They Live

When I was fifteen, I watched John Carpenters 1982 film The Thing. It became one of my all time favorite movies.
During the latest episode of Screen Junkies, the panel mentioned his 1988 film They Live; regarded as a 'cult classic', so I decided to check it out.

Maybe it's because I've been seen films which have depicted lower class suppression better, but this movie feels meek in comparison. Was it the first time audiences were subjected to the social commentary of grand conspiracy and subliminal advertising?

Besides about 20 minutes of our protagonist walking around in a bewildered state checking out billboards and cool looking aliens, the movie sucked.

Maybe Sup Forums can grant some insight to why people love this hugely influential movie so much? Maybe I dove in with my expectations too high, but it's hard to avoid when I regard his earlier film to be nearly perfect.

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what was with that fucking fight scene in the alley that lasted like 15 minutes?

good wrestlers can fight a broom and make it look good

Roddy piper was a professional wrestler and when him and Keith David originally practiced it it was only supposed to be for about 40 seconds but off set they rehearsed it and showed it to carpenter who loved it and decided to keep the whole 5 minutes or so of fight in. It's more realistic

Why wouldn't you entertain the idea of wearing a pair of glasses for a few minutes, when a person who literally went on a killing spree insists that you do?


How about you don't ruin the movie with autistic current event shit thanks my man!

You have to keep in mind the time it was made. A lot of the reaganomics shit in the movie hit home for the audience. It felt genuine, and honestly the alien part was just window dressing for the main concept.

Plus, Rowdy Roddy Piper just works as an actor for whatever reason in this movie.

What was the deal with this shit, it didn't suit his character at all, until I realized there is no character, he's just a biopolar retard. His actions make no sense. Also does Carpenter know how guns work, because our bubblegum chewing protagonist manages to perfectly shoot only the aliens in a mixed crowd of people with a shotgun.

>didn't suit his character
Yes it did? His character is an all American average joe who experiences injustice through the system by THEM and he gets pissed off when he finds out its all a sham. What part of that was crazy autist

if you lived in such a shitty society and suddenly learned most people aren't even human, you'd flip the fuck out too.

don't know why his friend wouldn't just wear the glasses.

It's pretty corny.

The Burbs is a better redpill movie.

>Also does Carpenter know how guns work, because our bubblegum chewing protagonist manages to perfectly shoot only the aliens in a mixed crowd of people with a shotgun.

Do YOU know how guns work? Shotguns don't work like they do in videogames, their spread is pretty tight.

(((They))) Live

Stay salty loser.

>our bubblegum chewing protagonist
But he didn't have any


just because he didn't have any doesn't mean he doesn't partake in the activity.

Fully choked about 2inches at 15 feet

This, he's meant to be the working-class everyman in 80s America.

Hell, he's so much of that, that his character doesn't even have a name. The credits just list him as Nada.

It represented how hard it is to convince somebody of something completely destroys their worldview

>Maybe Sup Forums can grant some insight to why people love this hugely influential movie so much?
Many people look for the same answer, so smaller minds attach themselves to this digestible version.
Blacks and whites (lower class ones) waste time fighting each other.

Also, that fighting someone is not as easy as movies make it look

you telling me there's no way he could have just fatally wounded innocent people when he decided to shoot this one?

Well no because the shotgun is largely symbolic.

Before you greentext that, what I mean is the scene is about attacking the system that's the root of the problem, and the people living in it who are just trying to get by aren't the enemy.

It's a movie sperg.

Literally meme shit.

You've only watched The Thing and They Live? You need to check out:

Escape from New York
Assault on Precinct 13
Big Trouble in Little China
The Fog
Prince of Darkness
In the Mouth of Madness
Dark Star

Literally a meme post. You should stay off this board until you've learned how to come up with proper critiques of a film.

no one cares about that

Carpenter is probably my favorite director but and I love all his films but I honestly thought assault on precinct 13 was boring. It just didn't feel like there was much at stake during the siege

I have never understood why people love Escape From New York so much. Yes I've seen it before you ask, I've seen it like 8 times because of various reasons.

It has amazing performances from most of the actors, but aside from that it's just kinda dull and meandering.

I think you got this board confused with reddit. Faggot.

Movies that juggle complex metaphors should still be entertaining to people who cannot comprehend those things and still retain some semblance of reasonable behavior from a protagonist.

Nah he's right though. Nothing about this movie is a "meme" stop being autistic my man. Cheers!

You're the one who has this board confused with r****t.

Nice meme, memeboy.

List 10 better films in the same genre.

>not getting carpenter comedy
most of his flicks have that kind of humor. It's the best part

I'm still not even sure what the genre of Escape is.

>not mentioning escape from la
You some kind of fag?

>not mentioning escape from la

Yeah maybe there's a reason for that.

I love both films. They have very slow paces but the characters keep things entertaining. My least favorite classic Carpenter film is Dark Star. The third act is great but the first two acts meander way too much. Although I watched the theatrical cut and I've heard Carpenter was told to pad the film with 15 minutes of extra footage to make it feature length. Sometime I need to watch the director's cut, it's a lot shorter and I would imagine is a lot less meandering.

