Sup Forumsros I need your help

Sup Forumsros I need your help.

I'm from Sweden, and a couple of internet friends from the U.S are coming visiting in june.

I've promised to shock them with the biggest culture clash imaginable and I need your suggestion, as you know what Americans would be most shocked by.

>invite them to a surströmming party. Basically fermented herring that smells really bad. I eat it once a year, and it would be hilarious to see their faces.

>go with them, and some family members, including children, to a lake and skinny dip and sunbathe in the nude, something which is very common here. Americans are really prude when it comes to nudity right?

Which would trigger their jimmies the most?

>inb4 rapefugee memes
I don't live in an area with immigrants, I live in a small shithole up north with like 90 inhabitants.

Those are pretty good. Also take them to Stockholm and show them that about 90% of the population walks/takes public transportation rather than drive

Too far from Stockholm, I'm afraid. I live close to the border of Lappland.

make them bike places, or even worse walk places. fucking fat asses will be dying in a few miles.

the nude children will freak them the fuck out

When you say including children, you mean girls too right? Like 11-12 year old girls?

nudity for sure. honestly, just talking about group nudity makes me uncomfortable.

Yeah, we have great biking and hiking paths so I will take them out for a two day hike with my mountain bikes.

Girl at 9, boy at 7


what a shame

I dont understand what this means. like some girls are nude, but others aren't? you start going nude at 9?

I'm not the guy who said separately. We would go together with my family, one of them my brother and his wife who have two children.

gotcha, that is what I expected. was getting confused.

>a two day hike
you want to shock them, not kill them

Another option with the nudity would be to invite them all to my sauna. I know you have them in the U.S as well, kind of, but here it is mandatory nudity. You are seen as weird if you wear clothes inside. So it would be kind of familiar to them, but with a twist!

americans don't go to sauna at all. They are mostly gay hook up / sex clubs.

can i go with you?

Perfect. Sitting tightly together, naked, should give them some memories of the trip. It can only really fit 4 people, but we'll be 6 so if we squeeze...

nudity will usually fuck with some jimmies. Most will be very embarrassed at first.

honestly just meeting "online friends" is weird enough. I guarantee there will be enough social awkwardness just from that.

There are legit culture differences that might rustle your jimmies too: eg:

-always running late
-very emotional
-small talk
-intrusive questions

They might legit take typical swedish behavior to mean they aren't welcome, and they might not get when you are joking about stuff.

I've met them already when I were in the U.S last year. Only one I really have a "problem" with is that you love to small talk, since I'm slightly autistic, but honestly you guys aren't that difficult to get along with.

tell them you wash your hands before and after you eat

Wait, Americans don't do that? That actually surprised me as that's for hygienic reasons.

I was going to say you should have them raped by Somalis, but now I'm going to reply seriously.

You could eat barbecued reindeer beef with them? There's also some native inhabitants of the Northern part of Sweden that still herd or hunt reindeer? Maybe something with that

Yeah, the sami people still herd and eat reindeer. Good idea, bringing them for some delicious reindeer blood cakes would be possible to arrange. It's not as much Swedish as Sami, but that's probably even more exotic to them.

take a roadtrip to stockholm and get overrun by a peacetruck

serve them reindeer meat or horse meat, that should be taboo enough tho if i want to be serious

Funny thing is that we call horse meat hamburger meat. I should probably mention that to them, they will never look at burgers the same again.

I did as a kid - much less as an adult.

nah take them out to get some horse hamburgers first

note: lots of americans don't know to take their shoes off inside.

let them try lössnus user
vart bor du? göteborg här

Good idea.

Jag vill inte exponera mig allt för mycket utifall den mikroskopiska chansen att nån känner mig här, men ett litet skithål nära Vilhelmina.


>you should have them raped by Somali
implying americans can't deal with immigrants

take them to a hospital visit and show them your receipt, and how much you had to pay.

-u eat that fucking fermented fish that triggers gag reflex, make them a smoothie out of that shit
-if they female just throw them to muslims

fuck, i made that comment before reading the whole post, had no idea u already brought up your gay fish dish

kys swefag trying to catch butt buddy on Sup Forums

i hate it that im always the only active member in every thread i post to
anyway, kys swefags, kys, you feminist snow plowing cucks, kys (squared some serious cars in order to be able to post this comment, so kys)

>squared some serious cars
speak english faggot

colourful way of saying he got the "pick all images with cars" -captcha that wants you to click like 10 images.. but i agree he is a faggot

referring to solving the captcha u swedish faggot who couldn't figure taht shit out

again, didnt read this post
u calling me what I am calling you is pretty creative
u gonna go places fag

I thought he was driving around posting on his mobile phone and almost hit cars or something

And im american you trump fucking fatassed retard

Have them get raped by a Muslim

you seem tense and angry, have bouquet of kittens to cheer you up

siding with a swede = as good as a swefag
u guys should go feminist snow plowing together
make it a suicide pact date

no man, i am actually tired enough to think my comebacks are funny

shouldn't you be complaining about JIDF over in Sup Forums right now?

not that guy but Sup Forums is not usable if you dont let some shady scripts from some even shadier urls to have access

i shitpost here because i cant go to pol. not on this thread tho

Honestly just walking through a random foreign city is pretty jarring as an American. I'm from a blue collar rural-ish area. You can drive a few hundred miles in any direction and walk down any random street and have random people wave to you or smile, or start small talk. When you do that in another country, people think you're fucking insane. Like our idea of polite is completely different. Just existing is like being in bizarro-land. Trying to talk to people is always fun, because even if you speak their language they get funny. Just take them to a bar and let people not be American brand friendly to them. It'll freak them out. If they get too stressed take them to an ex-pat bar where they can bullshit until the cows come home.