Where in America is it predominantly white people? I'm a blond hair...

Where in America is it predominantly white people? I'm a blond hair, blue-eyed white guy and I feel like a minority where I live in California. I've come to realize that the majority are mexicans, blacks, and asians. I'm mostly attracted to white women and there are very few of them around here. I feel like people look at me like I'm an outsider and don't belong here.

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Sup Forums

Thats most of america now lol im in northern colorado its all white people some mexicans but chill

move to one of those shitty midwest states

Midwest. And yes, you are an outsider in places like that, let them take over or you're a racist.

>I'm a blond hair, blue-eyed white guy and I feel like a minority where I live in California

bullshit. where in cali do you live? 've lived in both LA and SF and neither made me feel that way.

Anywhere outside of the cities.

Or most of the Pacific Northwest (Portland is pretty damn white, not that I'd want to live there) or far northeast (e.g., Vermont).

What do you mean let them take over. They're just different. Women are 3%+ more of the population than men. Where is your screeching for that?

Kalispell, MT is nice.

>What do you mean let them take over
This is my Elementary school, it was 90% white in the 80s. They move in, we move away. They take over.

florida is shit, and you are shit for living there.

Cali is even more shit and your smart for wanting to leave it, like I left Florida.

59th out of 2100. Not bad for a bunch of beaners.

saw a map on Sup Forums showing % white by state just yesterday.
New England, Mid west and Oregon. Maine was 93% white; best in country.

North county San Diego where i am is all white - excpet for the mexicans who do house/yardwork. Zero (and I mean zero) negroes down here.

Yeah, it's truly uplifting.

Rural Mid-west.

Why is it better with white people? I live in california, yes, in general, niggers suck. But i've never thought " wow, I just want to live in a place filled with white people." White people can get very fucking entitled. When I think of places filled with whites, I think of bumfuck northern states with nothing going on for it anyway. Literally, Look it up.


The only states that are getting "invaded" already had high populations. America is just shit with dense cities.

There are plenty of white women, you are just a beta faggot.

Hey, latino here, dominican specifically (really proud of my roots)
I migrated to the united states just 3 months ago, I live in New Hampshire where there seems to be a lot of white people, and guess what faggots
White american girls are fucking SLUTS holy shit i've never met such slutty women before I didn't even get laid half as much as I get laid with these white girls, it's crazy how much of a bitch they can be in bed
I really have nothing against white people or any other race, but I have something against white racist trash like you faggots, I will now keep FUCKING your girls with more enthusiasm
thanks and have a good night from a latino living the american dream
oh yeah they really really enjoy it when I fuck them, specially deep with my big LATINO dick (do white racist trash like yourselves even have an idea on how to fuck?)
jesus step your game up faggots and grow the fuck out of that 1800s mentality this is a new world, and i'm not even a liberal

pic related, last nude I got from one of those white slutty bitches you guys have here, god bless America indeed
oh yeah I plan on having a lot of fucking children here too and they will have children which will have children
and they all will be
you guys just mad cause we work harder, make money faster and fuck all your women lmao fuck off white trash

I don't plan on letting this thread die so all you racist faggots can read up on this and hopefully one of the girls I've fucked is your wife/gf
btw yes, we study, yes, we get very high

and we are not fat fucks like you white racist trash (only talking about the racist little bitches like yourselves, the rest are cool)
keep eating your mcdonalds while i lift 6 days a week and keep a perfect diet

pic is another white slut i've fucked recently

very high grades*

can someone help me find this video

There's a bunch of towns in upstate NY.

Literally everywhere that isn't a ghetto shithole. There are far too many of you pink faced faggots in my fucking country.

oh and let me tell you something, white racist trash, atleast the ones i've seen are fucking STUPID holy shit what are their iq?
These little bitches have zero fucking culture, all they know is ''america''

College educated white cities. Yep, they’re all closet racists. Low crime. Clean. Forget to lock your door? Eh. Happier, friendlier. Sure, some church-going freaks. Join one. You’ll find some bored mid-thirties soccer mom, who just plays the Christian game. She really wants dick. Oh, that’s right, the town. Lower taxes. Get better houses for the money.

Where exactly in california do you live? You described 3 different parts of 3 different major cities.

Check out rural Iowa, ND, SD, MN, basically the whole Midwest.

