Hey /b Your public enemy No. 1 and the police is searching for you, what do?

Hey /b Your public enemy No. 1 and the police is searching for you, what do?

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I would try to see if my resumé hits the first page of the newspapers.

I'd kms. I wouldn't do well in prison.

I'm pretty sure they have my address already.

Why would they need to search for me?


You are retarted.

I would kill myself or nuke everyone

I don't have a public enemy.

Kill myself then mail myself the the detective.

>the police is searching for you
>the police is
>the police

The police is a single person? What kind of town am I living in?

bout tree fiddy

Make a post that breaks all of 4chans rules. If I’m going to be mob lynched I might as well have some fun first.

I would make a thread on Sup Forums asking people what they would do in my situation because I’m not clever enough




Give FBI a resume so they can employ me...

I would hire private detectives to follow whoever follows me. I would then live in my bunker and declare the land my own country, declare myself a freeman only following common law.

I would then laugh since nothing incriminating would or could ever be found.


assuming you're a dude bc no chicks on internet
go to good will.
get a shitty wig and dress.
become obvious, shitty tranny.
hit on a straight dude at a biker bar.
facial recognition software and surveillance camera network no longer a problem.
use newly assumed identity to work street corners and make money tuggin off married guys whose wives are bored with them.
build an empire one handy at a time.
start chain.
setup franchises.

Drive to the outback of australia.


You are a man with true vision user.

thank you, good sir.
