Perfect 10/10 thread

Perfect 10/10 thread

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Gonna need to see her ass

Get lost hor! Go solicit compliments somewhere else. Fake hair color, shitload of product to not make you look like cousin it, titless boy (back turned on purpose, duh), shitload of eyeliner to cover up deer in headlight dumbass look, no ass at all, too much tanning booth dumb hor, and those pictures on the wall show a complete lack of any semblance of even sub-average taste.

And it's tits or gtfo or you get no attention!!!


pumpkinspice BEFORE the fake tits


She looks hungry

we know you're full

>she's not fat



if you prefer a little girl like that that, with no meat, over a lady like this, im thinking you may need to take a seat and have a talk with chris hansen.

top kek. i've heard that joke 4 hundred million thousand times and it's still just as funny as the first time

Technically, fat is not meat.

Oh here comes this autist again


i don't have very many pics of her. once you find one pornhub video, it'll lead you to several more




Cara Delevigne



Too many white Sup Forumsros in here. Catch me after your next opioid high.


one on the right is 10/10

Holy kek the absolute savage


better shot of her


any other angles?








>implying that isnt a 10/10

>t. Hambeast
That girl has the face of a 6 and is probably trying to make her body look like an 8 with angles


holy fuck that's a tight body. moar?

Thought this was a perfect 10/10 thread. All I see is high 6’s. I’m outie 2000.


so post your 10/10 user


Mary Kalisy user

Looks like this girl I know but it's not



my 10/10 OC



Everything please! Bikini?

I'll get to the bikini pics eventually
for now...


Keep going on right

a tease of what's to come
(other than you)

Continue dear god

lo-res but the hi-res is coming

Damn man how fucking old are you? Get off the internet grandpa. Pumpkin Spice was 19 in that photo.

she still looks good tho. it's a shame about the tit job


Fucking KEK

okay fine

and this


fuuuuck more please!



ehehhee ...pubic hair head ...good niggers are a ugly bunch

no more bikini pics so I'm just gonna post her best selfies

Yeah she’s not too bad despite the tit job and being maybe about 15 years older than me.


I just hid the post. Would you like some arab women?


Yes , this girl looks fine . Arab woman has awesome asses (from the pics i have seen on the net)

Safa Kaabar

lives in Tunis

Also those bikini pics I posted above are of a young lady who is half white/half Tunisian

Damn, more of blondie on right?


More of leftie please


>$0? why??!!!?????


8/10 at most

this might be it


mmm so nice


This is perfection.

thank you. possibly the best ass that I have seen in a very long time.


need more pics of this bratty slut


more like this?

Full body?
