Why is Piper Peri the most perfect girl ever?

Why is Piper Peri the most perfect girl ever?

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Reminder that she agreed to be shot with a nigger

Because she lets us watch her fuck.
Always a plus.

>face like a horse
>gets gangbanged by niggers
>tries to capitalize on her bf murdering her son
perfect in every way

Any girl who accepts nigger dick is the furthest from perfect you can get

>That man face
>That anorexic body
>Look at those tamahawk assbones sticking out like they'll cut your dick off.
Bruh, you have shitty taste. quit watching tranny porn

>shit brown eyes
You fucking retard.


Fuck off, iPhaggot.


>faggot acts like an uncivilized nigger
Typical apple owner.

Can you at least post in the other tranny threads that are up? Why make more?

she's tiny and retarded like a 12 year old, but since she's over 21 it's legal. like fucking a 12 year old without a threat of getting V&

check out the csection scar too, man she's fucking rekt

As far as small whores go, she has fucking nothing on kimmy granger. That bitch is glamorous.

Because you're lonely and spend more time than is necessary watching porn. Just my guess.

Pick up a hobby and meet real girls. Piper Perry is a character played by a paid actress and is in no way representative of what you should expect from real girls or real sexual relationships.

Oh yeah, and clean your fucking room. Ypur parents pay a lot to keep a roof over your head, boy. Have some fucking respect, ya hear?

>on the real though, real girls are much better and provide way more entertainment on way more levels than just sexual. Get out there, op. Probably only have this one lofe to try, right?

She qt3.14


>calls me an ‘iPhaggot’ and uncivilised
>doesn’t even spell faggot correctly
And I didn’t even post a tranny pic.

The fuck?

It's a play on "iPhone", you retarded fucking queer. Nice reddit spacing.

What do you expect from a tranny loving soyboi? They're all liberal shits over there.

>reddit spacing
>not paragraphs
>paragraphs have been used on Sup Forums since it's earliest incarnation
>they're even older than the internet
>but you still call it reddit spacing

Not even the same user, m8. That's just some stupid shit you posted. Also, when one guy calls another guy retarded or gay, it's usually done as a territorial piss dance. As in, it's done to protect something like a sore spot or a hidden fear.

What do you fear? Where do you hurt? Do you really know or do you tell yourself you do in order to sweep it under the rug, like you do with your grasp on paragraphs?

Just some stuff to think about, stranger.

>she thought I would bother reading her post when it's clear she doesn't belong here in the first place

Face is kinda uggo and she's retarded but fuggggg that tiny body makes me absolute diamonds

T-that is okay right g-guise?

>third worlder thinks a sentence is a paragraph
>soyboy armchair psychology routine when faced with indictment
Being raised by single mommy didn't do you any favors.

>someone presnted me with things that make me think but thinking hurts so instead I'll lean on evasive and belittling humor
You're typing volumes about your values, bud. Well, we call them 'values', but yours don't seem to amount to much.

I would be more ok with her if she bleached her ass hole once in awhile.

>more desperate pleas for engagement from an outsider

Piper Peri is just the poor mans Elsa Jean;

>most perfect girl ever

her boyfriend killed her baby and she tried to get donations to make her and her boyfriends life easier


Didn’t she kill her baby because it was retarded or something?

>babies are important and irreplaceable
You're not on facebook right now.

hehehe u must b fast cuz u sound lyk an edgehog

1. No shit it's based on 'iPhone'. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of you calling me uncivilised while miss spelling something

2. I don't use reddit

3. I just wanna post nudes and not have to deal with bullshit

because you have shit taste

Care to share your favorite?

It's perfectly okay, user.

your're allowed to get diamonds over anyone you want

>evading the core of the text in an effort to disprove through distraction
It's your life. You live it without self examination and see where it takes you.

Beleieve it or not, I'm trying to do you a kindness with this neighborly advice.

Some people want to watch the world burn. Others realize how fucking stupid that is. Good luck, user. It's a harsh world out there.

>new kid doesn't realize that calling things edgy is a normie meme they created to try and shame old Sup Forums instead of assimilating

>more desperate pleas for engagement from a homosexual outsider

>more desperate pleas for engagement from a homosexual outsider


>newpal is edgehog


she's not even in the top 10 of tiny blonde porn actresses

>mommy's gonna make extra tendies tonight if i show everyone what a rational altruistic goodboy i am!

12 yo faggot can't read a book cause they don't skip lines
Uses shit excuses tho has absolute no proof.


>looks like a retarded, prematurely-born Elsa Jean
Miss me with that fucking grillface. If I wanted to bust to a barbecue, I'd fap to a Hibachi, not this burn-out with a vagina.

know how i know that you're
>living with mom
>on anti depressants

Sweet double post

Oh, wait

You just copy and pasted the same shit

Enjoy being a "phaggot"

Now I know you're not actually a white person, even though you might have white skin.

She looks like she's 14 going on 40

>more desperate pleas for engagement from a homosexual outsider

Source for the murder?

pretty much this

OP can't decide if he's a pedo or into milfs. Not to mention she's homely as shit.

I mean.. Just imagine being beta enough to have a favorite porn star in the first place, then imagine on top of that it's this uggo

Looks like she has the downs

>out filming nigger gangbang
>leaves boyfriend with kid
>boyfriend shakes kid like a fleshy pinata
>no prizes but a dead kid
>immediately gors on gofund me to raise sympathybux
>keeps filming nigger gangbangs