
Do what you want, say what you want...
He won, that's all that matters.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Just like in 2001, the states that lost (California, Washington, New York, Massachussetts, Illinois/

Too little too late. Star Wars was derived from ahistorical notions of myth inspired by Jung's fascist ideas of collective racial consciousness and memory, with an aesthetic inspired by the films of Leni Riefenstahl - its rightism is baked in.

Leni Riefenstahl was coerced into making those films before fleeing to the U.S., or did you think you were the only film student on this board.

I'm not sure why Sup Forums is being triggered by this. In the original EU, at least, the Empire was an explicitly racist, pro-human, anti-alien organization. That was what made Thrawn so special.

No one cares about the fucking EU unless it's being mocked in Good Friend threads.

Why does pop-science fiction spread like cancer?

wtf i love Vader now.

I wish Disney had released Rogue One before the election.
Drumpf would have never won.

Just like in 2001, the states that lost (California, Washington, New York, Massachussetts, Illinois) are the states that grant the the USA its status as the world's superpower: all the science and technology that gives the USA the key advantage over other countries come from San Francisco, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, Boston and Chicago: Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, IBM, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, the biopharmaceutical industry... you name it. These states are increasingly aware that their scientific and engineering achievements are enabling a majority of ignorant people (who doesn't even believe in their science) to rule the world. It's a paradox that only happens in the USA because only in the USA is the disconnect between the educated minority (that makes the USA great) and the uneducated majority (that elects the government) so large. Silicon Valley and Boston literally empower the likes of Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity who don't even believe in science: without Silicon Valley and Boston these people would be humble peasants scavanging for food in primitive forests and valleys instead of being influential voices that decide who rules the country. Time to undo Lincoln?

>archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Just like in 2001, the states that lost (California, Washington, New York, Massachussetts, Illinois/

>Trying to force your own pasta

This is about as dumb as someone can get. To paint a popular side of a franchise as white supremacy. I hope Sup Forums picks it up and runs with it and wrecks this retard career.

Are you implying the uneducated lower classes don't take credit for the achievements of the educated urbanites?

The rebels better pay for it they blew up the last one

wtf i love the dark side now

>all those kids dressing up as Stormtroopers
>all those kids who want to join Vader
>all those Stormtroopers working at Disneyland

This dude fucked up

The uneducated lower class that supply and farm food so the the educated urbanites can survive? Make no mistake. If the farming class disappeared overnight, the educated urbanites would die off because they can't farm or hunt. While the uneducated lower class won't even notice if the educated urbanites disappeared over night.

guys i need your help. tweet #heilvader with pics of darth vader and show him to be a white supremacist. let's get disney to admit they have been peddling white supremacist toys to kids

>Leader of the empire is voiced by a black man

>city dwellers take credit for a tiny number of nerds who moved in from out of state

kek who are you kidding? 90% of you look like this

The bad guys are still the bad guys. Nothing's changed, stormblr. Besides, unless you're a neo-nazi/white supremacist, you have nothing to be offended by.

>make Darth Vader the symbol of white supremacy
>Disney never mentions Darth Vader again in the new shit Star Wars movies
>Darth Vader is preserved forever

darth vader is ruined forever because of the prequels making him an angsty chad.





Stormtrooper tumblr
This based user gets it.
Star Wars is Tumblr for white supremacists.

>If the farming class disappeared overnight, the educated urbanites would die off because they can't farm or hunt

Bahahaha, I'm sure no city-slicker's ever grown shit.
Also, what are imports?

It wasn't explicitly laid out in the OT, but it was certainly there. The imperial officers (and everyone else in the Empire, really) were human men, while you had loads of high-ranking aliens in the Rebellion and on the "good side".

That the uneducated working class work the docks and drive trucks to deliver? I don't senpai. Maybe they will sit in the boats till all the food perish.

>Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization.
>has black soldiers.

I think trump winning must have damaged their brains. They are not making any sense.

>dude haha like how hard can farming be lmao
t. Mao

They're saying that like the Nazis were a white supremacist organization, the Empire is a human supremacist organization. It's like a metaphor or an allegory, you see?

But to address your incorrect point, it's not even like there were any non-whites in the Empire in the original trilogy. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't remember any.

Boy, if only America shared a border with a country full of people dying to enter the US and work low-skill jobs. Hmmm....

Who are also uneducated and lower working class. Nice move of goalposting, now you want to make the argument not about class?

>mud plowing

Mexicans would definitely be a step up from rednecks. Hard workers, without the entitlement and bigotry issues.

Oh so now it is about race huh?
No longer about muh educated class. How much more can you backpedal like a faggot?

sounds like you missed your chance to be a cabinet member in Hillarys administration

oh well, sonderkommando it is for you then. cest la vie

>like a faggot?

Aaand ya proved my point.

Your tears will sustain me for the next 4 years.

WMD got that WMD

*8 years

Ayy, hicks gonna hick.

>fascism is now automatically associated with racism/sexism etc

>empire was built on an army of maoris rebelling against their mostly white commanders known as the Jedi who abused their midichlorian privilege to get into positions of power

so black people isnt human? thanks for being racist Chris

>Opposed by a multi-cultural group led by brave women
that explains why they didn't succeed till luke showed up

And you got ass blasted by said hick.

you seriously think farming isn't complicated?
or am i being baited

How come when Luke showed up only the white male rebels were left?
Is it because all the asian, black, hispanic men and women died bravely?
So only the weak tiny dicked white men were left?
Explains why they had to use this guy.

Thrawn was a terribly-written mary sue of a character.

the Empire was largely white men in the OT as an allusion to the Nazis since the movies were WWII in space.

I think they're xenophobia is exhibited more in their humanocentricity (there's a $100 word for ya), they're all asshole humans trying to control everything, while the Rebellion has some dirty aliens lending a hand.

good, would feel bad supporting the empire if they were a bunch of xenolovers


rebel wasn't lead by brave women

and the mepire opposed LITERAL aliens instead of black humans

god fucking shit i hate liberals

Why do Jews hate white Americans so much? Wasn't it white Americans who saved them in WW2

> Wasn't it white Americans who saved them in WW2
Do you think they care when the cattle saves them from the wolves? They'll still be slaughtered in due time.

Is the Empire actually white supremacist? Does the concept of different human races even exist in Star Wars?

>this tweet kills star wars merchandise and causes disney to gets mad as fuck and loses money because fucking no one likes the rebels besides of luke/han figures
wtf I love Sup Forums and their meme president now
the amount of salt it causes should be criminal

And liberals gonna keep bombing elections, allowing hicks to rule over them like the cucks they are

>"Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization.
I mean, he's not REALLY wrong. The Empire was obviously based on the Nazis.

Considering they made an entire army of maoris I doubt it.
The closest thing you could get to it would be how the empire took all it's influence from nazi Germany, from the shape of Vader's helm to the different coloured lasers (Americans and Germans used different chemical compounds for their tracer rounds which produced different lights. The german tracers were green, and the Americans were red/orange)
Even the snow planet Hoth was a direct reference to General Hermann Hoth, who fought on the East front in conditions like pic related.