Poat what you got

Poat what you got

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Google it faggot

why don't famous people use andoirds?

They get paid to use apple



Theres only 2 things i hate about her. The nails are fucked! And her ghetto attitude is stupid. Other than that she has a pretty face and a excellent body head to toes.


bullshit, they use Apple because they can afford it
stay poor and butthurt lowlife

Hopefully she grows up to be attractive.


Oh look.. another one of these threads.

I have Apple, so i’m as rich as her? She gets paid to use that for promo


Who's she?

Too stupid.

A mini-thot.


Hey hey! Finally one iver never seen and its them suckable toes too!

Pros for her
Bigger than average tits
Has money she received from autistic people

Cons for her
Ugly in the face
Literal autism levels retarded

How mini are we talking. Can I carry her around in my pocket and use it anywhere? What's the portability factor I'm asking.

Post some ass?

She's seriously going to have to get those fuckers reduced or she'll be crippled before she's 20


Big tits have no effect on those with proper posture. My massive dick didn't do anything for me. Nor did my massive muscles.

First parts true. Second part.... I want to know more.

Your tiny brain definitely dindu nuffin either

its a status symbol. every day i go from a general public subway where i see 50%+ androids, to the train that only goes to my rich white neighborhood, and suddenly it's 99% iphones. i've gotta take a picture one of these days, it's iphone after iphone after iphone. half the time im the only one with an android phone in the entire car.

Those are fucking exquisite!

My Pixel XL and Pixel XL 2 are worth more then the iphone.


Definately not i know some poor fucks and plain people who only use iphones.

Christina Ricci & Ariel Winter both had theirs reduced as the weight of their breasts were causing real damage to their backs. It's nothing to to wiuth posture, it's about strain being put on the wrong part of the spine in the wrong direction

Big dick and muscles and brains don't have to be exclusive.

Stop giving the bitch attention you fucks


It's not a status symbol anymore. It's just the chimp friendly UI that the intellectually inferior people have gotten used to.

It has everything to with posture. How could you think otherwise? You know even G sized breasts are not that heavy right?

certainly, but as to what percentage does, it's a big difference. especially with newer models.

I have 17euros on my bank account and I have iphone, even poor ones can afford it lol

14year old wtf

Your lack of knowledge proves otherwise


Proper posture, proper bras and not being a lazy fuck who sits around all day are how you combat upper back issues.

false narratives


In all reality, the new iphones onky cost about 200 more than a new samsung. Its just morons brainwashed into paying that lil extra for a item that is not as good as a samsung. From the camera to the parts is worse.

That's a made up institute

Ok lets post some danielle pics also in between these discussions

Wait, are there leaks?

Why won't anyone tell me her name

Waiting till shes 18, then the fun starts.


Almost willing to bet a sextape leakes between 16-17.

>You know even G sized breasts are not that heavy right?

Again, it's nothing to do with posture. It's weight/relative frame size. Ariel, Christina & this cumbucket are around the 5'' mark, meaning the weight of the breasts exerts too much pressure of the top of the spine

and a G-sized breasts can weigh anywhere between 12oz to a stone in weight

so you could carry a dumbell on your chest all day every day and avoid any problems by having proper posture? it's exercise you can only rest from when you lay down, so when you sleep. what other exercise can you do all fucking day and it be healthy and not fuck you up?

Theres already been a Snapchat post of her fingering herself and quite a few nudes. But yeah I give it a year or two before full sextape

when you're buying a new flagship level phone sure. if you're not buying the latest and greatest, it's an iPhone several years old or a new midrange android.

ok this gotta be false, where the snap vro

y u lying


Saw it on 8 chan there's no fucking way I would save or post them

Do you live on an island with no tv or internet? Thats literally the only reason someone wouldnt know her name and who shes is smh

If the milk ain't flowing, she's not worth knowing.

I dont think they actually leaked for us to see. They have been talked about though. As far as i know anyway

> had theirs reduced as the weight of their breasts were causing real damage to their backs
You gullible fuck, that's just what they said publicly.
Truth is they both thought their tits were disgusting saggy hangers and wanted fresh perky tits.
the end

Bored now

Why the fuck would breast damage the back and or the spine??? If a breast is heavy (it cant fucking be heavy) than the spine will correct it harden itself

>than the spine will correct it harden itself

Just answered your own question, dipshit

Are you retard?

that must be a fags way of saying...
>"I got nothing"

Wew lad

No, your arguements are desperate, fabricated bullshit and you insult my intelligence further with every fucking second that passes

Fucking newfag. She showed soles too

She knows we like that

It's the only thing white boys are allowed to touch while the africanus criminalus breeding bulls are ravishing her.

She only has C cups which are below avg size.

>desperate, fabricated bullshit
-the truth is never desperate
-bullshit because you want it to be? You are telling everyone here about her medical problems as if you're her doctor.
Oh, look, user's inside celebrity information! Please tell us more!.
Truth is, you've never stood in the presence of any Hollywood star, let alone an attractive girl. you hoover-hands, white-knight, little bitch.

I need to suck on her butthole and look inside her gape

A demented verb which express a temporally insane condition.
Oh geez, I think it's time to poat a lil bit:
(starting to poat)
"PoatPoatPoat *Uffaaah Uffaaahhhhh Uff!*... ooh, ok I'm done"

stop harassing lenny the shark

Sorry i'm not a faggot

So Is this a pornstar?

You've never touched a big tit, because they can be heavy.

Future pornstar




Damn i wish she's a pornstar




Isn't this illegal? She's 14 you fucking niggers. Where are the mods?



Spidey isn't illegal...



>ywn be her loyal eunuch foot maintenance servant

There's no nudity it's not illegal just creepy

