I don't know about you, sorry but I can never date a woman with legs like that

I don't know about you, sorry but I can never date a woman with legs like that.

fuck that noize
fucking kankles

And how many women do you actually date?

Oh good I was worried you might want to go after Christina Aguilera

"Oh no...she has big ankles"
Fucking homo living in your mom's basement, being overly picky about girls you don't stand a chance in hell with.

Sorry she doesn't have a cock between her legs to make up for those cankles for you

>legs like that.

You mean bow-legged?

someone is butthurt. probably has cankles and bow-legged

You would find an excuse to not fuck or "date" this very lovely lady

nothing wrong with her

did i hurt you feeling by bring up your insecurity with this thread

same bitch with cankle and bowleg lol,
hey, its just my personal preference

Do these legs do it for you? More "dateable"?

that face is a nono, legs are fine

10/10 Would date

either your mom has it or you have it, it isn't the end of the woman, i pretty sure there are plenty of men dont give a fuck

More "dateable" legs

the first one's legs don't cut it


save your breath, stop posting tranny porn
what are you trying to achieve? go lose some weight and do some leg exercise

Oldfag here

I think it's funny how Sup Forums has changed over the years. From truly being repulsed by trannys to grudgingly masturbating to Bailey Jay, to pretty much every thread turning into a trap thread

I feel like traps were posted because op was being a fag

So you wouldn't fuck this woman (if she would even let you) because of her legs?

>Implying you ever going to date a woman

Op is a little bitch

Op is on his knees

you are that one fag posting

These are legs of a jew

i would fuck her once i guess but she would be a turn off, no long term date . yeah sorry about that