I'm a white nationalist

>I'm a white nationalist.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thus guy looks pretty cool!

What does that even mean ? That he wishes for a united white country ? Or just that he is a nationaliste that appears to be white

>i'm a white, alt-right, neoreactionary, traditional, ethnonationalist

>I'm a transracial, new left, progressive, liberal, multiculturalist


I like how they look desu

Unbelievable, so am I

i'd fuck the black chick on the right

they'd look cool in a japanese sci fi movie

but your'e brown

That's beside the point, white nationalism is an eclectic and inclusive group

The difference is one side thinks themselves superior because of their race while other see themselves as superior by their ideology.

And ? At least the first side thinks it's superior because of something real instead of something taken from a sick mind

Actually they'd look cool in a psychiatric hospital

>hurr having an ideology automatically means you have superiority complex

btw you're obviously the one who thinks himself superior here with this "i am above choosing between left and right they are both morons" attitude


SJWs are the greatest enemies MANkind has ever faced


Yes brother, the beuaty of the wh*te aryan wimmen must not perish from dis earth

based blacks and based gays, we are not racist if you come here legally we're okay for legal cuckoldry just file the paperwork before you cuck us

Sup Forums is truly a multicultural paradise, that's what it was all about after all, right?

>Pol meeting 2017
do they have a discussion about politics?

many of them had their first homosexual experiences

but thats haram

>3 black guys
>a pirate
>2 faggots in the front
>Sup Forums


that can't be Sup Forums

> I'm a gluten intolerant
> Buddhist
> vegan
> asexual
> olive
> progressive
> communist

it is, that pic was posted on Sup Forums, there was more from it and that other meeting in NYC, most of them were mongrels, but I don't have them

90% of white people don't need constant validation that they're white. Makes sense why Sup Forums looks like that.

so what? they are a bunch of self-heaters?
couldn't be more pathetic

makes sense
i though it would be a bunch tall and strong whites (ready for the recial war n' shiet)
might be form the European side of the Sup Forums, then

>Said the dick sucking Eunuch, remember that nobody wants your rafuggees apart from some braindead petty bourgeois who listen too much TV instead of thinking a little bit. Are you intellectually limited to the point of being unable to do anything else appart from posting memes and acting like a happy fool? Are you dumb? Wow your education is worse than I thought. You should focus on getting your women studies degree. Also add your mom pussy and your devasted asshole, from you way of acting I bet you are the kind of moron who spend all his days on this website and feed the /nogf/ threads because he is autistic to the point of not having a normal life

>Fuck off cucks, no migrants welcomed period, deport all shitskins and kill yourselves. It's going that way because you are simply a smug idiot. I'm a 25 years old Navy Officer, you should consider suicide because IRL you wouldn't even dare to open your mouth in front of me since the average lefturd is nothing more than a spinless faggot with no defense skills and no balls, M8 my father who is a disabled pensioner told some of them to fuck off while they tried to intimidate him and they were scare to death. By the way like most of males in my familly i've enlisted in the security forces.

>Should I had to add some "navy stuff" since I have really enlisted my country navy? Just because you are deluded to the point of beliving that everyone is trolling doesn't mean that everyone is such a mentall wreck as you are. Wow your life look like some kind of shit, if your only distraction in life is about collecting coment on the internet then you should ask yourself if you don't have a problem. i'm starting to wonder if you ever get out from you mom basement since you've manage to collect every crappy image from the internet. So boring. That must be the effect you have when you spend all you free time on japanse catoon website, you start behaving like a real idiot.

>Now i have enough of your shit, grow up and find a job.

White nationalism is dumb but I understand why its happening.....because the world is getting too divided and instead of workign together we bash each other

>i though it would be a bunch tall and strong whites
yeah, especially americans, all of them will tell you they're +6'' blonde and blue eyed demi-gods, and when you meet them irl apparently they're like that

Backstory to that, a french retard angrily replied to me with this earlier, tell me if it has copypasta potential.


If you believe Sup Forums then the average height there is 6'1. In reality it's probably 5'6.
That reminds me of an article I read by some psychologist I can't remember where the author observed that the most hardcore genocidal nationalists of history often came from the "fringes" of their "nation/race", and so overcompensated. Like how Hitler was an Austrian, Enver Pasha was an Albanian- Gagauz, Stalin was a Georgian, Verwoerd was born in the Netherlands, Rosenberg was half-Estonian, Rokovossky was a Pole, Sudeten and Austrian Germans were over-represented in the Nazi Party, etc.

>Austrians aren't Alpine, they're Nordic! NORDIC!!!

he's in like 5 /pol shitter threads

Americans are not even white at this point, it's normal that the american version of Sup Forums is basically mongrel.

The european version however is closer to this

Here's a better pic

i'm seeing it now
American Sup Forums is a bad meme

not tall and strong as they like to define themselves (might be a meme)
but close enough
and what kind of moment is that? a turtle?

look at all those skeletons

>european version of Sup Forums

Good b8, everybody know that most nationalistic organisation don't allow foreigners in it

Good lord, what is it about Sup Forums that makes its users perpetually unable to lift an empty cardboard box? It'd take a few hours of exercise a week and some minor restraint in diet to look presentable.

They type of people attracted to wh*te nationalism are beta cucks who are angry at wh*te wimmen for not fugging them

nothing to do with nationalism that's just because you are american and can't take care of yourself for shit
our nationalists look like this

>You have to accept either the extreme left or the extreme right or else you are a fence-sitter
Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion Pierre.

