Girlfriend cheated on me and then broke up with me when I confronted her...

Girlfriend cheated on me and then broke up with me when I confronted her. First love and felt like it was a really special relationship. What are some ways I can move on and get over the feels?

Dump her nudes.

go out and fuck some bitches mane

Do things that you enjoy doing, playing videogames, listening some music, watching some tv, eating, etc

How old are you op?

she's not worth it. She's a bitch, and if she betrayed you once, she isn't worth fighting for.

You will find someone better, just live your life for now and don't spiral into a depression. That's 100% your own doing, and you can fight it.

Work on yourself, make yourself feel good and you'll notice people becoming attracted to you.

Realise that you'd never want to spend the rest of your life with someone who was capable of doing that to you. So go out and get your dick wet again

this except for the eating part. That could potentially spiral into an eating disorder if not monitored correctly and you could take solice in comfort eating.

graduate high school

Nothing. Roll with the punches. It sucks but in the end you'll get over it.

Hit the gym, focus on work or school more than ever before; fuck sluts, get drunk.

Keep your head up op. Been there, same situation except the cheating part (that i know of). What helped me was just giving it time. Moving forward don't catch feelings remember you matter more than anyone. When you love someone its hard to put yourself first but always remeber at the end of the day you are the only one who has your back. Its going to be shitty and might seem like you will never recover but you will. Just try to improve yourself and don't try and do shit to prove her wrong. Move on and do it for you.

Don't do what I did and relapse for one, and for two, go be around people. You won't want to be. You need to keep your friends close as you can right now.


lol #rekt

she cheated on you cuz ur a massive faget

Same happened with me after a 3 year relationship. While it sucked being alone it wasn't too bad because she crossed a line and really had no excuse so I just focused on myself and got into things and hobbies and had more $ to spend on myself and overall have a better quality of life. Plenty of other ladies out there to pursue but sometimes it's a blessing in disguise to help you focus on yourself.


Kill yourself, poofter.

>What are some ways I can move on and get over the feels?
Don't think of it as a breakup. Think of it as her giving you an easy exit from a dead-end relationship.
Be thankful that she's giving you the opportunity to find someone who will care for the person that you are.
She's letting you have a fresh start with someone who will appreciate you.

Because the woman of your dreams is out there, my friend.
She'll love you...
She'll fight for you...
She'll stand by her man...
She'll appreciate the nice things you do for her...
She'll be afraid to lose you...

And you could meet her tomorrow. But you'll never get anything started with her if you're still tearing yourself up over a woman who wasn't right for you.
That's right: she wasn't right for you! And you (for whatever reason) weren't right for her. Be thankful you found that out before you knocked her up and she ruined your life.

Every time you think of her, imagine her taking a big smelly shit.
Imagine she's into poop play and other gross fetishes, until you've convinced yourself she is a gross slut and you're a lucky man.

Rape and kill her. Always works for me.


Op listen to this guy Moderate eating though, hit that gym and just know it takes time, realize its okay to be hurt and sad, tell someone close to you about your feelings, dont keep them locked in.

After the first month you'll feel better, and so on and so on.

Don't go looking for love either, it wont work. If you wan't to get pussy, go find some, but don't feel obligated to.

Nah try again

Yes you've got me

Thats the piece of rabbit fur you fuck everynight neckbeard


I got cheated on once when I was 23 (13 years ago).
I was stupid and got married to the girl a year after we meet and then we lived together for 3 years.
She cheated on me with an old British man, made me hate old men with a passion for years, I guess not so much anymore since I'm older.
The affair made me focus more in my professional life and now day I make good money and because of that I've been with a lot of woman who want an easy fix to their lives.
I do have the policy of not fucking married woman but I've probably been with a couple without knowing they're married.
My ex-wife lived with the guy for years, turned out he beat her all the time, he died not too long ago because of smoking (or so I heard) and my ex wife moved back with her mom who died last year, she then tried to contact me again and we meet after so long, she apologized and we were gonna see each other that night but instead I sent her a pic of me in my living room with some young girl blowing me and I told her I was busy tonight (the pic was old I just wanted to get one on her) and she immediately blocked me, it felt delicious but a year later I regret it because I realize she just lost her mom and she wanted someone to be there with her.
I also fuck the daughter of the guy who slept with my wife and then I told her through text that I felt she was to much of a slut so it wasn't gonna work between us, I took a lot of photos of her that night with the fantasy that one day I was gonna sat with the guy and show him my "master revenge" but then he died and I felt like an idiot so i deleted the photos. I also fucked my ex-wife best friend and a lot of the girls where she used to work.
I guess I never moved on.

>i deleted the photos
how convenient

Fuck her best friend.