First person to get dubs = my senior quote

First person to get dubs = my senior quote
Try to make it something a teacher would approve

To this day, I'll never reopen my heart to those who crossed me.

educated African American males prefer the use of their dorsum in and around the lower opening of my digestive tract

>It took me 4 years to find my penis in this school!

All I want is enchiladas.

I'm choosing this forum to announce to everyone that I am gay.

The reason I never liked any of you, is because I hate myself.

I suffer from micro penis. I am no longer ashamed to admit it. Have a great summer.

This summer I will be getting the sex change I have wanted. Thanks for your understanding.

Support the troops. All the troops...both sides

Dare to be differnt

The liver is the cock's comb.

I flex like David Icke

>a teacher would approve

fuck i wasted it



rectum,, I barely know him!

Dubs not trips. :/

I use kfc seasoning to lure african americans

I would like to announce to everyone that I am a woman. This summer I will be chopping off my dong and having it medically inserted into my ass. Have a great summer!!!



Use it, faggot. It's actually the title of a painting by Arshile Gorky. Probably the only thing you'll find on here that will both make you look intellectual and allow you to get the word "cock" in your senior quote.

you don't have to use this exact quote. Feel free to omit the "have a great summer"

lol bye

That painting looks like it was drawn by a fuckin insane person

I was told I can't use that by the yearbook committee.

what kind of fag high school are you going to OP?

do this op.


It was. He hanged himself at age 44.