Coen brothers

>Coen brothers


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When are they finally going to shut up? Why does everyone feel the need to chime in? Move on with your lives you stupid fucks jesus christ

at least they're still cisgender

>5. Jimmy Fallon: How did you manage to shine a nonthreatening light on someone who alarms so many women, frightens so many undocumented families and slurs so many minorities? Can’t have been easy! Thanks! Maybe now you could have the Grand Wizard on your show: He leans his head to you, you slip his hood off and ruffle his hair. Could be a cute bit!

>Shitty beard


>tfw they made your favorite movie
STFU please

I think we all dropped them already.
Diminishing returns, baby.
Did anyone actually see 'Hail, Caesar'?

Is Jimmy Fallon Sup Forums's guy?

Hail Caesar is more offensive than their political shitposting.

Would that it were so simple.

I think Joel is the brains behind everything, hes the older brother and always looks like hes over everyones shit

Here's the article if you want to read it:

Why must people I like continue to out themselves as massive fags?

yeah it was great

((())) Why is anyone surprised?

Thank you for digging yourself deeper into that hole you dozy bubbleboy douche.

>Bill Clinton "We can't ignore the rust belt and white working class, identity politics were a mistake"
>Democrats "lol out of touch old whitey, we need to pander to minorities and double up on identity politics"
>lose exactly because of that

Expected, desu, but the Coens are still my favorite filmmakers

>could've been trying to work on an actually good movie again
>writes this

their talented enough for me to ignore this.

Him, Maher, and Michael Moore said similar things, but it's apparent that view is the minority in the left.

some pompous asshole artist who thinks they're important enough to write an open letter excoriating a president and have it mean anything is exactly the kind of thing the coen brothers would mock in one of their movies.

the jerk-off blaming a talk show host would be the punchline.

Based Ethan.

Really doesn't help that they dropped Howard Dean's 50 state strategy, either. The Democratic establishment has to get their heads out of their asses.

He's a clueless normie who thought ruffling President-Elect Donald J. Trumps hair would be amusing to his audience.

>frightens so many undocumented families
it still blows my mind, please someone help me understand, when did illegal immigrants begin to be a positive thing, entitled to all the respect and rights granted to the naturalized citizens of the US

People, mainstream leftism, keep on insulting people. That's definitely not why all this shit is happening right now.

Goddamnit, and I fucking love the Coen's movies. I wouldn't even mind, but Ethan's anti-Trump anger is so fucking lame. There's not any relevant criticism, it's just hand-wringing because a man the media called racist a bunch of times won.

Did people expect jimmy fallon to brutally grill Trump?

this election has made people retarded

Do you think he regretted it when he felt the scrape of Trump's scalp scars?

Hate Trump if you need to but leave third party voters alone. Almost half of registered voters didn't even vote, so fuck you for giving those who actually did a hard time.

why can't liberals into self-reflection?

Once they started voting for your team

>when did illegal immigrants begin to be a positive thing
When you become a millionaire and want free servants to tend to your mansions and houses without the risk of exposing your secrets or demanding basic worker rights because you can threaten them with deportation

Because they're people. Harder workers and more valuable to society than literally anyone on Sup Forums for sure.



VOTE for hillary OR DIE


Jesus Christ I preferred Hillary but look in the fucking mirror, asshole.

When you're a millionaire who doesn't have to worry about your next paycheck that's substantially depreciated because you have to compete with employers who staff massive amounts of illegal labor, it's easy to virtue signal by claiming wanting to do anything about illegal immigration is racist.

When they realized that it doesn't matter what particular chunk of land someone was born on, because they're still a person.

Joel is the superior Coen anyway


>These rich people who are far removed from the general public are trying again to tell the rest of us what's good for them

And the worst thing is, is that a lot of young people my age fall for it again and again like gullible children.

They keep claiming to be a part of a fight against an "oppressive government" but keep supporting left-leaning authoritarian government policies over and over.

As long as these people keep telling them That what they're doing is a good thing, and enforcing it with virtue signalling and the fear of verbal "abuse", this will keep happening again and again.

I think the need to grow up has lessened to a disturbing extent that could potentially kill us all off.

The age of voting should be raised up to 30.

Helpful for junkies at least.

Nobody is saying they don't deserve humane treatment, but you don't have a god-given right to live in the United States unless you are born here.

All of these. Obama managed to win predominately white working class precincts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio that Hillary lost because he made outreaches to them. Hillary's camp just thought treating them as deplorables, racist, and misogynists would somehow magically put her in the White House. They forgot this is the largest voting block.

Why should people treat Trump like he's human? He's a billionaire sociopath.

They're valuable to employers and the wealthy. They actively harm American society at large.

If they're so valuable and good workers why don't they just move there legally?


What you have is "the bigotry of low expectations".

Your vote is a sacred civic duty and your only tool to posituvely impact your society. People in other countries would kill to have free elections like we have. If you squander that right or waste it, you deserve to have your opinions discarded like trash. Right after we hang you upside down by your balls.

Hurr there are no options!

Motherfucker, grow up in a shitty third world country with no elections and you'll realize what spoiled brats you are.

> He's a sociopath.
You mean Hillary?

>Trump won largely because young people and blacks didn't vote
>youth didn't vote because the DNC screwed Sanders out of the primary and why support a rigged system?
>blacks didn't vote because Hillary, like Trump doesn't give a shit about them so why even bother?
>nobody in the media is allowed to point out these facts

Stop pretending you wouldn't be whinging at least as hard if Hillary had won. Your kind is so desperate to feel like a winner and so entitled that you pretend to be above anything.

Because of their criminal records

>worked to get free healthcare for children

Pick one.



so then because they're humans it doesn't matter and there should be zero repercussions for the that they're working and contributing through taxes on all front and undercutting migrates that have either a work visa or who have been on a waiting list to legitimately immigrate into the country legally and do their part to contribute to a functional society?

because you're mistaken in your beliefs and people you look up to are proving you wrong

Got some proofs fucboi before I finger you infront of all these people here

Pretty sure Trump supporters thought he was going to lose too

They were probably more resigned

Hard to believe he had any part in writing/directing Barton Fink, a movie that mocks its main character for being a pretentious, holier-than-thou artist that ignores the common man.

The Immigration system in this country is broken and certain countries have much harder times immigrating.

undocumented americans is my fav term desu