Who is this?

Americans dont respond.

derek jeter

Fucking leaf....

derek jeter

leonardo messi

Derek JEter


David Justice

Crabby Eater

#2, Der-eck Jee-tur

isn't that the guy who used to be Mariah Carey's fuccboi before she dumped him for Nick Cannon?

he used to be every famous women from new york's fuccboi

and gave every one of them herpes


Jitter the VI

that dude from Jersey Shore?

Mike Francesa

I seen him talk about Tom Brady before.

Myron Gaines

OP's dad.

Haha just kidding, OP's dad's a woman.

the captain

captain my captain

mr november

best response


swifty night elf warrior

Honestly don't know but Amerisharts inform me its Dirick Jitter? Is that significant in some way?

Adam Sandler

George Costanza

daddy yankee

the 'boreball is gay' girl in drag?


Perhaps the worst defensive shortstop in history who cost his team untold games by selfishly not changing to a position he could actually play.


Daddyl cheetah

some doped guy