




Fucking two off. That was damn close dude


Checking in. Impressive.


Yep. It's even better because I make them on my phone and it doesn't open in a new tab, so I have to find it in the catalog.



Its happened before, with the same pic even



Unfortunately 2 objects occupying the same place at the same time is not allowed in this dimension and often in quite a show.


Is this supposed to be funny? Because it isn't.

Man, a pick jack, amazing.

V true, 8.
T-111 minutes?


Delta-V true. Or something.
Yup. Gonna head to bed here in a sec.
Have a good one.





k gais heers mi new intro lol

Night guys


Incoming delivery for you, Dash.


And this is how you make content for cringe threads.




I'm...I'm sticking around. I suppose I was unclear in my farewell to 8. My bad.



I wonder how Emerald is doing?

Oh, nah thats my bad for assuming.


Sorry, I'm dumb.

And here you go.


Namefag who used that pic for an intro. Haven't spoken to them in probably over a year




Nice, I like it.

He shows up every few months, but not for long.

oh, well I'm not him sry


New intro as well.

Ahh. Guess I'm still not around enough. Only bad thing about night shift is very few people are around when I'm on. Oh well, better to see a few, than none at all. Thanks for letting me know though

I figured that



That isn't sfur.














Anyone have something similar?

been looking for full vid of pic related





Nice pose, I don't believe I do.

i think its hilarious

>asks in the thread full of autistic furry neets
You lost, mate?









I just realized I need more pics like that because I have like 2

I'm not easily amused, shit like that is just stupid to me.

Howdy. Hows it going?





same shit different day, taken a few weeks of leave so thats new





>A few weeks of leave
I know that feel. I've been off work since December, probably gonna go back next week. Other than that, meh








Anyone else having connection issues?