It's one of those all-around bad 80s flicks that people like only because they saw them as a kid.

>Yeah maybe there's a reason for that.
It's a shit reason. People act like it isn't self aware when it is.

Not that user but I feel the same way. Most people call it an action movie but there's barely any action in it. If someone forced me to label it I would say it's a character driven dystopia movie.

I feel bad for people who can't appreciate escape from la. As a sequel it's good but as a parody it's young frankenstein tier

Exactly. Remember the scene where snake chases Steve buscemi on a fucking surfboard?



Is this satire

Fucking classic, literally 10/10, I honestly love it

>Escape from New York
Okay, 6/10

Have yet to see

>Assault on Precinct 13
I feel like I've seen it, but I can't remember

>Big Trouble in Little China
Not a fan at all, 2/10

>The Fog
Not a fan either, 2/10

Have yet to see

>Prince of Darkness
Absolute shit, 1/10

>In the Mouth of Madness
Great fun, Sam Neill and Jurgen Prochnow are great, 8/10

>Dark Star
Hated it, 1/10

>all-around bad
Consider suicide. It's a fucking great film.
>one of Carpenter's best synth scores
>great locations and sets
>good practical effects
>every actor delivers a good performance
>Snake Plissken
>President Pleasence

You do realize the movie is literally political right? That it's about Reagan?

thats what cool people say you idiot

Are you OP?


>Prince of Darkness
>Absolute shit, 1/10
your opinion about literally anything is likely to be wrong.

this one sequence is more terrifying than pretty much anything.

> A lot of the reaganomics shit in the movie hit home for the audience.

No it didn't. The movie barely made any money and it was a critical flop on release. The 1980s was great for the majority of people, including the working class. Compare that to the 1970s.

Audiences in the 80s couldn't appreciate an 80s aesthetic, and the film only really got popular again in the early 00s.

Everyone knows that the Aliens are Jews.

Straight-up: the movie promotes communism.

just like point and shoot, lmaoz

>their spread is pretty tight.

Depends on the loading and the choke, m8.

>current event meaning 2016 not the 80s
Huh. Imagine that

I don't like it too much either. Great sets, cool atmosphere, good performances all around (especially Borgnine). But the fight choreography is godawful and yeah, I agree it meanders a lot.

Must suck being such a fucking faggot.
Do me a favor and eat a bullet. Cheers bud!

>Straight-up: the movie promotes communism.

National Socialism!

Nada is a representative of the Aryan Volk that has been treated like shit by the Jewish industrialists. Once he becomes aware that his overlords are an alien race that don't have his best interests at heart, and that there are compliant cattle (goyim) that betray their race for material gain, he strikes out with force.

Hitler did exactly the same thing in the Munich Putsch.

Say it isn't so.

No it doesn't. The movie promotes the fact that the political establishment is a bunch of crooked fucks who don't care about the American people. When Carpenter made the movie he obviously had capitalism and Ronald Reagan in mind but it never promotes communism and it never mentions Reagan so you can project your own political views onto it.

Cry more. I'm glad knowing you two were shaking as you typed these replies.

What a fucking loser lmao

You're actually this mad someone doesn't like a film? That's sad, man.

Nah just how you imply shit to act like you "won" an argument. That's what's really sad. Loser


>Trump is literally reagenomica
>but we're not allowed to mention facts because it hurts your fee-fees
Fuck off, Tumblr.

The face you had to reply at all shows how mad you are about a faceless user's opinions on a movie. Grow a pair, friend.

>>Big Trouble in Little China
>Not a fan at all, 2/10
I'm not sure how is it possible to be a human being and dislike Big Trouble in Little China.

Why are you replying

>literally the same issue 30 years later
>waaaah waaah no current issues
Kill yourself.

Never been to tumblr autist. Quit with the boogeyman shit

They Live is pure ideologykino:

The irony is strong, unlike your reading comprehension.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

>I'm not sure how is it possible to be a human being
that's the problem, he's clearly one of those fucks from They Live

We could be pets, we could be food, but all we really are is livestock.

Because he's clearly an autistic contrarian

Your a bluepilled loser, replace the aliens with Hillary Clinton and the Liberals and the movie is 99% accurate

>being retarded
>randomly lumping Hillary in with liberals
>missing the entire point of the film

It's just kind of dry to me. I liked They Live way more. I think I'm more a fan of Carpenter's horror movies.

Stay mad, user, those tears give me life

"Dry" is the last word I'd use to describe BTiLC, it's a comedy with urban fantasy/horror/action elements.

Nobody is mad. Quit embrassasing yourself

So cringy. Who talks like this?

Pure ideology


>it never mentions Reagan
Sorry what

Ever shot a shotgun sperg? He probably had a choke on it.


The president in They Live is never named and we never see what his human form looks like. Obviously Carpenter had Reagan in mind but you can pretty easily ignore that.

Yep, those future broadcasts were unsettling af especially how they kept changing slightly throughout the movie and then that ending reveal.