Dubs chooses how i respond

dubs chooses how i respond

Want to play a game? Make a thread on Sup Forums and let people pick how to reply to me. I'll do the same by telling them to "roll dubs" to pick a response. Let's see what our conversation will turn into.


"You wanna put a little fucking effort into the conversation or should i just rape you, you dumb little whore?"

She lost interest in you the moment you opened the conversation with "heyy". Just fuck with her now. You're not going to get anywhere with her.

Holy shit, your conversation start is autistic.

I love you

"i'm just chillin" kys, idk why I am so triggered by it

rest in piece

Same fag.

In my experience this is the quickest way to make a girl stop talking to you.

this one.

op here “i love you” it is gimme a sec

say hi is now autistic


we are waiting, OP

you have red hair, I hope you're not a feminist or otherwise I would have to rape then kill you

I bet you feel nice

oh yes

not hi, but the way he says "just chilling"
1. our of nowhere
2. phrase itself is sad

Ignore this

lol, you have to send this op.

No, it's dubs he has to post it.

hwy listen. i really like you, allow me to buy you dinner or take you out somewhere

op is confirmed gay

suck my tiny hair peepee mommy

this is gonna be a long message



Why start this thread OP? Fuck off

im so lit right now

okay okay okay, ugh

no you send each one after she replies, stupid

these are all due. in their appropriate order.

However this ends, you die tonight motherfucker.

Dude. I rock. SAY IT OP. DO IT!

op here on second thought im a faggot op and will pull trhough on another tinder hoe

op bitched it. why even make these threads if they arent gonna follow through

its been 13 mins, op has abandoned us

itachi was not that bad after all


Ok out. Sorry guys. Too far.

Fuck off

Eat a dick


Your crotch smells like a gym sock




Would you like to go out for drinks sometime?

you're a real faggot if you cuck out of this one


Looks like op is just a faggot