I'd like to HATE Japan

I'd like to HATE Japan.
Yeah, unfortunately I love that country, unfortunately.

I'd like to like my local culture here in Latin America. >:(

Have you ever been to here?
you will change your mind 2bh

I'd say it's still nice but it's not as great as some weebs' view of japan

>you will change your mind 2bh
If he came from a shithole like Brazil, then maybe not

why are you japs so shallow and stuck-up?
not saying of you, but the average jap
that annoys me as fuck

americans (as in the continents) idealize east asia where people seem professional and civilized

east asians idealize the americas where people seem warm and friendly

in reality both places suck

probably unconscious things for instance safety, hygine etc are actually great. but many things won't be accepted by foreigners.
lol you succeeded to do it this quickly.
but the latter your dream that is "love Brasil" looks hard. keep it up.

the only thing i like about japan is the convenience store culture. fucking hate when pretty much all stores are closed when i finish evening shift at work.

>He doesn't like in a walking distance from a hypermarket.

>wading through million aisles of shit instead of having a specific pinpoint selection of things you actually need in a compact small store.

What if I need a car tire? An axe? Live carp?

in the middle of the night after 9 hours of work?

Why is latin america so shit? why latin americans come to USA and bring crime and their inferior selfs?

Holy shit are Finns cryptonips?

I view Japan as somewhere i'd like to visit one day, but living there would be a hell no

Just in case.

I went to Japan and it exceeded expectations, now what

I want to kill myself in that forest near Mt Fuji where all the nips go to kill themselves.

christians are not allowed to commit sudoku in aokigahara

is it true that the common japanese have christian style weddings as a norm irrespective of belief?

Not even if I dedicate my death to the honor of your ancestors? Also I'm an atheist not a Christian faggot.


then ok

now you live in and taste how is indigenous culture is weird. it's polar opposite of america
tourism to anywhere itself is interesting already

inb4, Im Japanese.

you're a disappointing countryman

then again it is a disappointing century to be living in this country

curious, however did that phenomenon develop?

Disappointing how? Sorry if I'm not Sup Forums enough for you m8.

shocking, with your manners and edge I presumed that was your haunt

No, certainly not.

it's little more than cosplay. women consider christian style romantic, and it became a norm in part through competition among them (you know, women want to show off their wedding). that said, they usually wear kimono too after the christian style ceremony.

do japanese wear wedding rings as well? most non religious people here prefer the christian wedding ceremony for the more or less same reasons as you stated. and i dont blame them its a nice little event.

>wedding rings

That's sad japan
Dont let the jewish influence take over you
Shinto wedings only

Don't you have a bunch of Japanese people in Brazil?
Maybe you can find a Japantown and live there.

This. Only Europe is great

scourge the Dane with fire and sword!

but mostly fire :D

>american defending his jewish masters
No surprise here

The convenience stores are great. Being able to grab a can of Asahi on every street and walk around in public while consuming it is great.

I want to know what it's like to sex a nipgirl. is she squeaking? is she ashamed or very passive like in the movies?

why would you actively want to hate something? each and everyone of us already has enough anger, hate and resentment in our hearts. what this world needs is certainly not even more unwarranted hate.

A cultura brasileira e GOAT
Tudos os brasilieros que he conocido aquĆ­ sao muito amables e inteligentes


Sup Forums unironically prefers chinks

you are a minority and in the wrong board
