How much cocaine can a slightly overwieght coke addict snort before OD'ing?

how much cocaine can a slightly overwieght coke addict snort before OD'ing?

3 grams Justin, we've been over this

Are we talking like theoretical maximums, or just basic sort of averages?

If you were somehow able to introduce the coke particulates into an aspirator then you'd easily be able to inhale a lot more than just snorting it like a pleb.

I've seen degenerates take up to 30g before overdosing their stupid asses

No you haven't.

The LD50 for cocaine is about 1mg/kg

3 grams is less than an 8ball. I've seen people go through an 8ball(3.5g) alone.

Probably, like, all of it. Shoot for the moon, my dude. YOLO it.

Rectally or orally?

If you're an addict it'll take alot you've probably built a tolerance. I think it would have to be a good amount in a short amount if time. Like rail after rail


so ive done enough coke to approximate the size line you'd need to do (at the width of lines i usually do while snorting) and got somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 feet for the LD50 for my weight............if you have enough coke for a 6 foot line or you say you can do a 6 foot line, i'd call you a liar

totally depends on the potency obviously


Personally I can easily do about 5 grams of good coke in a session. Mind you, I’m far from a fatty and work out regularly

I've done two eight balls in 2 days straight and i was chubby and didn't die, if your sniffing it , it's hard to od. You'll start throwing up and shit but not od

At my worst maybe two in a long night

They must've had some seriously cut down shit then.

>cocaine overdose
Probably like 10 grams. Ain't no such thing as a "coke addiction" anyways you'd die from toxicity... But coke is cut with so much shit nowadays it's half drywall dust anyway

it's really difficult to OD on cocaine alone, i mean OD and die of course.
massive doses of cocaine will of course cause heart attacks or stroke, but it would be really hard to get enough actual cocaine with powder you buy on the street with dubious purity.
swallowing crack rocks seems to fuck up a lot of dumb nogs who swallow their entire sack so they dont get charged, so its not impossible




You sure can you retarded fuck. That doesn’t mean it’s easy but it’s possible you can lethally OD on anything h2o included

these people snorted, the rest of the thread didn't

/thread, even charlie sheen claming "he was banging 7 grams rocks!" was lying or exaggerating.
>3 grams of good shit would make you blackout from heart failure in 70% cases, also because...
that's right. your body will always crave for more.

There have been experiments with rats. If given the chance to choose from coke and water or food, they always chose coke since the first bite. (of course they eat it like the stupid shits they are.)

They go on with coke and die starving or for the lack of water.


Fuck off retard you are a general waste of time and space

it's hard to OD on coke, unless you have a heart problem, or are drinking while you do it.

if you're drunk and dehydrated a 8 ball can kill you.

not sure why anyone would need more than a gram an hour though if the coke is even 40% pure that's enough to keep you super jazzed.

an average person could do an 8 ball in a night and not OD, as long as they were hydrated and didn't drink booze.
