Muh Lybian

Why do actors have to be such whiny faggot leftists?

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He's right. Do you honestly think the left is going to give up? We are going to fight you on EVERYTHING you try to put into place. Enjoy the next 4 years, because that's all you're gonna get.

He just a nigger with a dictionary

Cool terrorist avatar

It's funny how they don't even seem to realize that if the electoral college tires any shit it will literally end with civil war.

Not even memeing.

But the Republicans control all three sectors of government now.

Enjoy 4 years of unending fillerbuster.

Look up what senators are up for reelections in the midterms smartass.

Democrats can block Trump for maybe two years tops.

Midterms always swing against the incumbent. Only exception was 2002 cause of 9/11.

Enjoy the dem explosion in 2018 where we take the house and senate. Even IF Trump wins in 2020, he will NEVER see anything go through.

>Mandela was a terrorist
>fighting for your people and your rights make you a terrorist

Cuck detected

Another one goes on the list.

I might as well give up on pop culture. I refuse to give money to people who hate me.

Why do people use twitter

Maybe if it was in contradiction to the popular vote. But it's a legit constitutional outcome.

Actors have always been despicable honourless creatures. There's a reason the romans saw them on par with prostitutes.

>just got cucked hard
>STILL thinks him and his cuck party can't be beat
Trump's first 100 days are gonna be glorious. While the republicans have control of the senate and congress he'll be able to get through all sorts of shit. Plus he'll put a conservative in the supreme court. You can try to act smug but we all know you're actually crying.

Nothing is going to happen, and in 2018 you lose everything. Enjoy your 100 days of nothing, and then 3 years of NOTHING.

wait did nelson mandellas name change to jeffery wright?!?!?! damn it cern you have gone to far

>Trump will never beat Jeb Bush
>Trump will never beat Marco Rubio
>Trump will never beat Ted Cruz
>Trump will never beat Hillary Clinton

Snoop supports Trump why can't every other black celebrity?

I used to bully a kid in middle school with that same name. He picked his nose and ate it, farted in class, and tried to start shit with everybody.

I signed it.
My name is Genital Warts and I'm from Harare, Zimbabwe.

A vote is a vote, but fillerbustering can go on for an entire presidency. Enjoy it.

>people aren't allowed to express political opinions

I'll enjoy laughing at your whining for the next four years.


This is the first time Republicans had control of all three branches since 1938.

you mean enjoy the next 2 years because that's how long until Republican Super Majority

Democrats always have a bad midterm and you guys have the most seats up for reelection

>"this will be the end of Trump's campaign!" says increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year

Has the electoral voting system been ever challenged before?
If not then why now?

they are funded by the jew, goyim.....

>he doesn't realize Trump is going to go full Caesar on your ass

>implying he's expressing a harmless political opinion
If he was just acting angry about Trump winning I wouldn't care. However, this "FUCK DEMOCRACY, THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE NEEDS TO CHANGE ITS VOTE" bullshit is some of the stupidest and whiniest shit I've ever seen the democrats pull. They deserve to be relentlessly roasted for being so incredibly retarded and pathetic.

>Obama years
>Trump years
>Haha, thank god for filibuster

>I can be an asshole and stall the gobenments, but not the dirty libs

Okay Mr. White

I must have missed that time when conservatives rioted on the streets because their candidate didn't win the election.

>act like a smug piece of shit throughout this entire election
>get BTFO
>whine like a pathetic cuckold

You did, because they fucking did.

>Republican Super Majority

you'll have to explain that to them

cnn and msnbc haven't told them what to think about that yet


The electoral college is allowed to vote for whoever they want. If the same percentage of people, a majority, that voted for Hillary sign the petition, shouldn't the voters listen?

Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a filibuster if you are... unable to speak?

Cry the fuck more. You're racist Mr. Cheeto is gonna get fillerbustered to death. Enjoy the ride.

Do you honestly think anyone outside of your hugbox is even listening anymore?


Don't you remember all the teatards?

>anyone on the internet in any country in the world can sign the petition
Totally the same as the American vote, faggot.

No, I don't remember them rioting at all.

>implying I'm the one crying
I'm laughing at you and all of the other libcucks. You're the one who can't stop crying. Keep deluding yourself into thinking Trump won't accomplish anything.

And this is no different. Except that the tea is most likely organic. And free trade.

You are an idiot, they don't have a super majority because they don't have 60 senate seats. Which is required for cloture.

They could remove the cloture rule in an up and down senate vote but it is generally agreed that both sides refuse to use that option.

One party rule never lasts long and each is afraid of retribution from the other

>rioting once
How pathetic do you have to be to call that shit a riot?

Why do people hate Trump so much? he just wants to punish criminals.

Oh wait... the left is mostly criminals

About as much as Obama. The fillerbuster is real.
Really gonna make Trump not be able to do shit.

Filibuster ain't shit, they have the supreme court.

>necklacing civilians makes you a freedom fighter

Are these 3 million all people who actually voted?

>the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims
Sounds literally like what Mandela did, and why he ended up in prison. Of course if you're black and end up in prison, you didn't do nothing and white man is oppressing you, so of course he's innocent.

>your people
Kinda racist isn't it?

