Danielle thread

Danielle thread

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Fuck off

Isn't she out of the media now?

mods; also i hate this bitch, i live in the same town she came out of and honestly hope she dies

i'd still fap to her

ok pedo

the only faggots who start these threads are the underage losers who thought she was funny when she still was having her 15 seconds of "fame"

hey dude im in delray lets meet up tomorrow at noon at the salt water brewery on military and atlantic. be there or be a faggot.

too bad she is so niggafied..



i have a fetish for jewish and italian girls and she fills both quotas. now all i have to do is become a famous black rapper and she'll have sex with me.

But then you will have a stinky penis and AIDS.

she might have have the titties of a 21 year old but she's still very much 14 mentally

>implying 95% of women aren't 14 mentally regardless of age

its a price im willing to pay to lay with bhad bhabbie

What a shit thread, actually post the bitch or let this thing die

I have a feeling I'm going to cum soon

what is she doing what is going on in this video? why is she gesturing like that?

probably lipsynching like a lot of insta-thots like to do


i hope she doesn't take birth control. i was reading that can have long term fertility effects and i want bhabbie to be very fertile when i take her away to our farm in montana to live a quiet life together.

Nice feet too

yeah but why. why do they do this? what is the psychology behind it?

Fucking losers. MODS!!!


Halia Beamer is better

She's going on a world tour...you losers might have a chance to smell her shortly before her giant nigger bodyguards remove your genitals.


she looks like a fucking koi fish

This thread has been reported. Not even joking.

time to evacuate i guess


Reported for declaring report, faggot. Enjoy your ban

It's called having an appreciation of music you absolute sperg

Filming it is being an attention whore.

You have been reported for false reporting a report.


Your mother has been reported for giving birth to a faggot like you


Reported. I'm not even joking.

>false reporting a report.

Enjoy being banned for abusing the report system

Guys this just made me cum, wtf


I've just reported you too for reporting a report which caused a report war. Consider yourself reported.

nobody else posting?

Don't fucking bring her up here faggot. We have enough trouble with nutsacks who think they are important coming here to buy "ranches." Take her to North Dakota, you will both fit in perfectly there.

she's keeping her tits in the picture, which shows she knows why everyone is watching her stupid shit.

Not long till her nudes show up


world tour of what, exactly?

Reported for reporting.

her catch phrase

>catch me outside, how about that?

its what made her famous. she goes on stage says it and then some asian bitch gets on the mike and they loop it into the asian bitch rhymes

yes, but that tacky belly piercing is horrible.

you're all worshipping a dirty nigger

dont worry I'll tame her. she'll be a chaste church-goer yet.

>on Sup Forums
>has contact with girls...ever

yeah bud, i bet your hand is on your cock right now lol

>thinking everyone on Sup Forums is an incel
it's a meme bud, you're the only one here

Before she got all big and famous, i paid her to do a soles video for me. I fap to it almost daily still.

People who appear in porn videos either continue to do porn videos, stop doing porn videos to do other things or are dead.

And yet, it seems anons everywhere have their minds blown when this truth is confirmed to them.

according to the government she is not ready for sex.

she got fucking destroyed by RiceGum

according to the government she is ready for jail, herself

You guys do realize she's also a recording artist right?

>watches rice gum


according to the laws of nature she was ready for sex 2 years ago

which is 2 years after she started having it


yeah i watch ricegum, is that a problem?? *pushes you* Youre probably just jealous because he makes 10x more money than you.

*glomps on you to save others from being pushed* HEY xD stop it or else!!?! Mkai??


**teleports behind you** its not personal kid

with me

*clenches fist and growls making you back away* i can tell youre mocking me, and I would advise against mocking me again, because there will be consequences

i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?

i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?


>he makes 10x more money than you.
ten times zero, is still zero, user

shut up, you know what i mean kid *eye twitches signifying my frustration* keep being a smartass and youll regret it

S-sorry about that *glups loudly* it won’t happen again sir *sits submissively near your leg*

Can't believe I'm jerking off for this

youtu.be/IKqV7DB8Iwg thread theme song


*bulge starts to grow slightly, showing my confidence* the ground is where you should be stupid peasant *smirks*

ive already getted it started bc ive had sex with bhabbie like, 4 times

what does it smell like?

sorry but we're focused on another underage minor please find another thread


*rubs your bulge over your pants* yes master

Yeah but I won't post it

should be illegal for 13/14 year old girls to be this fuckin fire. holy shit id do anything to have 1 night with her

trips i'll post hd video link

where the dani pics

Shut the fuck faggot I lived 10 minutes away from where Jessi Slaughter lived.

Shitty rap and swearing.

you're all kinds of special aren't you?