Hey Sup Forums I’m looking into getting a spy cam or two, I intend to get them into womens locker rooms...

Hey Sup Forums I’m looking into getting a spy cam or two, I intend to get them into womens locker rooms. My only issue is that how would I get the camera in the locker room in the first place, also What cam(s) should I get? Thanks my Sup Forumsros

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either get someone who is or what passes as a girl to put it up, or go when no one is there usually.
You could try to break in but rip in peace if you're caught, it won't be worth it.

Your best option is to just talk to a girl and go on a consensual date and form a meaningful relationship, but that's just me.

My GF agreed to film in changing rooms at public pools and whatnot for me. I'm a lucky guy to have her.

Just talk with any ramdom girl that has no relation to your school and ask her to enter and put it inside.

I would suggest not doing it at all but if you are going to do it the only way would be to dress like an old woman. Hopefully you are small. If you are a fat fuck, just wear some makeup and a bikini. Call body shaming on anyone who calls you out.

The temptation is too strong my friend

get good at crossdressing if this is gonna be a fucked up illegal hobby for ya. Let nobody know. Your inability to cross dress is what will get you caught

My jawline is too strong, could never get away with it unfortunately.

Good to take creepshots amazon.com/WEKE-Hidden-Camera-Portable-Detection/dp/B078GRY5TP/ref=pd_sbs_421_30?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B078GRY5TP&pd_rd_r=WQZVS6KBGTGP0GW7T25C&pd_rd_w=CNmme&pd_rd_wg=9SrX5&psc=1&refRID=WQZVS6KBGTGP0GW7T25C

just wear a wig and claim to be transgender

Highschool enior currently. On an old android device i download haven. Haven records the camera when there is motion. I just set it in my bathroom and peep on the photos after they shower.

Dress as the Bearded Lady from the Circus

Dress like a muslim

Got any samples?

So, pretty much not gonna happen. The only safe way to get a locker room is to be the same sex, or be a maintenance or cleaning person. Ive targetted unisex bathrooms with an air freshener cam and got a handful of girls before/after peeing. Otherwise youre restricted to your own home. Its easier, safer, and you only get girls you know instead of randos

You could start by stopping being a faggot cretin.

Yep too tough.
Need to have a gf/wife who is willing to film for you in change rooms. That's your best bet.

So what if I’m a member of a 24 hour gym? No one is there at 3am, I could easily sneak in and set something up, how would I go about getting the footage or having it last long enough?

Dream girl. I've always tried that on with my gfs, never succeeded.

if you want to get clips of niggers taking a shower also I guess you can do that

get one of these, with the camo they'll never see it

Faggot mate got arrested for this - sentanced in an embarrassment of a jury. Was doing it I. The boys toilets in a supermarket.

> dropped him

not before he showed you everything he got amirite

if you live in the US just identify as a woman no one can say you don't

Yep she was somewhat excited too, couldn't believe it. What an opportunity.
We'll be able to fuck together and watch the footage.

Ok, if you want to recreate my setup, it last 20hrs. Its a glade automatic freshener with one of the wifi wireless cams you can get on ebay. The wifi never works but if you can get it to record to a 32gb sd card, and plug in a usb power supply you can record for over 20hrs. 5hrs with just the provided battery. Be sure to get the one with external,battery like shown. Electrical tape the lens in the place where the spray can nozzle goes.

lol. not my kinda thing.

> he has a pee fetish

I put a pedo in prison a while back

> when he came out to me with this over the course of almost a month getting him to reveal what he had actually done.
> my sides.

All I see is a guy in a car why do you mean?

Lol it’s a small gym and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black girl there. Just a lot of super fit college chicks

Damn that's too dope!!

Where did you set that up?
Looks good.

It has a pretty narrow field of vision but it has a slot for a nail or screw on the back. So you can mount it on the wall across from where you want to see. For best results, put it up with the air freshener in it for a couple weeks first so they get used to seeing it and ignore it.

That's one of the best setups I've seen.
Do you have any sample shots you could share?

Or ask for a girl to set up the camera and use the locker room as if she didn't knew it, for money.

Let me see if i can cap a still. I didnt get a lot of good shots, but the quality is fine. I actually bought a premade one for 180$ and it didnt work. So i returned it and made my own for about 30$ after i saw what it was made of.

here is one thats ok.

Chose diff target
Find someone who looks like they might do it, maybe a junkie contact them user.
Offer to pay them to do it.
Buy cheap 808 cam. hide somewhere
tell junkie where cam is and you'll tell where payment is when they send video
youll go thru 7-8 keychain cams till you find a junkie that wont just take the cam
for added fun set anther cam near cam drop and watch junkies look for money that you havent even hidden yet.
you get a reliable junkie, then you hit your main target.