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See you in a week, Seth.

Couldn't help it, I'm impulsive

>have fun without me
having fun with you or your shows is impossible, so thats a given.

>the people
>25% of the population

nice ''''''''''democracy''''''''''''' amurikkka

Remember when he said Donald was delusional for running for President?

Good times

>tfw half of the nation is delusional now
I predict a major administration stand off within Trump's own cabinet by 2018.
Screencap this.

Nooo don't leave twitter, I will litrally die

Not democracy's fault that people don't vote.

How many people was it who didn't vote? 40 percent?

Maybe black people should have fucking voted instead of expecting white people to pick the """correct"""" candidate.

We had our biggest drop of voter turnout in history. And that's before you take into account our population and voting population has increased in the last 4 years as well.

If you look at the demographics, a specific minority basically didn't vote at all.

>Discriminatory voter laws
>Election held on a weekday without national holiday
>voting isn't mandatory

>Discriminatory voter laws
Otherwise known as 'showing ID' in every single civilized country outside of the United States.

something something master's house master's tools

Because niggers only vote for niggers. Theyre the most racist group in the country

>Discriminatory voter laws

Explain pls, I'm yuropoor.

the us is retarded for not having id's


Most don't even vote, and not because of the whole ID thing either. They're just lazy.

Rednecks might be dumb as sin, but at least they vote.

Picture ID is considered discriminatory.

Laws were put forward specifically in areas with higher populations of blacks and mexicans that required them to have photo IDs, something alot of hooligans and negroes don't bother to get.

It IS discriminatory because they're only pushed into counties with higher minority count, while in the same state, whiter countys they don't - because they explicitly no black people are less motivated to have proper identification unless they own a vehicle.

You have to, brace yourself because this is going to scare you, show an ID.

Picture ID in only specified areas with high black population and only because blacks have historically avoided getting photo ID unless they own a vehicle because "that's how they get you in da system".

It is discriminatory, but blacks are too dumb to just go to the DMV and get a fucking ID which enables it to be that way.


It wouldn't be considered discriminatory if it was across the board, or even throughout the whole state. But they're specifically targeting areas with large minority populations and not "white" counties.

There is no problem with Picture ID's. It's how they're going about doing it, just to fuck minorities.

*only in specific counties, where black population is much higher, and taking into the well documented and longstanding information from the DMV that black people MORE THAN ANY OTHER RACE IN AMERICA refuse to get photo identification unless they own a vehicle.

A lot of people are just indifferent to politics, joe six pack doesn't care about voting

Obama only had high numbers because he was the first Black president & Americans like making history

Also Women hate other Women, especially powerful Women like Hilldawg, so i don't know why people are surprised most White women voted Trump

you also have to consider that safe states don't have any reason for dissenting voters to vote at all since almost every state is winner take all so their vote is completely wasted

>"that's how they get you in da system".
Why is it a problem that these people don't vote?
So many people whining about the uneducated voting for the wrong candidate and joking about how yet this is a tragedy somehow?

This, the argument about the popular vote is pointless, Republicans don't come out in California anymore, they can't win

thanks for using my pic OP.

>lose by votes
>win election

It helps to even out the redneck vote. You really don't want the yokels having the power to choose a president now do you?

Your twitter is fucking embarrassing

just fuck my democracy up

>Said the millionaire

Give them a presidency
Give them two in a row
Give them all the highest positions
Give them all the spots on the NBA teams and NFL teams, granted those are earned
Give them over-exposure for ABSOLUTELY DOG SHIT MUSIC on the radio inundating our kids with their terrible craft that has gotten progressively worse

And they will always see it as whites fault. Always.

Take notes from South Africa, they will always hate you and whites are about to get genocided there within a generation or two.


feel the same way about washington state.

Nice, but If you don't reply to my post, then your mother dies in her sleep tonight.


oh come on
that's a fake tweet. i will not fell for this shitty meme anymore

>chapelle and Curb coming back
>all these libcucks getting BTFO
>no more Russia conflict

Truly making America great again

The issue is that the ID involved is often costly, and time consuming to get, which is a problem for low income citizens, not to mention the specific focus in minority areas.
Other countries like Canada and Australia use a system based on housing, where you get sent a form that you use to apply to vote, which gets checked by the person at the polling place.
iirc Germany has a similar thing, where they send a voter ID card to voters prior to the election that they need to show at the polls.

Basically the issue isn't that you have to show ID, it's that the process of getting an ID is either discriminatory, arduous, or just dissuades citizens from voting in the first place.


If everyone would just reply in that way. Then the guy starting it would have to reply to every fucking post, or his mother would die.

What he thinks would trick a bunch of people, would come back to bite him in the ass.

To stop shitskins who are not allowed to vote from voting. White people are honest by nature.

thx immunity kitter

0/10 dude.

Literally Trying too hard: the post.

not cool

>he ID involved is often costly

False, there is zero cost ID options.


Its reality, sorry shitskin.





I checked louisianna and mississipi - that's the states with the most and the poorest niggers right? - and the IDs cost around 20$
is that your definition of costly?
>time consuming to get
Get your documents to the office, wait a month, retrieve ID, how is that time consuming?

>muh cost

Fucking wrong.



its always scary black ppl huh

He has such a punchable face jesus christ. Imagine seeing seeing an MMA match starring him and Lena Dunham. It would be the most satisfying thing you'd ever see.

fuck you both


As a European I never understood how calling this racist even works

sorry I love America but that's just retarded

Lena would destroy him 2bh fàm, those wide hips and thicc thighs would help judo throw him down for the GNP

it's a Talmudic form of reasoning

You know your argument why voter ID is apparently racist sounds pretty racist

Do you really believe that none whites are that incompetent?


Why fuck me? My post was directed only to the guy who posted the fake Trump tweet, not to anyone else. So your mother is fine. It's just his mother that's going to die because he never replied.


>Americans knew how their system worked going into the election
>Wouldn't have gotten mad if their candidate of choice won
>She didn't
>Now they're crying and blaming the system for being unfair
Really activated my almonds

Just 2 be sure

>Calling seth a loser
>While you post here

Get sme fucking perspective you idiot.

>epic 4channer on le twitter

you could say it takes one to know one

fuck u dahnald


No, I just think that the system is a mess of unneeded bureaucracy that could be replaced with something that is more efficient, more equitable, and allows for a greater voter turn out.
There are retarded people in every demographic.

I'm not falling for this


Bigger fag.



also, nice low IQ libtard butthurt ITT; keep the salt up guys!

But they made a sign, maybe whitey should have read it

>implying boers and you pussy americans can ever be compared
SA will be fine.

More like 60%


>SA will be fine

you need to read this

i love this saying
its like jews cannot say what antisemitism is

I guess white people did something

We have literal factual demographic information that shows black people had a record drop from voting from last election. A the major majority of the Americans who didn't vote this election were black people.

fuck you

How can Americans cope with having to share their country with literal children ?
>Whiteys are doing only bad things
>Please whiteys fix it =(((

No it's like saying goyim cannot say what anti-semitism is.


Just in case.

Can Mods ban these people?

Meanwhile Trump brilliantly won the election and people are getting more sick of your shit. I hope they keep talking like this, 8 years of Trump would be nice.