ITT post girls from your country

ITT post girls from your country

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pretty. post more tropical bro



>inb4 white countries posting shitskin girls and shitskin countries posting white girls

How to get columbian waifu? I hate wh*tey """"beples""""" btw


disgusting kill wh*tey

What a wh0ore

404 not found

lol dumb wh*te slooot

boring whitebitch

Do you ever think girls go 'dick and bawls, dick and bawls' the same way men go 'ass and tiddies, ass and tiddies'?

wrong board wh*te boi, we hate wh*te wammmanz here

Too pretty, you know she's demented and psychotic with that evil smirk



How is it stuck like that?

ew ew ew ew ew wh*te beple need to perish from this earth

talk shit about her and ill kill u

There's that evil look again

>" many non-normie balls have I ruptured with my heels today"




we are all from the motherland


black women actually contain the gene-code for all life on earth in their DNA

experts say that balck women are the purest and most ethereally blessed life forms in the universe

you're outdated

The Birthplace of modern anatomically correct humans was Sinai, hence why all the civilizations started there

You're saying we're all Greek?

I Am Greek

except if you were a scientist you'd find that black women are strikingly similar to solar bodies, that emanate pure energy (see; melanin) and tend to have life forms revolve around the beauty and power of a black women.

i need her thighs for every holiday of the year

ok blackie

you'd be surprised how melanin can act as a naturally occurring powerful anabolic steroid

i'm 100% pure european actually. i just accept the superior truth

Has the leafposting gone too far?

shouldn't you be in line?

of course, with a powerful nubian queen you wouldn't need any GMO type food, you'd be sustained with melanin and afro-cuisine for life

pick one

Sicily desu

sicily pls, papa

100% pure criolla

No, today wasn't my day to get regulated products

Sicily always. Also give names.




>those tattos
eww delete this trash




Why is this cutie having to drink?


She is finland and she depressed

>single article
>somehow proves decades of research wrong


NEED a cute gf lads




