Irish girl thread

Irish girl thread
pic related
mates sister


Irishfag here
Can you post foreign girls please since 99% of Irish girls are ugly





Why even start a thread if you aren't going to post any win.

Posting travellers is just cheating.

Besides, that house looks way too tidy for it to be a knacker.

I would

More makeup on her face than thongs in Penneys.


Wheres the cavan girls

I like this image

Any more of this?



The Crimson Chin

Her twin!

A fat girl

The Crimson Chin Knacker Edition

This one is actually normal looking

"I don't know what back muscles are and my tits now sag at the age of 19"

Congrats, lats. One relatively normal looking Irish slut






Cavan for Sam!


moar of her

Got any more of her?

Any of Nikita Masterson from Dublin





Keep cumming on her face

How does the American accent play over there?


Not good





this butterface

Name? Or county? She looks familiar...



Any discords lads?








Post who she looks like then

Why the fuck do all Irish girls look like their eyes are melting off?



god i fucking hate snapchat




Who do you shift at the pub then?

so damn slutty



Fuck you bogger.

I "shift" yer ma, haha

But really, if you're going to try to rape drunk girls in Ireland, your standards are even lower than normal here - the girls at the pubs/clubs are basically make up drenched retards


any vids???

That’s Hannah and she’s english






need more of these sluts


Any Derry or Tyrone?