>spoiler it's cold as shit.

I was walking down the street to a local market basket the other day and this group of 14-16 year old white little bitches yelled some racist shit at me, I don't even remember what it was and i started walking to them with a mean face on me just to scare them, didn't even take 2 steps for those little bitches to run and scream like 8 year old girls, top kek, these kids will probably watch trap porn and get fucked in the ass everyday, oh man, i really love america, a country where us, HISPANICS, ARE THE MASTER RACE

hell yeah best fucking decision was to move to this country filled with shitty people that you can easily dominate lmao

Hispanic are totally the new world's new master race

>hard workers
>big dicks, most of them are in shape
>know how to clean shit without paying a mexican woman to clean
>More cultured, mentally tougher and healthy people in general than white american trash racists
>90% of the time do better at college than white trash because they have a higher wish for success
>better women, yes, in every aspect
and the rest you already know, after all you are all just jealous lmao

Prove me wrong racist pieces of shit, i'll take any of you in a fist fight if you want too, just hit me up with your kik if you're around NH, would love to beat up a racist piece of shit

Goddammit Pedro put your phone down and pick my strawberries.

Sorry Kyle, I'm busy doing my electrical engineering physics homework, how about you let go of your dick and type with both hands

Next on Things that didn't happen

Rural Minnesota. Most of the Midwest is majority German, if you want majority blond, you'll want MN because everyone's Swedish.
Just avoid the Twin Cities like the plague.

Racist toward white people, calls them racist... And why the fuck did you post Mushashi?

You mad whiteboy?


I stated in my first post that I'm not racist, I have nothing against white people, but I DO have everything against racist white trashy people
I just dont want the thread to die yet, posting any pic I find first

Oh and it's Musashi


Look, yet another enraged mad white racist 16 year old little bitch

I'm a Mexican and I discriminate you.

Either OP is gone,
or he was Pedro over here the whole time.

Naciste en Estados Unidos?

Sht the fuck up imma knife


Yet another edge fag fishing for cheap (yous)

Can confirm
I don't live in N. County and there is still very few and the ones you do see are more likely to be hipsters than ghetto.

That doesn't even makes sense, according to what i've stated in my previous posts, see what I mean about the stupidity and literal trash that's in the mind of people like you?

Has a white guy in Southern California I have to say is suck it up, buttercup. Why are you such a pussy? Why do you care? Live your fucking life and don’t be a cunt.


You know how you can use your thumb to stimulate current direction and your fingers will point the direction of the induced magnetic field?

Good now shove your brown, shit colored thumb up your shitty ass and fuck off. Mexicans literally have the dirtiest elbows too, I was fucking this dumb bean whore and her elbows looked like Fred Flintstone feet. Barf.

(Sorry for typo. What I meant to write was...)

As a white guy answers in California all I have to say is...

I'm not even brown lmao i'm a pale, green eyed, golden haired hispanic male

Also i'm not mexican, I'm Dominican

You shit skins are all the same to me.

you're fucking nasty for fucking a bitch like that

Wow you must really be jealous, why is it so hard to live your own fucking life and don't mind other people, take care of your family and stop wasting time being racist on the internet you fucking white racist trash

take me on a fist fight and let's see if you're so tough fag

Here let me break it down for you barny style since you have a literal sub-human level of intelligence. You are a faggot, and you're trying to bait people who are "racist" into talking shit because your life is so fucking pathetic you have to talk tough on an image board probably because mommy never loved you enough. You are the literal embodiment of cancer, fucking kill yourself.

Go to bed Carlos, if you ever want to be a good little wage cuck for your white boss who hired you to meet his diversity goals, you're going to need a good night's sleep

I were middle class in Mexico I would call you filthy nigger. That's what you are taking table scraps off the left and moving the white flight to cowtown.

Be grateful you're not starving like my friends in Venezuela. Please stop using my rhetoric and all white things. Everything that is Italian or Mexican. European American everything. You and incision are always going to be filthy niggers and witchdoctors. Not even going after Cubans or Mediterranean Latinos. In going after your spic Indian ass from different tribes siding with Jews left communists and niggers and the other filthy niggers that gringo'd Italian Americans and mafia with your baboon asses.

Stop associating your nigger shit with my colonia roma where human beings live decent lives.