>hillary in jail


Mr. Cheeto isn't gonna do shit after he talked her up and said she ran a great campaign. Fuck off.

>Implying any nomination gets confirmed.

I think we should let the people decide in 2020 who gets the supreme court

>Why do actors have to be such whiny faggot leftists?
>implying my boy Clint is a whiny faggot leftist

It's a petition you dumb fuck. You have to put your name and address

Oh really? When was that? Didn't happen either time Obama won. During Obama's first term there were the Tea Party protests but those protests were just a bunch of harmless old people standing around with signs. There wasn't any violence or looting at those protests.

>feminist symbol invokes the image of being fisted
what did they mean by this?

>During Obama's first term there were the Tea Party protests but those protests were just a bunch of harmless old people standing around with signs
>never happened
>just admitted it did

Trump's presidency is that one of it being controlled by the people around him.
Establishment republicans will undo all the things Obama has done for the past 8 years, i.e. Obamacare is the first thing to be gutted and renamed.
He won't build the wall, and he can't "lock her up". He can speed up deportations, but Obama has already been the pioneer for the most deportations of any president.

Republicans have 54 seats, 2018 midterms are looking like a disaster for Dems already

Democrats have 23 seats up for reelection compared to Republicans that have 8

Please explain to me how they're not going to get blown the fuck out in 2018

>implying the GOP likes Trump
>implying they don't just see him as a useful idiot
>implying they won't look at his proposals, laugh, and toss them in the trash

You can't filibuster Supreme Court nominations. The was something the Democrats passed in Obama's first two years.

Actually they have 25 seats because the 2 independents caucus with Demos

2018 is a nightmare for the left waiting to happen

pretty much as on point for the majority as anything i've seen

>cannot into reading comprehension

Normally I'd say these people need to suck it up and accept what happened. However, since before the election, Trump said he would not agree to accept the outcome, so him and his supporters whining now is pretty hypocritical.

SJWs are literally so triggered by people expressing an opinion different than their own they can't tell the difference between a peaceful protest and a riot.

>implying the GOP likes Trump

implying the gop is relevant outside of the useful tools of the trump administration

you really don't understand what happened do you?

You question has nothing to do with cloture or the senate but it answer it.

Because you are no longer the change candidate you are the system. You have to govern well and deliver on promises.

They have to be real because you control legislative and executive branches.

even a single failure on policy is the perfect weapon to wield against trump and the gop. there are already talks that mitch wont let shit like term limits get pass the senate.

>Please explain to me how they're not going to get blown the fuck out in 2018
It all depends on how well Trump does.
If his administration is a disaster, people will most likely blame Republicans for "letting it happen" and vote Democrat. That's how FDR won the presidency in 1932, people decided to blame Republicans for the Depression (which they obviously weren't responsible for).

>grasping at straws

Enjoy the fillerbusters!

The GOP looks at Trump as an empty vessel. Easily persuaded, and manipulated. I'm sure they're eager to work with him, considering they literally have all branches of govt, and can essentially make the Supreme Court conservative for a lifetime.

they control congress and will likely control the supreme court, dipshit

they'll control all legislation that gets passed

That's only because Obama redefined 'deportations' to mean Mexicans caught and turned away at the border, retard.

You guys are in favor of the apartheid so Mandela was literally worse than Hitler, especially because Hitler was actually a cool guy but the jewish conspiracy control all the historic records

Are you so stupid you didn't understand the part of the sentence where I specified the Tea Party was harmless? The differences between NOT MY PRESIDENT protesters and Tea Party protesters is gigantic. NOT MY PRESIDENT protesters beat the shit out of people, destroy property and shout down everyone who disagrees with them. Tea Party protesters were just old folks standing on a green with an anti-Obama sign.


Republican voters always dominate the midterms because young people never vote

Repubs aren't going to rebuke Trump within 2 years

those who fail to remember history are condemned to repeat it


I'm also pretty sure Meme Lord voted Trump.

Keep those liberal tears coming. They're delicious.

Mandela obliterated South Africa and sent it into a rolling genocide that continues to this day and in return we all jerk off over his memory.

Fuck him.

There is literally nothing in that country that has become better. EVERY South African, white or black, leads shorter, poorer, more violent, more diseased, less educated lives since that fuck stick took power.

There absolutely no way Hillary will be sent to prison though. There are no legitimate grounds for that to even play out.

It's ironic the trumptards have fond memories about Reagan despite he destroyed the middle class, promoted the globalism and pretty much build the conditions why America isn't great anymore

Nah, instead I'm gonna enjoy drinking your tears for the next four years. It's gonna be great.


>implying Trump won't use that to his advantage for his reelection
Uh why are you complaining again?

Who cares about your delicate sensibilities? Nothing will change until shit gets smashed and people get beat up or killed. Either you're a hypocritical yellow snek flag waving dickhead who fantasizes about overthrowing the government while condemning others for trying or you're a whitebread liberal who thinks MLK was a pacifist and that things only change when you sit down and talk about it and vote.

Either way, nobody cares you don't like rioting/protesting. You're part of the problem and people like you who value comfort over a good society will always be part of the problem.

Member Reagan?

Are you implying that Trump is Reagan? Because even Reagan had 8 years of political experience as governor of California and had political connections before that. He wasn't completely fresh blood like Trump is.