Ash vs Evil Dead 2

Do you like it more than season 1?

Season one was trash, so yes.

They fucked up when they showed what the pov monster looks like

Season one was actually funny, though. Now it's really just about how can we go?

episode 1 of seaosn 1 was great, then it dropped immediately, not bad but a step down from how it started.

enjoying season 2 more so far, couple episodes behind now though.

it is tendy t hate s1, eventough it was awesome.

probably raimi/AoD fanboys ( ) b/c s2 has more AoDish slapstick humor.

...I actually haven't seen the original movies, just the show, so not a fanboy.

just a big ol' pleb!


They did that in ED2 though

More go and action. But the story is more shit though.

I only watch because I like Kelly.

>implying that was even its final form

random people and objects being possessed by a nameless presence >>>> a known bad guy with goals and a weak spot

>It's an interesting character is introduced and immediately dies episode

Loved both seasons, preferring 2 to 1 for shit like Ash's dad, demon car, and Kelly becoming a give no shits terrorist.

I like them about the same.
They didn't, the POV device was up to Ash when he noticed something far off behind. Two separate things.

>pov monster
where do you get that's a monster? it's as invisible evil force instead, the dust was just there to know.. see that invisible force


The pilot is literally the only good episode and the only one that felt anything like evil dead

>Kelly becoming a give no shits terrorist.

I still want a scene with her a lucy lawless lez out.

Lucy Flawless

Yes, it's a lot more focused and it actually feels like they planned the episodes ahead.
Season one felt like they only wrote the first and last episode and filled everything in between with directionless storylines.
That army base episode was shit

She went through a LOT.

I hate this meme
