Terrorist Attack In Bogota (One french citizen died)

Usually when a terrorist attack happens in this country, it's for political or by extreme left/right wing groups.
But this time the target were civilians, somebody put a bomb in the women's bath in a mall of one of the privileged areas of the city

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Does that mean that we are already of the first world?

No. Unless it was muslims

That poor woman :(

i think europeans are just cursed by allah

>terrorist attack in south america
>kills a french person

They've got to be cursed


Allah is punishing wh*te gaulic and anglo savages for dividing up the middle east with the sykes-picot

For some reason the quebecers are immune so it must be limited to french nationals

Very bad luck, and worse that wasn't in a dangerous place of Colombia, the mall Centro Comercial Andino is placed in one of the richest places of Bogota.

>"MY LEG!"

It all makes sense now

That sucks, I am so fucking SICK of terrorist bs.....in the 1st world or in the 3rd world it doesn't matter let people go shopping in peace.



You sound like a Facebook mum

>someone put a bomb in the French women's bathroom
See? Going 'naturelle' was never good

gallophobia is a very underestimated crime.

farc doesn't use bombs, and they're not active right now

quién lo hizo

Cool, posting for the job I want instead of the job I have.

If you aren't SICK of terrorists by now I don't know what to tell you. They shit up everyones day for what? For why?

She just needs to walk it off

Then who?

Honestly though why would a terrorist attack Colombia, let alone it's civilians?

who knows, they have my condolences but it's not like i would care too much if they bomb bogota out of existence

Fugg, I was AT THAT MALL in February

I missed the Besiktas explosion with 3 minutes

but then again, this is

Why and who though?
>bomb in the women's bath
What the shit

Turkey is scary


Just buttmad loser I would say. Also until a motive is established it might just be a normal mass murderer and not a terrorist.

Also Colombia has drug issues too (at least according to stereotypes) so maybe something to do with that.

Damn....you are lucky you left when you did that woman could have been you.

>somebody put a bomb in the women's bath in a mall of one of the privileged areas of the city
Is FARC still a thing?

>Honestly though why would a terrorist attack Colombia
In places were the conflict between Farc and the goverment (specially in rural areas) it's kind of common that this happens, but how OP commented, the attack happens specially dor political reasons.

I don't know, why don't you ask the terrorists?

Post salsa dummie

I live next door to
They are over there blowing shit up as I type this

What is Farc?

Farc are inactive since 3 years ago my retard friend.

>attack in South America
>a french die
lmao what is this fucking luck?


I was in that mall yesterday buying a jacket.
i feel so strange right now ;_;


you're just cursed bro, that's what happens when you mess with sand people

Hold on, I have to Google where Bogota is.

Are you a roastie?

The fact that it is in a womans bathroom...could it be a "supreme gentleman" type of guy? You know the guy Elliot Rogers who was bitter against women and tried to shoot a sorority (failed)? And the other guy who was bitter and shot a womans gym? Or the Canadian guy who shot the female students only?

Its always some dumb bs that makes zero sense. Terrorists have zero sense at all whatsoever.

Like ISIS (they are the most famous terrorists, not saying all terrorist are ISIS) knows they can't magically make Europe into part of their mega caliphate?
So we have to invent these 5D chess reasons why ISIS is attacking people. "Oh ISIS is attacking UK because they want UK to get mad at Muslims so UK blocks Muslim from immigrating so ISIS can recruit more Muslims". HUH?

Hope it dosen't happen here

At Arturo Calle? That was the only place I bought anything

my uncle missed Chernobyl for 15 days. not even trolling. he was being trained here by syndicalist commies.

Muslims are invading the world.
Prepare your malls ;_;

>tfw i'm reading to this post while a police helicopter is flying around my house with the sirens on
What's going on guys, i don't even live in Bogotá

That's because we shoot the muslins not the other way around.

No, but I entered to see sales.

