Who said women can't be funny? :^DDDD

Who said women can't be funny? :^DDDD

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She literally looks like a bloated suicide corpse in that picture

Something about their smug faces infuriate me to no end

is she alive?

Isn't she moving to Spain now?

Now THAT'S comedy! ;-)

>not mexico where all the diversity is

Why is she so fucking racist?

>That split second when you forget where you are and what year you live in and think this is some Ebaums World posts Chris Farley found dead of drug overdose photo.

Dementia is a bitch

holy shit

Not so smug now, are they?

Anyway, they're full of shit.


Plus Mexicans like fat women.

Every shot of Lena is her showing us her big fat white disgusting thighs.

>this is the future of america

>tfw every single stinky cunt in that pic got absolutely, utterly, undeniably blown the everloving fuck out



yeah whats up with that? she really likes showing them off. i feel like one guy 10 years ago said she had nice legs and she just held on to it.

I thought she was dead from the thumbnail

>mfw Superstore literally had a "America Ferrera = Hillary Clinton; Ben Feldman = Bernie Sanders" episode
>mfw, just like in the episode, Clinton got BTFO



Please no, keep your trash contained.

Wow, has she lost weight??

While Spain is one of the most progressive countries in the world if not the most progressive one they don't like "hispanics" or muslims like American liberals, she would get triggered as fuck.

Is she ded?

Not even joking, she seriously looks dead.

I thought those niggers only ate plankton

lol wtf happened

They'll eat anything small enough to fit down their throats

trump happened

She's trying to renege on her promise.

Wtf I love Amy Schumer Leibowitz now?!

>liberals are literally devouring each other


What was that?

Lena Dunham being eaten by Amy Schumer





Mexico is one of the most nationalistic and racist countries in the world.

You tried, kid. Next time learn something before you open your faggot mouth again.

they won't eat my penis then haha

some people walking their dog?

Are you actually retarded

But then who took the photo?

>4 adults owning a tiny dog together
fucking terrifying

Reminds me of pic related. What is it with Liberal women and looking dead?

It's a beautiful creature, though.

I hope Shkreli gets a job in the Trump admin, thiugh i'm not sure he's cut out for press secretary. Trump should just name him Bants Czar and let him run the twitter.

lmao son were you dropped on your head as a babby?

>Mexico is one of the most nationalistic and racist countries in the world.

Then why do Liberals want Mexicans in America so bad?

Lads, we won.

There's something about being a Liberal harpy that literally sucks the life and beauty out of a human being. Especially women.

Because it's nice to be nice. Especially when it's at no cost to you or your family.

Until, you know, it is.

>Sup Forums doesn't know
Just start tweeting both of them this.

I thought this too

Isn't this bitch suppose to be moving out the country?

It was just a prank bro

how DARE you

>spain doesnt like mudslimes ir hispanics
so essetially they dont like themselves lmao

I think he meant latinos instead of hispanics

she said she was only kidding
of course she wouldnt leave the greatest country on earth