And 100 miles is a long geeeeeey inside a car

And 100 miles is a long geeeeeey inside a car

Guess it was worth it

200 miles is a long geeeeeey inside a car

That’s a good one

Its really distracting trying to jerk off while other people are up and about.

So what did you want to talk about?

I don't even know if that other guy is still here.



I guess we’ll just have to post gfur


We can talk about penises, if you want.

Sure. One of my favourite things to talk about.

I'm touch mine right now.



So when did you realise that you liked this stuff?


Been years now. Started posting regularly on Sup Forums 5~ years ago.


So hot.. I'm amazed at how much furry art has been made in last few years


Sorry it took me a while, just sucked my own cock.
Oh, I came interested in gfur last summer.

And I forgot an image.

yeah the furry artists are amazing.

Tfw no bf to fuck me and let me suck his cock


Tell me about it. *sigh*

frotting and crossdrssing?

Sign me up

You're in good company.

Frotting is something I’m really into. Too bad I can’t do it.

Honestly these gfur threads are pretty nice.

Crossdressing is fun :3

I love how panties feel on my cock and stockings are on my legs


It's really fun. Why because no bf?

The ones without avatarfags but with other lonely homos who want to fuck animal people are very pleasant.


I agree, even though I don't like how I look in it and would never go out dressed that way, it's really hot just to wear.


That’s why I’m in them most always.


Try it with a dildo, still fun to do.

All that matters is that you enjoy doing it. Nothing wrong with just wearing panties under your normal clothes or whatever you like. Guys in panties are so cute.

Don’t have a dildo either so I’m just using my fingers.

I used to like butt stuff more a few years ago. I have a dildo but I almost never use it because it's too much work when I can just jack off normally.

Seems like I’ve again forgotten to ask how’s everyone doing today. So how’s everyone doing today?

Was it a big one?

It's spring break but my professor has an assignment due tonight cause he's an ass. So I'm drinking and looking at g fur instead

Sounds about the same as me when I’m on a holiday.


Maybe get an inexpensive one then if you want, fingers work pretty good if not

Stressed out because lol work. They keep scheduling me for double shifts the next day without even bothering to ask if I want to work them

I have no days off until Monday

Not really, maybe 5 inches including a knot (which is nice cause it also functions as a plug).

Yeah fingers do the trick for me now, because I still haven’t got fucked.
About your work, that’s kinda fucked up.

cool, i want to get one with a knot eventually.

Nice. If I’ll get a dildo someday, I’ll get one with a knot.

I believe I got mine at zatapaws, it was pretty cheap but it's good quality.

That's cool, don't spend money on one until you need to.

It is fucked up, but I need the money too. I have some pretty big expenses coming up in the next week.

My first time hurt even though I thought I was decently stretched. He wasn't even that big, it's a mystery.

hey thanks for the info, ill check the store out. I cant afford a bad dragon.

what are y'all? a bunch of fur fags?


Dress up until you love it

It doesn't take very long :3

Did you lube up properly?

Should've filmed it and posted it for us.

Zeta paws, sorry. The Ruff Jr is only $20.

no, no it doesnt.

Fingers will go fine for a few years at least.

it linked me to zoofur which has the ruff jr on its sidebar for $20 as well

Maybe he didn't, I wasn't really paying attention.but whenever I'm playing with myself I tend not to use lube anyway.


Would’ve been pretty difficult because I can’t do it properly. And really I want to focus on myself when I rarely do suck myself.

More boys need to CD.

yes, yes they do.


That’s cool, but since I don’t really have anything to really stretch I can’t go in dry.

How far can you get? As a teenager I could get the whole head but now I'm even less flexible and can only reach the tip.

You've got hands don't you? Work your way up in number of fingers.

I’m getting pretty tired since I can’t make a good sentence.

Get a tripod

I love that knot

Little over the shaft.

Slip on dem garter belts.


I can get 3 fingers in right now.

Jealous. Maybe I should become the meme and remove my lower ribs so I can go balls deep in my own face.

Add that to the things I’d need to buy.

Garter belts are my favorite piece of lingerie. Some nice opaque or sheer lace stockings to go with it and some panties or a thong just sell it for me.

That's impressive. Are you like a gymnast or something?

I've been able to get my hand up to where my thumb knuckle is, I don't think I can go further though due to my bone structure. Feels like I'm hitting the pelvis.

Speaking of balls, if it’s hot and my balls hang, I can get a bit of them in my mouth.

You should put some on for us.


Can't quite reach my testicles but I have a lot of extra skin in my sack so it stretches enough to taste.

Actually I’m pretty thin so I was able on the first try few years back easily lick the tip and from there I’ve done it on a somewhat regular basis.

Sounds pretty nasty, but I like.

I salute you with respect to your dedication uwu7

Maybe I should... but I'd have to get all of that stuff out

besides you've probably already seen it

That's really impressive and I'm jealous

Well I can’t get them fully in either. Just hoping I could.


It might just be the desire to go deeper with my fingers, but fisting sounds really cool. It also helps that I'm scrawny and have very thin fingers/hands.

The problem with me being skinny is I can’t get any muscles. I’ve tried to eat more, but I just can’t gain any weight.

Salute my penis. With your mouth.

I don't think I have, actually.

I should get hunnibuns some garter belts.

Fisting is something that sounds too much for me, probably because when I was much younger I saw a porn video with a young guy fisting 2 older guys and the guy was like elbow deep in. I know fisting isn’t exactly that, but goddamn that video gave me a traumatic experience.