Hey Sup Forumsros, how does it feel to literally have less dick than your uncircumcised cousins

Hey Sup Forumsros, how does it feel to literally have less dick than your uncircumcised cousins.

Pic related.

i really dont give a fuck, i didnt ask for it to happen so there's really no use feeling bad about it

I got circumcised when I was older. Foreskin was overrated.

How does it feel to have autism?

"Willingly gets dick mutilated"


Ooh look at this, two autistic faggots spotted. Uncut btw,,

>willingly gives dick a beneficial body modification

fix'd. I thought you guys were probably choice, not literal foreskin worshippers.

Pro choice*, silly autocorrect

No they're pro trolling

What's beneficial from sacrificing nerve endings just because some beta can't clean his dick. Pro choice all the way, doesn't mean there isn't a WRONG one though. Just following jewish and cultural idiosyncratic beliefs is bad enough, you gotta break away from that stigma.

Counter argument should be

"You gotta break away from that smegma"

But Sup Forums isn't that clever now, is it?

>having your dick drying up and losing all sensibility
>mfw he fell for the (((male genital mutilation))) meme

Ever notice how it's the nation that never stops whining about "Da Joos" and "Da Mooslims" that literally form an orderly line to let Joo and Mooslim docs snip the end of their son's cock off?

Funny, huh?

What's funny about using the word literally unironically?

I don't have any male cousins
but I am pissed that my parents had me cut

I don't care what grown up men do to their own bodies, but doing this shit to infants is barbaric and primitive and should be outlawed.
t. Jew

Oh, sorry for not conforming to your imaginary rules on language - I stick to dictionary definitions and couldn't give a fuck about shitcunts like you, so that's where the confusion comes from.

You're precious, you know that?

It is being outlawed in Iceland for precisely those reasons.

Okay, there Sparky - enjoy your mutilated Jew-wang.

Hey I'm just as unhappy about it as you are.

Denial much? lol

Dont even suggest I have any relation to those cut jews

Edit, those who got cut are fine but fuck why put your children through that?

Yes I am 100% in denial about my circumsized penis.

Furthermore, I understand you're really into arguing for arguments sake, but cmon. Sparky is exactly what they called you in middle school.

The only people I have ever met that prefer uncircumcised men are gay guys. Never have I ever met a single female that likes them.

So congrats on your fag magnet, Eurotrash.

>Never have I ever met a single female

ftfy, fuckcheese

"FTFY is not a misspelling of “fifty.” It stands for “fixed that for you,” and is frequently deployed when Redditors fix each others' typos"



how's it feel to literally last half as long as your circumcised bros and never be able to satisfy a woman?

ahhh the worm dicks are at it again.

>mutilating his own body in order to satisfy women
Are all cut fags really this bitter about having a deformed penis?


>jew meme
kys my man and go fuck your pocket pussy before bed

my cousins are circumcised too. lol. also, why do you care so much about other anons dicks? you are trying too hard to change people's perceptions of uncircumcised penises. are you really that insecure? sorry man :(

it must have really affected you bad when a chick thought your uncut dick was nasty. who cares man, it's your dick. embrace it or you will never have the confidence for a women to embrace your dick too. lol anyway good luck to you OP

kek do you know what deformed means? its funny how al you uncut fags get so butthurt about this topic. do you ever see circumcised guys posting threads about uncut dicks? no. probably because they are too busy getting it sucked and fucking girls since they dont want your extra skin flap.

does anyone have the link to pic related?

Your defect doesn't make you "superior" to anyone, mate, it makes you a cripple.

Enjoy your eternal mark of subordination to the jews, loser.

bretty bad, would have preferred if my parents didn't get me cut


lol. you're so insecure it's sad. why do you care so much about other dudes dicks? but thanks i'll enjoy it but not as much as my girlfriend, she worships my "deformed" dick. i understand why you uncut fags are so angry, most of the girls in the states and canada find foreskin repulsive and gross, i'd be pissed too. So don't hate on us because of society.

oh yeah enjoy your eternal mark of virginity. clearly if you are this angry you've been made fun of for it or had a girl leave when she took her pants off. I've heard a lot of stories like that :/ sorry bud. good luck out there.

>have less dick

If your're reaching that far to say your dick is bigger than someone else's, your dick is probably pretty small

Every girl I've talked to about this that prefers the look of uncut dicks has told me that cut dicks are better in every other way since they typically smell and feel better while also lasting considerably longer.