Stay safe man


Are you pretending crime is rare in Colombia or something?
Probably looking for some drug lord

>Opponents: United States

Damn I love being American. Do so much for the world for so little thanks

Are you aware that France is waging a war in the middle east? Québec barely has an Army. Of course you don't face retaliation.

There are some videos and images.

W-we too...

Gracias. Que triste wn.

>Or the Canadian guy who shot the female students only?

Marc lapine didn't shoot women for being women, he shot feminists because he was planning on killing himself anyways

Which group were the right-wingers in Narcos?

All of this over making drugs illegal in the US.

Why are you trying to be America's bitch?

Drug dealers had a lot of connections with right wing groups, especially AUC

>They are "Democratic" socialists

Why would they hurt a French person? Macron is their poster boy

Uh no. He didn't say "non-feminists out, feminists stay". He said "men out, women stay". He claimed he was "fighting feminism" by doing this but he murdered women regardless if they were feminist or not and let men go regardless if they were feminist or not. I'm a woman and I don't give 2 fuck about feminism, he would have killed me the same.

ALSO "planning on killing himself anyways" wtf logic is that? Lots of people kill themselves without randomly killing a bunch of people. Every suicidal guy may as well become a murderer too?

There are a lot of French people in Latin America. for some reason a lot of French are latinaboos . now they are bringing terrorists with them


Maybe they should have thought about that before they decided to go to university as women and ruin everything hmm? If you don't fuck nerds this is what happens. Blame yourselves.

are legs supposed to bend that way

Thats dumb but yeah that kind of Supreme Gentleman mindset might also be behind the bombing of a womans bathroom. Gender must have been at least a partial motivator otherwise why not put the bomb in a busier place?

I'm obviously being a smart ass. Doubt it was a gender thing, as much as it was Colombian cocaine war/assassination type stuff.

Yeah thats fine you can be a smartass ifyou want idc

Why a womans bathroom though? Cocaine war doesn't mean you target random womens bathrooms. Gender grudge does.

>(One french citizen died)
I love how you had to mention a human being died to get people to care about your ape countrymen dying

I hope this was some non-slim sick fucktard, latam has already a lot of shit to start getting even more.



There are French and English people literally in every corner of earth you are just too poor to know one.

Women are often involved in organized crime in Latin American countries. Mexican cartels are full of them for instance. That's far more reasonable than "Gender grudge".


OK and was this random wealthy French woman a drug cartel member? Since when do people get assassinated in random bathroom bombs? Name one other woman drug member assassinated via bathroom bomb I already named 3 gender grudge attacks and I can find more.

>That's far more reasonable than "Gender grudge".
No its not. Lots of bitter guys on the internet just look around you

Macron is hated by the far left. He is not liberal. He is a moderate. He is just liked by liberals because he isn't Le Pen.

Does that mean we're first world?

Memers are fast.

Doesn't count if Muslims attack their own people.

Collateral damage probably. You're the one who sounds bitter. Is "Gender grudge attack" even a real thing or just some bullshit you made up? Between gang assassinations and your meme attacks I guarantee you that assassinations are far more common.

>using "liberals" to mean socialists when talking about non-american politics


Before being Independent he was literally in the socialist party. He still rubs shoulders with them and is both socially and fiscally on the left. How he's being called a "centrist" is beyond me, has the pendulum swung that far left?

a few years ago 2 frenchwomen were raped and killed in Salta.

One of the 3 guys who did that was asked why he did it, and he answered he took part in the rape because he didnt want to look like a faggot to the rapists.

This sort of crime is rare, especially in cities

I wonder who could be behind this.

>he didnt want to look like a faggot to the rapists
Solid reasoning.

This looks like elliot rodger or right wing paras. Why would latin american gommies go after women when they're all about the ni una menos latinx latin@ thing now

leaf get out, you have no idea what you talk about

So, any news in why and who did it?

Colombia is still stereotyped here as a cocaine factory full of gangs. That ended in the 90s though right?

still is

>they're all about the ni una menos

Its still more dangerous than Syria or Irak

Oh I thought it was better now