Why were they making him drink water before the rape?

Why were they making him drink water before the rape?

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To confuse him and make the torture more severe
Like pulling out a tazer and telling him to bite down on a piece of wood and then punching him in the jaw and saying "Start over"

Didn't they just water board him?

Just read the synopsis for Sicario (2015) on wikipedia and it didn't mention rape.

Do they rape him? Or force him to rape someone?

Serious question, why did Benicio stand there with his crotch right near the guys face/shoulers? I know he was gonna waterboard his ass but what the hell was that stance about?

he is homosexual

you can't be serious.

the water was for to give him an enema. Clean his ass before anally raping him.

He is constantly invading other people's space in the film: When he tortures John Bernthal he is sitting ON him in the SUV: he gets up in Emily Blunt's leg room when he makes her sign the document.

This one is pretty convincingly rapey to me, though. Guy had his wife and daughter killed: he probably skullfucked him Guantanamo-style.

I always thought it was more of an alpha male domination thing to mentally psyche him out, then they water boarded him after, but I think its open to interpretation.

This is the correct answer.

That's what I assumed, but I also thought the torture was something worse than waterboarding, hence the other guys leaving, Matt pretending he wasn't there and Sicario (a foreign, non-government agent) doing the actual torturing.

Ofcourse it was.

Especially in a machismo culture like Mexico, where "being a man" is everything.

He showed him whos boss and then he water boarded the shit out of him.

Anyone thinking otherwise is projecting their homosexuality, which is fine, but has nothing to do with the actual plot.

Why would he talk, if he gets raped?

Makes no sense.

anal orgasm

You know how I know youre gay?

>he's never been pegged
you haven't lived

Id rather "not live" then.

why did the guy sicario had in the car give in so easily after a wet willy?

These threads are pleb 101.

Villeneuve refused to show it not for you to "figure it out", he didn't show it because not showing makes it even worse and whatever you think that happened, happens. This way it can be torture, waterboarding or rape or all together in one package.

Much more impact than just showing a guy being splashed with water.

Plebs who make these threads are the same people who make WAS IT A DREAM OR REALITY in Inception threads, WHO WAS THE SHOOTER in The Hunt or WHAT DOES THE DOG SYMBOLIZE OMG in Stalker.

Movies aren't puzzles which you have to put together in a certain kind of way to "get" them you know.

That was one mean wet willy.
Greatest sound design on a wet willy in movie history.

Imagine being half concussed with blood streaking out your ear and some douchebag jams his finger into your ear. It's like a pressure point.

the didnt waterboard. the used rectal rehydration. look it up. the stuck that bottle of watter up his ass and sodomized him.

>Just read the synopsis for Sicario (2015) on wikipedia and it didn't mention rape.

I know this is bait, but it still triggers me. Fuck you.

It was waterboarding which was made illegal in January 2009, thus the camera being shut off and the other guys leaving the room.

no it was rectal rehydration . look it up. cia does that shit to ppl before the go to guantanomo

Man, few years back I got my buddies to Waterboard me cause i wanted to experience it. I couldn't believe that something that sounds so simple as being tied down with a cloth covering my face and then water poured over the cloth where my mouth and nose is could be considered one of the worst ways to be tortured.

So we got some rope, a large piece of wood for me to lie on. Propped up by a couple bricks. They tied me down in my backyard using tent pegs and the rope so I couldn't move at all. Cloth on my face, then poured water at random without letting me know.
Even though I knew it was my friends doing it and they wouldn't let it go too far. It was one of the worst, most terrifying experiences I've ever had. I remember afterwards, thinking about it, that your brain just goes full panic mode that is something way different than what happens when actually drowning (got caught in a rip when I was a kid and went under. Lifeguard saved me. I didn't drown drown and pass out or anything)

Anyhow, it's one of the worst experiences of my life.

.... Then I went for round two when a buddy suggested I should wear ear plugs to cut off another sense. And I did. Was even worse because of the sound of the water being poured on my face was 1000x more intense.

Anyhow, it's easy to try it out for yourselves, just be sure you can trust your mates not to be idiots about it.

Then why the comment about giving water to drink? Having your stomach full of water before waterboarding causes the liquid to reach lungs faster and makes it more efficient. It doesn't enhance rectal rehydration. Also, that is done in a bed with restraints, waterboarding can be done by tying the detainees hands and flipping his chair on the ground.

You should try it a third time, just eat skittles before the act, to see it their sweetness offsets the torture to some degree.

Might as well go the whole hog and fill my mouth with mentos and have coke poured over me

fuck you my brother with the coke and mentos combination

I always thought there was some sought of acidic liquid in the bottle, because thats the way his wife and daughter were killed.
Also thought thats why the guy left the room.


America has been doing this since the Philippine–American War

t. /his/


kill yourself

torture for infomation isn't actually very effective anyhow. Unless you just want the person to admit to whatever you ask them. It's proven that most people will admit to anything under torture.



It is if you can verify the info you're looking for.

For example:
asking for location of someone or something

as opposed to asking for a confession and shit

I don't think you know how the human body works.

Who is getting raped? The guy in the middle?
Mustve been one ugly scene.