>ugly mongrel
>beta cucks
>balding cucks
>some mexican

>most people that fawn over black rights on the internet are self hating whites
>most people that fawn over white superiority on the internet are self hating non whites

kek whatever you're just jealous that average french nationalists look much better than you ever will

What are you nationalist about? Poutine, chinese people and Timbits?

>that is considered superior and good looking in fr*nce
I'm not a nationalist cucks, but I certainly am wh*ter than those losers. Nobody is jealous, you're literally cringe worthy going on about these muh soros multiculturalism conspiricies. There is a reason Macron won.

It's Casa Pound in Italy, they are mostly students, the turtle represent longevity as well as the roman army( tustedo formation).

They are not the only ones though

How many of them got black'd though?

>I'm Chinese


and what are the main movements rising in Europe?
they are really on the rising? how many acolytes they have throughout Europe?

Of course there are reasons why Macron won, he was the candidate with the bigger support among the ederly( the most numerous voting group, at least half of the voters)... macron got 80% of the 65+ vote while marine got the majority among the younger ones.

This is a new video by the way. The Chinese just keep on trucking.

The majority of the people didn't vote though. Don't try to fool yourself, you're just cringeworthy losers who are irrelevant in the long run.

>he was the candidate with the bigger support among the ederly
plenty of horny grannies in France I see

wtf man?
why nobody cares to help the lady?
really... the "soulless chinck" is not a meme after all

You, explain us why Wilders didn't got more than 20% ? Why did you people voted for the fake right instead of the real one ?

Casa Pound is very strong in Italy, especially among roman students.

And if you ask for the identarian movement or , then i could tell you they have got some traction among younger people

baka i bet you support Israel as well

I like to watch Varg's vlogs cause he and his wife are just such oddballs. Dunno how anyone could take him as their guru though, as the things he rants are neither consistent nor sane. In fact, his wife, being French, is something of a historical scholar, unlike Varg, even though her conclusions are twisted by Varg's brand of insanity. But I mostly watch them cause they're loopy right-wing hippies who live inna woods.

On the second round of the presidential election at least 60% of adults either voted against macron either chose to stay home.

And if you talk about the general election then at least 60% ofadults didn't even turn out for the first round... The secound round abstenttion rate will be historic.

Everydoby hate Macron, literrally all the people I know who voted for him are over their 60's... and people from my working class neibourghohh actually hope he will be shot down by some maniac very soon

i'm not the same person i don't care about conspiracy theories

i only care that no we look much better than this shit and it triggered me
and no i'm not saying we are extremely white or we look jaw-dropping or anything, we are just normal people not fat dirty hipsters like what you try to make us pass for

French always brag about their "political awareness"
now your nation is doomed
good work

We don't even have a party with more than 22% of the votes.

He's the second biggest party now. He grew in size. So he won.

The two ruling parties both shrunk. The labour party has less than 6% of the votes. And is less than half of Wilders his party.

I bet you're a Muslim.

>I'm a phone poster.


>i din win
>i hobe he dieds

Every time what? I don't even go to Sup Forums because it's american centric and unusable but I hate niggers and Mudslimes. Why is this shit thread here?

Well sometime Varg tell some interesting things, i listen him sometimes because i like his style.

Of course i support my jewish friends, they are the most effective at removing kebabs.

You should come back to your copy pastas and to your cuck posting, stop taking care of adults conversations because you are too young for that


>when you are against multiculturalism but support Jews

why do they hate him? you can dislike a candidate, but expecting him to get shot?


Our government is currently demissionair (under resignation).
We haven't had a government capable of ruling for the last 100 days.

So we don't even know who's going to rule yet.

>those file names
easy there you must be new here. This is a kill wh*tey board

You're a brain dead nigger.

>leaf banter




It's true but between the big middle eastern invasion from last year, the islamic bombings, the turkroach behavior, the treason of the VVD and the moronic leftists Wilders should have gain more from this shit, the PVV grew in size but it's still disapointing.

The quicker Wilders will form a governement with the CDA and others the better will be for the netherland, if something isn't done very soon you will end like diluted by race mixing and islamized.

M8 I promise you everybody hate the Rotschild bank pupet, appart from the clueless old faggots who voted for him nobody like him

>still responding


>supports Israel
>dislikes Jewish banks
This is why people think your retarded




They look like a bunch of weak beta male cuckolds.

Why do the people don't like him ? because he is a banker, he support further liberlisation of the workers rights, he wants to raise the CSG and suppress the ISF which mean that rich people will be better off while poorer ones will pay more, he also want to make owners to pay a rent to the state because they are owner their house and therefore not paying anything to anyone for that, he said that there wasn't a french culture and that he never saw french art, he talked shit about France in Algeria and he is a pro immigration cuck.

What is to like about him ? That he is telegenic ? Nobody care about that

>they are really on the rising

No, they aren't. The french guy replying to you has been autistically spamming in Sup Forums shitter threads for the entire day. He thinks if he posts enough that a nationalist party might gain a single vote. You'd be better off just filtering any French flags for the next few hours if you want to have actual discussion.

Nice you posted three comments under this post... By yhe way you should tell them what you think face to face if you have something in the pants... I guess that outside of the internet you are nothing more than a fading shadow that hide in the darkness


We actually gained a new right wing party this election. I think they might steal Wilders his votes next election.


Do you really want to make me start another pasta?


Please don't ever post on this board again.

>he can't tell that those posters have different IDs
>being this new
all those people are different posters