Idk if I agree or not because I can't decipher that, but you called the idiot filthy nigger so I think I'm into it.

Upper Peninsula Michigan

>posts an asian

This guy is literal cancer

My life is fucking amazing at this point, the only bad part is college and work, hard to keep up along with the gym but still i get excellent grades
My mother, RIP, was there every second of my life and took great care and raised me as a man of good and culture, unlike your drunk exmilitary racist father who probably fucked your sister and beat you up every other day

I'm having a fucking blast in this thread, laughing hard rn

I came to the US on a scholarship on a pretty decent college beacause of my all A's history in both school and college, i don't even need to work, i study full time but I do some work on the side just to have more money on my pocket, nice try Tyler

I can't understand this shit sorry pal

Nobody cares about your grades. You're here to alleviate left wing white guilt. You are nothing special. You will only be used by white people to meet their beaner quota.

Samefagging that's what Brazil is for. You're gonna shit yourself when the barbarians gun you really fucking ugly for all your univision shit and taking a nasty Indian from 3rd world shit on everything Latinos have built.

There's nothing you can do for your savagery and ignorance just kiss Caesar's pimp ring and keep your distance from white people. Have some respect for yourself and your nigger poverty. You are at the mercy of the empire. Don't believe the nigger shit

West Virginia is a good start

Alright racist faggots have a good night i'm leaving now, I had some great laughs tonight
Hopefully you make a racist post everyday for me to fuck it up (like your wives)

>not sure if want.

Gay niggers from outer space


No it's not faggot

>Look at me I am great
>I go to the gym
>I go to school
>I go to the gym
>mommy did a good job raising me
>I post racist shit against other people on the internet
>fight me irl
>never been in a real fight
>never trained in martial arts
>on Sup Forums b8ting
>I'm not a total faggot
>It's okay I'm a good person

Did you eat your mommy after you killed her?

Don't lie, you're going to kill yourself because you can't come out as gay to you best friend you want to suck off faggot.

Overcome racism.

double dubs for truth

There are really poor people from Hispanic countries that are frowned upon in their own countries for being thieves and being rude. They are dirty and ignorant and prone with domestic violence and drunkenness. They are frowned upon socially like white trash is frowned upon. You call them "mexicans" or "latinos" but you really mean something something acting like a so if that you don't really know from knowing them in their own countries speaking the same language. There are nigger huts like in Africa with the really bad music where they practice witchcraft this is where most of me 56% amerimutts come from. Your drug dealer that sells weed but you don t ask if he's hispanic? 100% yerberia guarana

Stop discriminating in reverse Mexicans that work hard and whites. Targeting Mexicans according to anti white discrimination. And notice that shit from your "alpha males" and "white" people.

As a Latino and a Mexican I judge them to be filthy niggers. They get the same if not better Italian pass I get. They come from a fucking banana and beans bamboo hut.

Filthy niggers. American niggers bitch ass peanut butter and jelly little shit overfed overstocked overroided cattle.

Im also Mexican and he wasnt being racist you fucking pendejo. Go back to your shitty islands with your faggot ass accent


Boulder, CO is 99.9999% white, and 0.0001% tibetanish. Traveled there for business, and I saw only 1 black person, in well over 2 weeks.

Hands down Montana. It's incredibly rare to see black/brown ppl anywhere. You may see a few Indians here and there, and if you hate Canadians, it isn't for you. But whites are the majority.

move someplace cold, the colder it is, the whiter it is

Washington and Oregon, Idaho, all of the Canadian border states east through Minnesota. Utah and Northern Nevada. Also northern Colorado, western Kansas, South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska

Maine. More black bears than black people.

>mfw whites stopped being a plurality five years ago in California.
Trust me. Walk into a fast food restaurant in the northwest and you’ll be shocked that there are no wetbacks behind the counter.

Yeah, this one of the few benefits of living in California. Except for concentrated areas like Oakland, the Inland Empire, and parts of LA County, California is relatively nigger-free.

He's not Mexican.

>He replied as he posted a degenerate anime photo

You deserve the Arabs and chinks. You do nothing about your niggers.

I'm not even gonna adress Mexican Americans and Latinos. You do nothing about Asia or your former slaves.

Maine and Vermont. New Hampshire, but away from the coast.