What is this expression trying to concave?

What is this expression trying to concave?

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Obama gave him the aliens talk

He ran his campaign as free publicity for his planned TrumpTV network he would launch afetr the election because he didn't expect to win.

Now reality is crashing down.

>oh shit, i'm actually president
>well fuck

Turtle head poking out. Gotta just hold in for 45 mins. Hes old as fuck

>What do you mean i'm just a puppet for the great alien zenaan

pretty much this lmao

Really makes you think..

This, not even memeing

i wish he rubbed obama's face into it a little
he just sat there like a hypnotized frog

>he thinks Trump is actually upset that he became President of the most powerful nation on the planet and would rather do something else that would afford him less power than being POTUS would

Speaking of reality crashing down, enjoy your butthurt denial.


>"fuck, I didn't think I'd get this far"
>"what now"
>"deport mexicans I guess"

If he looks like this not even first day he'll be a walking skeleton when his term is up. Presidency is a hellluva drug

"Uh oh, gotta shit"

Utter pants-shitting terror.

Way ahead of you, bro.

He's a globalist puppet as well. Idiots from Sup Forums don't realize there aren't just Soros and Rockafeller.

>people age when they get older


obama looked so young too.

obama looked like he aged 15-20 years than 8

He doesn't like Obama and Obama has talked shit about him for the last year, you really want him to sit there and act all phony and chipper? He's just being professional and getting it over with.



I mean all he did was play golf in Hawaii the whole time.

Lol you don't get it

Presidents age far worse than anyone else

It's the most stressful job in the country

Every President does this. The stresses of the job are immense, and it's not like you get a solid 8 hours in every night.

Even GWB aged like cheese, and he took more vacation than anyone.

>"So, we found this ring in Egypt..."

>Most stressful job meme.

That'd be enlisted military, you soft faggot.


>When you lied on your resume but get the job anyway and have no idea what you're doing


>Obama gave him the Jewish secret ZOG machine banker talk

How much power and influence does a US president actually have?
And do they really go to weird-ass occult rituals and shit to get into power?

>And do they really go to weird-ass occult rituals and shit to get into power?

Sure, why not?

t. 박근혜

>I've made a huge mistake

>There are no aliens or shadow governments Mr. Trump, the president has to actually run the country
>Here are 15.000 pages of administrative procedure that you need to learn until monday


>I wish Nigel was here right now

That he and Obama just had a very serious convexation

I really fucking hope he replaces Mike Pence.

I voted for him not really believing he'd win, but now that he has the thought of Pence a heartbeat from the chair scares me. That motherfucker is a nutter Bible thumper.

"they be coming to get yo ass nigga xD" obama to trump - 2016

Obama told him where babies come from.

Watching West Wing and then remembering Trump is President is like taking a sledgehammer to the face. Bartlet is the polar opposite of Trump in every way.


>when you're forced to sit in a room with someone you despise and listen to them drone on and on when you know every word out of their mouth is Bullshit.

Body language indicates guilt or regret. Mostly likely he was afraid of some crime he committed being trotted out.

>MP is a nutter bible thumper
>but DT is totally fine

The cognitive dissonance throughout this whole thing has been batshit.

It's like if all the Michael Bay fans got together and decided on a candidate.

It's really odd just how enjoyable a show as dry and boring as the west wing can be.

I kinda agree but at the same time every movement he makes is over analyzed because of his position.


i can imagine that's what obama felt, yeah.

that's what this blog says - regret expressed in the meeting, followed by anxiety. tour of the white, he showed fear and anxiety


i say readings are accurate but you never know why - could be he just thinks living in the white house is a dump compared to his home in NY


That would be complete and utter fear. Realizing even being a puppet spokeman president for citizen united 2: electric boogaloo, the cartel who bought him and his company and ran him for president and controls him not, even then, he'd physically have to show up and play the part, like 18 hours a day...when his entire life he's been a trust fund manchild never actually put effort into anything...even being rich, he took the easy way out and got the eastern european hooker wife, so he just realized for the first time in his life, he'll have to go to work. It's the fear of the manchild.


