pleb game desu

You have no idea...
1404 > 1602 > 2070 > 2205 > 1701 > 1503