Does anyone else think this guy is a fraud? Absolutely nothing he says is of any consequence...

Does anyone else think this guy is a fraud? Absolutely nothing he says is of any consequence. He is just repeating wikipedia articles for things that can't be verified. He's pretty much just in philosophical paradox circlejerk. His role is not as an educator but a trained monkey. He's worse than neil degrasse tyson in that way.

>Linear observation
>Escalates it to confusion
>Ambiguous result

It's just the same formula over and over, but life doesn't work that way. He's re-shaping all of science and reality into the structure of his shitty little show. It is dishonest.

Other urls found in this thread:

Should do this on /sci/ famalamadingdong, but I'll bite.
Idk lol probably

On Youtube, you've entered the meme infrastructure, so you have to court a meme audience, whatever it takes. No channel on that website has become successful in portraying the world as it is; it all lies in making the audience feel smarter while concocting an illusory state of wonder by never fully resolving what you bring up, just referencing "sciency" things. By controlling and directing mystery, you can pull an audience along, the same idiots who like I Fucking Love Science and religiously worship CPGrey videos so they can regurgitate pointless shit to their comparably uninteresting friends.

>Does anyone else think this guy is a fraud?
No fucking shit, still entertaining channel though his last video was meh.

This. To make a simple point: you can't do shit in science without math. And yet, is there a single "science" youtube channel that will dare ask any mathematical competence from its viewers?

>Absolutely nothing he says is of any consequence.


>He is just repeating wikipedia articles for things that can't be verified.


he is a good normie educator and is entertaining. he has more content (vs. fluff) than most.

you sound asshurt

>guy presents information and thought-exercises in an engaging, polished way that people enjoy

>this is somehow a problem

Some of you faggots just can't be pleased.

Vsauce isn't a Math Channel. There are tons of other YouTube channels that do discuss actual mathematical processes.

Vsauce is about conceptual ideas, thought-experiments and various topics related to science, technology, history, psychology, etc.

You're going to a Mexican restaurant and complaining that they don't serve Strudel.

He is just a guy who likes to think and speculate and then puts it on YouTube the fact he can go months without posting a video tells me he isn't really in it for the money

You're right, especially about purposefully confusing stuff and leaving a vague ending.

It's meant to make you think but I guess if you are a dead head then thinking is beyond you and you would rather just get told what to do

>that post

Really made me think.

>It's meant to make you think
Really made me think.
What did he mean by this?

>So dead headed literally can't get past memes

You're probably retarded if you can't appreciate this guy's videos.

Vsauce is a fantastic channel, and so is the similar content on Vsauce 2 and 3.

It's like a one-sided version of a conversation you'd have about abstract concepts in science and technology with one of your friends that lasts 3 hours, but he does it in 10 minutes.

Vsauce is one of a select group of channels that I think are actually contributing something of objective value to culture that couldn't really be done on an older media platform like television.

I fucking love vsauce, I really loved the recent videos all three of them did on Mars

t. Retard

>Linear observation
>Escalates it to confusion
>Ambiguous result

And it's always awesome. You have no imagination or intellectual curiosity and I'm guessing you think memes are funny.

>tfw to smart too meme

I like Vsauce and i like memes. Keep fucking with my memes and i'll cut your fucking throat.

>randomly sending somebody to Sup Forums

stage one: denial
stage two: anger

I liked his chat with Attenborough. How does that dude do it? Guy is past 90 and still so cogent and enthusiastic about his work.

His face is exactly what i think of when someone says cuck. Glasses, lazy beard, balding, a raised eyebrow to seem quirky, black shirt to hide bad physique

He's a fuckhead. His interview with Sir David Attenborough was fucking embarrassing.

Reminds me of someone minus the glasses.

Keep in mind the man only has training in psychology or something along those lines.

His channel is successful because he knows how to keep autists entertained.

Vsauce and freinds are just natural progressions of the "Bill Nye" type characters.

And frankly no, by nature they can never actually have anything real to say as the only way to truly convey information is with years of learning and hundreds of pages of reading, as well as hands on experience.

That being said you could argue for the benefit of their existence, and of all the content out there Vsauce seems to be the least offensive when it comes to acting like it knows everything.

Personally I think they end up doing more harm than good, and we have evidence that it is more harmful than good (Hell, Veritasium has made several videos on it himself).

