>tfw Indian

Is India the most cucked country in the world? Since 4000BC India has only won a single war, that too against it's own descendent (Pakistan).
>invaded by Aryans
>invaded by Greeks
>invaded by Scythians
>invaded by Arabs
>invaded by Turks
>invaded by Afghans
>invaded by Mongols
>invaded by Persians
>invaded by Portuguese
>invaded by French
>invaded by British
>invaded by Pakistan
>have 63 different separatist movements who don't want to be Indian any more
>1/4 of the country faces a Maoist insurgency that wants to topple the Indian state

Please tell me there is another nation this beta.

Other urls found in this thread:


Almost forgot
>invaded by Chinese

Omega countries

Alpha countries

Beta Countries

Gamma countries

Nuked countries
Bikini Atoll

Completely forgot about the Naxalites.

>tfw most alpha country in the world
>tfw invaded by everyone
>tfw either kicked ass/took names OR made the invading force's stay extremely unpleasant, promoting them to leave
>tfw to top it off on OP's list
Feels good

India is a unique place in that it's very un-homogeneous. There is no such thing as a "Indian", "Hindustani", or "Pakistani" in a very ethnic sense. Let's take for instance, Japan, it's a very homogeneous place and usually being Japanese is synonymous with being of a similar disposition and race as your country men. Let's take a look at India, what is India? You have Punjabi, Kashmiri, Tamil, Gujjars, Pashtuns, Parsi, Turk(Mughal), and etc.

There is no such thing as an Indian and the reason why India is so shit in the 21st century is that India was never properly unified, it was always seen as some place to exploit and rape. Even though India has a ton of natural resources.

tldr; You are retarded if you take pride in being a Indian and not your race, if your Indian.

>this entire post

khodkoshi kon bachem

Hello, Pashtun brother.


>Got rekt by Mongols
>Got rekt by Babur
>Got rekt by Nadir Shah
The fuck you are on about?

>Babur is known as the conquerer of India
>tfw he hated India and loved Kabul

"Pull out your swords and slay anyone that says Pashtun and Afghan are not one! Arabs know this and so do Romans: Afghans are Pashtuns, Pashtuns are Afghans!"

>wrecked by mongols

Nations are a man made concept anyway. The only thing that matters is you as an individual. Most nations feel like they have forced cohesion.

>The Mongols caught up with him on the banks of the Indus and defeated him what in now referred to as the Battle of Indus.

Yeah, he got BTFO cause he lost the Afghan lashkar support.

So you can't even speak Persian?

Bachem, khodkoshi kon.

I like big pestoons.

>Kid, Kill yourself?

Yes. "My son, kill yourself".

>Nations are a man made concept anyway.

And yet seeing them as a unifying factor of our society led to toilets.

You should try it out.

>khusru, my son, you are man now

Have you guys ever won a war?


Pathetic attempt at banter t.bh. Just mentioning toilets out of context doesn't make it funny. Lurk more and learn from Aussie shitposters.

What if you were wholly Islamic, would things have been different

AWFUL post!

Nope. Look at Pakistan.

I would say the problem lies in people being too religious, not the religion itself.
If India was Islamic, the retarded underclass would burn women at stake, stone adulterers and enforce shariah.

Pakistan is relatively new, when did they convert?

It began in the 8th century

This, pretty much

India invented poo and pooing

Invaded by Aryans? You must be Drawidi, aren't you?

and Finns started eating it and called it mammi

>the retarded underclass would burn women at stake,
They do it anyway to widows after their husbands die.

What is the Indian consensus on Bangladesh?