White men in 20s harass Silicon Valley stars, yell "CUCKS CUCKS CUCKS" at them

Was this Sup Forums's doing?


>saying cuck in public

I dont..i don't know whos trolling anymore

memes were a mistake

>Oh no people say a word that exists

Wow damn I'm so triggered

memes must die ...........

i bet you wear a pepe t-shirt in public

kinda cringeworthy desu

reminds me of IT'S A MEME YA DIP

>taking Sup Forums memes into the real world

this election sure brought a whole lot of reddit here

You deserve to have every bone in your body pounded into dust.

you probably still post trollface unironically to your facebook "friends"

Kumail literally is a fucking loser though, wouldn't put it past him to make that shit up


Sup Forums shilled for trump all over facebook, twitter, reddit, and youtube

now Sup Forums is filled with normalfags

Would it be better if he literally said "you like to watch your wife fuck other men"

How tolerant


A living meme is going to be the next President of America.

it would be better if he didn't sperg out and spew le epik Sup Forums memes in public

Trumpfags alt-righters are literally reverse-sjws...fucking memefaggots.

So you're gonna believe some shitskin that this actually happened

I know m8. If you fight your enemy they win!

Except qtgirlfriends...

>calling Zach Woods a cuck

Is that them? They do look like cucks.

Seems like it was Just Middleditch and Kumanianjia there

You are the enemy now, faggot.

Or do you really think we are going to be on your side now?


>muh horseshoe

fuck off fag

this desu

I mean it probably didn't happen, but under the assumption it did happen, it's safe to assume those guys are faggots who probably crosspost on reddit

Make America great again!

The problem is, it's ALL happening. There really are idiot Trump supporters acting like racist jackasses, and then there are also SJW fuckheads making up false stories like this just to play victim. The whole damn country is acting like a total faggot right now. It's not a partisan issue.

>BWAAAAH WAAAAAAH Why there are people brave enought to fight against SJW's oligarchy

You must be from reddit, guy did the right thing, people are waking up all over the world, nations will be nations again. Go back to your safe space if you don't agree, this is not the place for you.

I thought only white people could be politically cucked

What a fucking lisping faggot.

Of course every pajeet I know has the same annoying attitude.

Do you think Sup Forums invented the word cuck?



careful with that edge, you might cut yursellf

>The whole damn country is acting like a total faggot right now. It's not a partisan issue.

So stay in your cuck shed

you mean reasonable?

>bringing memes into the real world

not an argument

Who controls the memes, controls the Universe

What are some movies where a villain loses twice?

Pretty embarrassing tbqh.

This isn't a meme you sheltered retards, if you ever left Sup Forums you would know this word has existed since long before the internet was a thing.

not really no, the word was infrequently used and only used fully as 'cuckold', and specifically for infidelity.

Don't try to rewrite history... and for what? It's not even you that was shouting it.

>tries to stick it to Sup Forums
>still afraid to capitalize "Sup Forums" in his capslock post

You are so cucked.

>trying to defend using memes in the real world


It honestly would

What the fuck did he think in his second tweet


the girl A CUTE

>come at me
>people come at you
>muh abuse! muh harrasment!
these fucking retards i swear