I would do anything to have anal sex with this hot Korean girl. Would you?

I would do anything to have anal sex with this hot Korean girl. Would you?


is this a trap?

No it's not. Just a hot Korean chick from my university


No fuck them chinese niggas, overpopulating the earth

boi if u dont'


spoken like a kid who's been watching too much porn.

protip - vag feels better than anal. Anal is just smooth for a few inches and then nothing (if you're lucky, shit if you're not). Vag has all kinds of nooks and crannies and feels awesome all the way. Plus, no shit in vag. Plus, she'll let you do it in her vag, probably not in her ass unless you knock her out first.

That is one seriously fine ass

post face

+1 Need to verify not pan faced rice squatter

That, OP deliver don't be a faggot

>OP delivering

pick two


like cut off your penis and balls and then burn the skin back together again?
I dont think so, you fucking idiot

Her thighs

only a woman would say that, post tits already.

>tfw 13 years old

nice thread young-friend, please focus on your high school studies, maybe then you can make intelligent threads in the future, instead of this pathetic, retarded clusterfuck.

keep going


>Intelligent threads
This is Sup Forums
There's threads about logs of shit

Pussy is better than ass.

Theyre soft spoken and fickle as fuck

Afraid of their own shallow and shallow as hell.

If you can pry her off her phone for 2 seconds she just might look at you.

Im not sure this applies to all East Asians, but the most mechanical dispassionate sex I've ever had was was Taiwanese girls.

You may be dissapoint compared to western girls.

>glitched. prices!!!! nons



8/10 ass
1/3 face

more face?

OP not delivering face. Typical little faggot.

It's over

I hate anal sex.
Having to get shit out of your urethra is NOT fun.
Never again.


No, thanks. Never use them.
Am sterile, and thanks to my botched (and unnecessary) circumcision, I feel so little through a condom I go soft pretty quick.

fuckin creep, you couldnt have vaginal sex never mind anal sex, stay away from this young lady , creepy bastard

Only a boy whose parents don't pay attention to what he looks at on the internet would think that. I don't crave shit on my dick, if you do then become a fag already and have fun.

100% pure virgin , thats exactly what i thought. LMAO

Sure, and then next step is find a hair man ass and put your faggot dick in it.

complains about shit in urethra
>no thanks i never wear condoms

Don't stick your cock in someone's ass & problem is fucking solved.

>doesn't want shit in urethra
>doesn't do anal
>doesn't like condoms

What's the problem, sonny?

> Lazy fucking women not training to do anal... pathetic

You know the rules. Tits or GTFO

This is true

>training to do anal

This is what you warped little kids imagine goes on? Fucking turn off the internet and go back to school.

Another pic of her

Moar of that ass?

Too bad op is a beta cuck kissless autistic virgin wizard for life. She's going to end up getting gaped by multiple black cocks and she's never going back.

that is the exactly truth

anal is beyond overrated

0/10 face, would avoid
was she involved in a bad house fire that melted her face?

>She's going to end up getting gaped by multiple black cocks
You odn't know Koreans, obviously.
They're far too "image conscious" to ever take the kind of social hit they'd get from fucking a black guy.

Ah I get it. So if you don't have to train, the it doesn't hurt and hoes just lie all the time? Your not even being lazy, your just being a funless cunt for no reason.

Also roastie cconfirmed, show is your tits. Or comply with le rules and gtfo. Not hard bitch.

This girl has a bigger ass than most Korean girls, so she'll get plenty of attention from black guys in Korea. Surely she'll take one of their dicks up her ass one day

>she'll get plenty of attention from black guys in Korea
Yeah, all 5 of them.
If there's even that many.

There's over 100,000 American soldiers in South Korea, which includes many of black Americans. And that''s not even counting the other black people who are there for various other reasons.

>korean girl
>black cocks

lol, the level of ignorance here is astounding.
Blacks are hated in korea, almost as bad as the japanese incase you didnt know.

If this girl fucked a black guy and her family found out, they would probably disown her.

Not to mention that she wouldnt be touched by another korean, or asian man if it was known she fucked a black.

i know youre retarded, and you like to try and make everything fit your narrative of "blacks > everyone else" but this is just a lack of knowledge about the culture of korea.

you are retarded.