Do you believe That all pretty women are whores by nature?

Do you believe That all pretty women are whores by nature?

every person with common sense knows they are whores you fucking faggot

only uglyfags believe this

Lets see moar of her

aren't they

only incel, redpilled, MGTOW virgins unironically believe this because they never go outside and have never actually interacted with women.

most women aren't whores and are normal people, of course there are the exceptions that would cheat on their man without thinking twice, but that's nowhere near the majority of women.

The more often they are told they are pretty, the bigger the bitch they become.

>that's nowhere near the majority of women
did you take a poll?

>all women are whores
fixed it for you

what's it like being this naive?

yes. even ugly women are whores because they are so desperate to get fucked.

stop spending so much time on r9k, go outside and get a job, get a girlfriend.

you're not actually supposed to believe the "chad with a big dick" meme, because it's just that, a meme.

doesn´t take much intuition to see that

user, i...

post more of this cutie

hungry males seduce them or bombard them with sextext all day, and then starts the downfall, their ego raises, their pussies get roasted and their bumholes is getting lose like a rolling bearing.


Depends on the "kind" of pretty. It takes experience to spot the "made up" kind, where she has learned to apply makeup to paint a pretty face and cover up her real one. Girls like this are usually broken inside, often "whorish" or whatever and hiding their face is a symptom.

Then girls who don't do that who maybe because we are so accustomed to seeing heavily painted on faces that look "plain" at first, but if you can get past your conditioning and see their eyes, their smile, their skin, then you realize they are the most beautiful. Girls like this are going to be more down to earth, happier inside and better people to be around. Young guys tend to ignore girls like this and drool over the cake faced girls. Sad really, but then again it leaves the smarter young men a better array of good women to pursue.

/thread plus dubs

My girlfriend wears a ton of makeup everyday and she loves sex and was a whore before we started dating. Now I make her be a whore with me. She blows me and swallows and fucks on command!

No. My gf is pretty and she's not a whore.

On the contrary, they have many more options and can afford to keep their legs closed. They will get validation and ego boosts from men without needing to fuck them.

a whore gets something in exchange for sex, a slut does it just because she likes it. So she was and is a "whore" meaning she will not do it unless she is compensated in some material way? Sucks for you.

no, by nurture