be me 14 years old at a wedding in 2012

> be me 14 years old at a wedding in 2012
>see my very hot 14 year old 2nd cousin for first time
>inappropriate thoughts start going through my head
>actually get to chat with her and know her better
>stay a few days at my uncle after the weeding and things start getting tense between me and her
> we start french kissing at the couch three days later after everyone else falls asleep
>don't see her for 3 to 4 years after that day
> 2016 she's suddenly getting married at 18
> get to know her little sister at her wedding
> she's smoking hot but 14
> sucks my dick on the bathroom the weeding day while I am 18
>met her occasionally for sex until 2 weeks ago she tells me she's pregnant
>I told her to abort or do whatever needs to be done
> she becomes crazy obssesed and threatens to tell her family and mine about me raping her and her sister
>her sister calls me later than night acting like a bitch even though she's married and that's none of her bussines
>been thinking about killing myself since that
Is there any other way to avoid humiliation?

You can still wait for the child and then fuck it or just microwave it ususlly helps

Hint: maybe she misses a step on the way down

maybe don't fuck your cousin

Too late for that. My question is" What would you recommend besides suicide?
My life was going so smooth until this came out of nowhere.

dying right now bro. The fact that this shit even needs to be written lol

this, or look up ways to induce miscarriage, slip her a plan b or give her a brew of some shit to flush that little monkey out

first I would suggest you stop coming on Sup Forums and making shit up. After that possibly some help with a therapist as to why you feel the need to make shit like this up.

man idiot its a little girl you need to tell her you love her always blablabla but now its not the time you need her to stay in school hide it and then she is 18 you both are leaving and run away from family because they wouldnt understand your love so she has to get an secret abbortion at the moment and then she is 20 you will give her 4 kids or what so ever

Sounds about white.


>until this came out of nowhere.
Know how I know this is bait?

Tell her that it will ruin her life to have a kid right now, and that if she wants to have an abortion, it will save her many problems and that you will be supportive and pay for it all. Don't demand it from her, she'll just rebel so make it seem like a good idea from her pov. Then after its all said and done, you get to live knowing you knocked up some newly fertile taboo pussy and dodged the bullet, gjdm.

on the off .0001% chance this is actually legit, i would ask you if you jizz'd inside her, if so there is a good chance that the child is yours. if not... she is clearly a misguided slut and it's someone else's. either way... get some std testing. if you jizz'd inside her you should be ready to be a father since that was your decision. man up, killing yourself is an option but not ideal especially if the child isn't yours. wouldn't that be tragic? also... post if you decide to die.

Yeah but most people are so fucken stupid that they really think this way in real life.

Still this has to be bait.

Make America Great Again. One cousin at a time.

This is the most white person from Alabama thing I've read...

What's wrong with you

trying to hard with the weeding shit

It's not about the money because she's kinda rich and I've already talked this with her user but will try again. Thanks.
I don't know user. From what I know she has never had a boyfriend besides me plus if her father found out he would kill me and her both wether the child is mine or not she's determined to expose me.

You gonna have to keep fucking that little girl and keeping her happy or u r fuckin hit

I live in Europe by the way, not USA. And yes I am white.And the fact that some of you don't take this serious makes me confused. What's strange or so unbelievable?

The second reply is for the user who said post if you decide to die. Replied to my own post mistakenly.