Couple for requests. Let's go faggots!

Couple for requests. Let's go faggots!

pee on her

shit in your hands and rub it on each other's cheest

introduce her to someone with bigger cock you cuck beta faggot


Write the date on your palms

sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

get a sharpie, put one end in your ass and the other in hers and take a picture

Have her shit in your mouth while you massage your prostate

You two should have cute loving sex on cam :3

>she cuts off his balls
>fries them
>puts them each between 2 pieces of bread
>both eat a nut sandwich


Deliver faggot

I just have 4 words
>mutual double anal fisting


dick in ear

Fuck you guys are no fun this could have been the best of the night.

get her to fuck you with strapon

One sharpie in both your poppers, also time stamp or get the fuck out

Tuck your dick away and untuck his

lots of digits in here

put your finger digits deep in your ass faggot

Do for trips, wait that’s right, this thread is bait.

Could have been fun boys

pic of you too hugging, thanks.

im not op

>>Could have been fun boys
>honey, lets have random strangers tell us how to have sex
>OK, lemme fire up Sup Forums
>omg, why aren't these retards telling us to do things I want to do? this was a stupid idea
every fucking time


I know your digit do little very observant cuckerino nonce

dick in ear is pretty legit though

Let's start out slow. Wait nah. Let's get a double anal fist on.

Kek this guy gets it

too fucking lewd


tongue punch her fartbox


You have the smallest dick on the planet. How on gods green earth do you satisfy your woman with that pathetic piece of shit cock??

Full frontal of pussy

i get what you mean

Quads demand proof

then fart punch her in the tongue box

dick in ear next

no proof its a beta fag trolling

you got it

Sit her down in the changing room and spread her pussy. Let's get a good look inside then have her suck OP off

she tops you with cucumber

theres porn for that you know

your dick is awfully small

Specific requests like this prove if the OP is legit or just some fucking troll dumbass

no need to request lewd stuff though

Good point...

OP Write today's date on your hand and then stick your thumb up her pussy

you get points for trying but this one seems kinda lewd at first. not accusing you or anything, but still...

holy shit, white dicks are pathetic. Never insult her with your shrimp again - she deserves a BBC and a black beautiful baby inside her womb, dicklet.


just gotta be more creative

Like i said it sucks we pulled out ebery 42 yr old virgin in here cause we we're just looking for a some fun have s good one b

if you want Sup Forums to tell you how to fuck you don't deserve better. do missionary in the darkness like the uncreative dorks you both know you are.

100% this brotha



This is now a GET thread

if quads creampie

rolling for sharpie in pooper



stick it in her pooper

That is the tiniest dick I've seen lmao

roll for creampie

his or hers

i think the girl has a bigger dick but idk there too small



Gotferdam rolling

Let me give your girl a real dick, not that sad piece of shit.

Doesn't get

Not a get thread

And once again, op proves he's a massive faggot.

you surprised?