Remember when Disney made a song about a guy want to have sex a gypsy girl?

Remember when Disney made a song about a guy want to have sex a gypsy girl?

Disney was fucked up

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He did nothing wrong

This. She was a teasing whore.

>have sex

"rape" user, what he wanted to do was rape

Reminder that in the actual Hunchback of Notre Dame the gyppo lady gets burned at the stake, the hunchback finds her remains in the crypt, and he dies mourning her in the crypts.

>suck my dick or I will burn you alive and murder all of your people

he was a good friend

it was rape

Gyppos aren't even human

Still less sad to me than:
>hunchback does everything right and saves the day
>still doesn't get the girl, because Heaven's Light was true all along

Best version?

Tell me you wouldn't.

The original Victor Hugo novel was far worse and Frollo was the archdeacon which made everything way more morbid. Also, Phoebus wasn't the good guy at all. He was actually a real dick. So Disney made the story a lot more childfriendly in many ways.

>just be yourself bro!

>tfw I know that feel

It hurts.


You just need confidence bro

He just picked the wrong girl

>tfw tall, /fit/ and good-looking

How does it feel knowing I defile your oneitis and proceed to dump her lack a sack of shit?

>implying i have a oneitis
>implying i know any girl

overweight manlet detected

>implying I have that beta shit
The first girl who eats my ass without me asking her too is the one for me

lmao when the angle changes and u see hes only a meter away from them making out

I could relate to this until he didn't start masturbating to them at the end.

How did they not hear him pole dancing and tearing a fucking playing card


this is a place people come to have fun and experience joy

>tore up a ace of hearts card
what did he mean by this?

git gud scrubs

They hang her. Burning to death would be more enjoyable though.

Ironically French is one of the worst ones

Czech, German, Hebrew were neat

Polish has way too any syllables

Ah that's right. Yeah, I guess hanging would help the hunchback identify her body, huh? I always fuck it up. But still, pretty dark story for a Disney movie kek.


you totally didn't catch these references in your favorite movies as a kid! wow so wacky and crazzyyy woaah rememeber when that character had big boobs??? that's crazy!

Lots of Didney movies have dark originals. I think the original Sleeping Beauty actually got raped.

no, he wanted to rape her while she smiled or he would burn her alive.