But to each their own. We are past the point of no return at this point, The scientific method might as well be dead when we have faggots like John Green going around publishing information without sources (much of which ends up being wrong).

But that's wrong, channels like numberphile are really good.

i dont watch this guy's youtube channel so could OP pls delete this thread because i dont really have anything to contribute...?

>everything must relate to me or it must not exist


>taking such weak b8


>inb4 he accuses me of "i only pretending!"

>anybody I disagree with is Sup Forums

>Hi, Vsauce, Michael here
>Today I'm going to talk about X
>But what is... X?

Michael is one of the most apolitical YouTube personalities in existence.

He also actually goes out and creates content of value under his own direction.

He's about as far as you can get from a cuck.

The fact that he's balding and near-sighted isn't his fault.

this is Sup Forums, they are never pleased.

ITT "I dislike this popular Educational/Informational piece of media, that makes me super smart and 2kool4skool".

t. Cuck defending fellow cucks.

Yep, this site has been full of these insecure pseudointellectual retards ever since it became a neo-Nazi haven.


Hello newfriend

I recommend learning about Sup Forums's history before trying to comment again to avoid further embarrassment. We call this "lurkmoar".

Sup Forums has always been a neo-nazi haven.

You're not fooling anyone, Reddit. Run along now and regurgitate shitty conjectural opinions you learned from """intellectuals""" like CGPGay and Richard Dawkins.

Well it wasn't always like that. It was originally for discussing anime. The whole neo-nazi thing was more a Sup Forums thing I think.

It's all true, but enjoy the music.

Like this guy said have a look at his video with Attenborough, his lack of professionalism and real question shows. At first I was thinking he was dumbing down the questions for his audience then I realised he was just shit at journalism and couldn't even think of good science questions.

I agree, I think vsayce gives you a basic outline of the science he is talking about an encourages the audience to look for themselves to Learn more about it. He is encouraging younger people to conduct their own research which is good to develop their scientific mid. It's clearly meant for younger viewers and normies and not those scientifically trained.

This does have it's downfalls like his Attenborough interview which was really embarrassing because he seemed to have bitten off more than he can chew

Yeah, take a look at vsauce's oldest videos if they're still up. They're all click bait shit you'll see Michael's face looking shocked next to a picture of boobies on some thumbnails if I recall correctly, that kind of shit

This post made me cringe.

Just watch superior Brady do his thing instead, check out Objectivity, periodic videos and deep sky videos for super comfy content from a guy that actually goes places instead of lingering in front of a Greenscreen 24/7

Hey, Vsauce! Michael here.

Black Lives Matter... or do they?

According to a report by the U.S. Department of Justice, 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. This is a stark contrast to white on white crime which has been... steadily... decreasing.... since 1980.

But what is... "decreasing"?

The majority of fetuses aborted at Planned Parenthood are of... African American ethnicity. With a mean of 515,000 abortions per year, and an estimate 80 percent of which last year were conceived by black or hispanic parents, that's a whopping 412000 future crimes prevented.


Can Michaelposting be a meme now?

He sucks, his videos are oversimplified/vague popsci trash. No discernible talent. If you like this guy or CGPGrey or Veritasium or Bill Nye or IFLS, you're a proper brainlet who needs to get better taste in his infotainment.

t. /sci/, smartest board on Sup Forums. Don't let all that TV rot your brain, more than 1 hour of TV-watching lowers your IQ.

CrashCourse is worse.
90% is them telling reddit jokes.

He's not really a fraud, he just had charisma and was smart enough to start making videos early on, he's not a scientists, he's just a talking head, if you check old video on their channel that were posted like 10 years ago, you'll see that it's just clickbait shit which means whoever ran the channel back then tried different things to get popular, they tried making semi-educational videos for lazy ass fucks too lazy to read wikipedia and it took off. The same applies to every channel like this unless it's run a bona fide scientist.

And this is why you subscribe to Issac Arthur

>presents well-thought and balanced argument
back to Sup Forums

This faggot shilled for Obamacare HARD

fuck him

economically illiterate idiot

>This faggot shilled for Obamacare HARD
>Newest president who just found out what obamacare is doesn't want to get rid of it completely
it had it's flaws, but it was a step in the right direction

>Linear observation

Stop trying to sound smarter than you really are.

>>Newest president who just found out what obamacare is doesn't want to get rid of it completely
he's getting rid of the vast majority of it and keeping a few small parts of it

I don't care. I'm all for proliferation of science.