>want to be president because some bitch told me i couldnt do it
>rich as fuck why not
>get the ayylmao talk
>learn about all these bullshit responsibilities
>fuck this shit

it's basically the ending to the graduate

Donald Trump is as religious as a rock. He doesn't give a single shit about gays or abortion. It's the whole reason he picked Pence in the first place.

We were so fucking close to being able to put the gay marriage shit behind us and silence a large portion of the liberal argument. Now, this fuckface is going to bring it all up again when the SCOTUS pick comes up, dragging Roe v. Wade with it, and thus the left will have more ammo and shit to throw. The religious right needs to learn when let shit go. Gays and abortion don't mean a fucking thing when the world is on fire and the economy balances on a pin head, but they will try.

>It was only a prank


>How am I going to get rid of the nigger smell?


Good reference.

I didn't say DT was religious (he is obviously not at all, if he can't pronounce books in the Bible correctly)... but he's also a nutter. This much is clear.

"You mean they weren't just pretending to be retarded?'

So Pence is gonna run everything right while Trump gets all the glory and fucks models all day, right?

He's extremely obese and like 70 years old. There is a legit chance that expression is he shit his pants.

He just put it together that he's a figurehead and Pence is actually president in regard to the republican establishment who now have the house and senate

the lighting here looks like he's a god damn super villain from james bond lmao


>"why didn't someone stop me?"
>"this wasn't supposed to be this easy"
>"am I going to be assassinated? what is this "day of the rope" Pence keeps talking about?"

A really convex emotion

okay, l-let's m-make america g-great...again...

chicks can be into weird shit with who they like. Those people who prefer out of shape guys with a huge gut and beard? The fuck is up with that?

>you mean i have to do stuff now instead of just go to rallies?

>The religious right needs to learn when let shit go.

they never will and you know it. The republicans fatal flaw is their reliance on the religious right.

Fucking lizard people are real

>huge gut


>and beard

eww no, not into 'dad' looking guys, just fatties

posting pic because i have it on hand even though the boy needs a shave

there must be some truth to all this meme shit because he knew he was being recorded here and whatnot yet looks pretty seriously shocked. Are aliens real?


why is he so sad bros?

You realize that he's caked in makeup in the first photo right?

It only bothers me so much because I used to be fat and got in shape to be more attractive. Either way no one was romantically interested so it really doesn't even matter. Have fun with your fatties.



>It's like if all the Michael Bay fans got together and decided on a candidate.

He's more liberal than Hillary on most issues and he's far less of a warmonger.

being president ain't sunshine and rainbows, son

it's all fun and memes until you have to actually do things

His mother was a devout methodist. My liberal mother has loved Trump for decades, as her mother before her, and so I've learned a lot of personal stuff about him over the years. She's also why he donates money to charity anonymously. So I think he may not believe but has sympathies towards christians.

>the world is on fire

The world is on fire largely because of the acceptance of degeneracy.

nice meme

1) we can only say he's not a warmonger because he's never held any public office, and therefore never declared war on anyone. He did, however, ask in a pre-election security briefing, why we just couldn't "use our nukes."
2) how can prove he's more/less liberal than Hillary when there is video of him taking various positions on all sides of the political spectrum? He's twelve years old.

>Look at me, I'm a big boy fighting in the army
Get blown already, faggot

>implying Trump didn't hire a nutjob like Pence as VP to prevent anyone from assassinating him
They call it the Cheney maneuver.

this is what Sup Forumscucks really believe.

>what have i become, my sweetest friend?

i know we americans are dumbfucks but didn't know we were this much when we elected drumpf

They could just bomb their meeting.


>this is the expression of a man who just learned he was to become president of the US

What's the "alien talk" in a nutshell?

>implying Trump didn't hire him to keep the votes of the christian nutjobs
>implying some christian nutjob won't kill him when he starts backpedalling on his absurd promises