My cat just died, i miss him guys

My cat just died, i miss him guys.


Just remember it's just a cat.
You can buy a new one and it'll be exactly the same, like replacing your dishwasher

I know the feeling man, I'm sorry for your loss.


i luv u buddy

Now he stay with jesus

it's gonna be ok

Sorry user. How old was he? post a pic

Today it's your cat but one day, very very much sooner than you think, it'll be someone you love dearly. One by one everyone you love is going to die and it will only stop when it's your turn. God bless.

4 years old.

Pet sematary, dude. Find yourself some cursed Indian burial ground. Shit.

Damn user sorry to hear that.

Damn bro that sucks :(

Thats young :(

My cat died about 4 years ago and i still miss him

Post the fucking pic

How did he die OP? Did you fuck it?

He died of acute kidney failure, was hospitalized for a week but he lost the battle. Shit went so fast.

you'll be fine. it's not any different than an ant you accidentally squished. you only feel empathy because it was a mammal and had fur.

That's way too young for a cute guy like him.

Sorry OP. Mine had feline leukemia since I rescued him and we never knew it. He died two weeks ago, was two years old. Sudden as a fucking heart attack. Dogs are great but cats are just chill.

RIP to your catbro, he's in a better place.

I'm sorry man, I know it's hard. My heart's goes out to you man.

If you don't forget him it'll be more than he could appreciate.

As long as he made you a happier person, he will have been a good friend. And you to him.

Sorry about your boy user. He looks like a good cat. Mine dies a little less than a year ago. He had the diabetus.

I'm sorry OP. Mine died a few months ago from cancer. He was 14 years old and probably wouldn't survive treatment so I had to have him euthanized. For two weeks after that I was a wreck, seeing him out of the corner of my eye and expecting him to jump into my lap at any moment. The grief is normal, just let it take it's course.

This was on 1st January 2017, thanks for all kind words, means a lot to me.

My condolences. Cats are the best friends to have.

My little guy sensed it and just meowed at me. I'll pet him for you bud. Hope you gave him a good life.

I had a sorry for you. :(

i'm real sorry, bud. your kitty was very loved as were you.

Ur kitty will b remberd!


Lol your cat hated you so much it chose hell over spending one more moment in your presence. I bet it has no regrets.

Sorry to hear user. I've always been surprised how much the death of a cat affects me. I would recommend getting another one. But you'll never have the same cat twice. Each one is unique and some have very dynamic personalities.

fuck you faggot i hope you die a slow, painful death
sorry, OP. I had to put down my young cat (was also 4yo) last year and it has sucked. He was my best friend. Time heals all wounds...but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

shit man wtf this is deep

If you provided him a loving, safe home, with food and attention, then you provided him with a good life.

same. friday, 8 years.

i sat there as he purred and i cried. he was breathing heavily and just slipped out. lucky bastard.


sorry man

Sorry Sup Forumsro I've lost cats in the past too. I'll give mine a hug and think of how lucky I am. She's almost 14 and still crazy active luckly

My condolences, OP. I lost my first dog a few years back. That was rough. I feel your pain.


Shit like this makes me realize my cat is getting old. She turns 8 this September.