Why are girls cutting themselves so hot bros?

Why are girls cutting themselves so hot bros?

Because you realize there are some deep seated emotional issues in her life that your instincts tell you to take advantage of but you are too much of a sperg to do anything but fap to emo chicks on the internet

щoщ, щe нave a loт ıп coммoп

Any tips on how to best take advantage of them?

No I've had a GF for way too long to know how to help with dating people I'm just as much of a sperg as the rest of Sup Forums I just get to go fuck gf without having to have some witty tinder joke

But I assume it's something along the lines of be attractive and ask her if she wants to get a drink sometime

wish I knew. it's a kink I'm not proud of but I fucking love a girl who cuts before sex, and I find that they look so fucking hot as they heal up.

Have you found a girl willing to do it?

two. one kinda crazy, one off-the-wall fucking nuts.

first girl was probably the hottest time of my life though. I wonder if I'll ever get that again.

Damn man, I really want that.

Where do you find these girls? Everyone I know is straight edge as hell.

of all the fucking places, the kinda-crazy one was on periscope back when it was new.

the other girl I found on Sup Forums. was a fucked-up camwhore here for a little while years ago. got in touch with her and she needed somewhere to stay.
was fun but I kept expecting to come home and find either all my shit gone or her bleeding out in the tub.

>tl;dr: shitty parts of the internet.

I guess I'll keep going shadier than anime circles.

don't follow anime, but anywhere with fucked up girls desperately seeking attention is probably about right.

Probably some sort of savior complex.

>feel unneeded
>fing girl that needs a lot
>give a lot
>feel needed
Could also be a combination of sadism and voyeurism. Could also just be a case of the edgies. But these are all shots in the dark. That's really something you gotta take up with your own super-ego, m8. You probably already know, on some deeper level, the answer to your question.

>source; I had a fetishy phase as a kid followed by a psych-analysis and philosophy kick

Because it's fun to see the physical damage caused by their suffering.

>tfw looking for pics of cutting and can't remember off the top of my head which I can't share

Oh I know it's sadism, and I've had the fetish since I was 11.

Forgot to mention to be wary of actually seekong a relationship built on this foundation. People can only give so much but can always ask for others to give more. Alao feeding vicarious sadism in an unhealthy way can lead to some unsavory tendencies later on down the line. Slippery slopes and all that.

Good luck out there, op.

fuck you satan

can confirm that it's a savior complex thing for me, mixed in with a handful of other kinks. a relationship where you take a damaged girl, use that as an excuse to hurt her and then nurse her back to health.

can also confirm that it's pretty hard to get a working relationship. when you find a girl who's needy enough to keep your attention, there's a good chance she needs everything you can provide and more. they wear you down.

Post more.

Yeah I wish I knew
Anyway post more cutting

Meh. I haven't really found dating cutters to be that draining. It helps that I'm bpd though and get obsessive as fuck with most people I date.

Ohh I love the rose girl picture.

No way that is a girl.

>I haven't really found dating cutters to be that draining
probably depends on the girl. I go for very dependent girls.

she's a girl. she cammed for us a few times, I still have her on kik.

That picture has been floating around for ages, do you actually have contact with her?

Couldn't care less, I'm a trap myself.

yep. started talking to her when she was first posting those here.

haven't spoken to her for quite a while so not sure if she still cuts, but I've still got her on kik/snap and she seems active.

Damn sad I missed that.

I've got to find some crazy local girls in the northwest.

Share it anyway, they'll never know about it

it was a couple of years ago, you can be forgiven for missing it.

there are always crazy girl around user.

I guess I'll keep looking around for the crazies. But they hide it pretty well IRL.

Know any good tells?

because ugly people don't like taking pictures of themselves

cutesy/shy, kinda antisocial, loose fitting/longer clothing, has a tumblr, shit like that.

Nah. They belong to me, and I'm greedy.

I just got lucky and met someone in high school that had extremely visible cuts all over their arms lol.

Is this something they usually grow out of?

it varies. I'd say most people stop cutting after their teen years but for some people it's always an outlet.

it's not like people get less damaged, they just often find a different release for it.

I guess I need to go for young girls mainly.

It's annoying because it's a fetish I can't indulge.

going for young girls isn't a great long term strategy. I've known some mid-20's who cut, they're more likely to be in it long term.

I mean, younger girls are cuter and less stable.

Always scared of those rape accusations but that's all ages.

your bigger issue is that your strategy leads to being 30+ and trying to fuck 16 year olds.

it's fine if you're 20, but as a guy in his 30s I can assure you it's not going to keep working.

