Name my band, Sup Forums


The Trump Supporters

The Incestuals

the one in the middle really got the shit genes huh?

"All in the Family"

Tranny and the No-Chins

How much you wanna bet those two have DPed their sister together?

Cash Rules Everything Around Me

Les deplorables

>libcucks wanted to elect this instead

Left Tear Harvesters

I would rather be a libcuck than a fucking actual literal racist endorsed by the kkk.

The Professionals

The Big Daddys

Hillary was endorsed by the KKK though... look it up

I wouldn't mind an endorsement from the KKK tbqh, would be weird to be the first non-white guy to get one.

can't blame them though

Obama already got one


she's a 6/10 with 5 inches of makeup, you only like her because you want to tongue an asshole that is 50% genetically Donald's

fuck one marry one kill one

>she's a 6/10 with 5 inches of makeup

sure buddy KEK

>you only like her because you want to tongue an asshole that is 50% genetically Donald's

I can't deny this though. If I could have at least 5% of Donald's genes I'll be a happy man

No. Eric did. He's very tall and blonde but... dat teeth.

Donald JR actually looks fine.

Ivanka a cute goddess

GREAT fucking album.

WEEEEEWW I bet she's a fucking savage in bed. You just know she's a dirty tart.


the faggatrons

The Presidents of the United States of America (band)

>The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name

Being supported by one of all the "KKK" leaders means pretty much nothing. And I bet most of KKK members voted republican for the last 30 years anyway.

>people don't realize this is Trumps way of paving the way for Ivanka to go into politics and eventually presidency.

He's a good father if anything and Ivanka is very smart.

Trump will be very lukewarm. Quote me. Nothing will change, but Ivanka will make waves.

million dollar tones

Fuck Ivanka. Barron is the rightful heir to the throne and will lead us to greatness among the stars.


He looks like he would have a better side profile but would look hideous straight on.

The Trumpets

The Drumphs

Hillary might suicide if that happens.

Which one is this?

you don't get rich by being stupid

She had some work done on her face, but her body is 11/10.

Honestly I don't even thing she needed the nose job though. She's just one of those women that look better with the sexy mature look than the cute young look. As she got a little older she lost the baby fat and pregnancy did wonders for her.

>Being supported by like five random guys who are using a name from a groupd that haven't done shit in a hundred years
>Worse than being supported by the Saudi Royal Family who funded 9/11

the ugliest one, besides daddy trump of course.

Man, at my job only niggers and spics do this. Ask for a water cup but get lemonade and go "whoops, haha I was trying to get the water but I hit the back tab and it came out!!"

That's called being an opportunist, literally doing nothing wrong

there is literally nothing wrong with doing this, the burger mongers getting paid minimum wage dont care

This always pisses me off because Hillary takes orders from Saudis and special interests and Trump has disavowed Duke and the Klan tons of times.

Anal Leakage

>tfw you want to shitpost about Ivanka on Sup Forums but every thread turns into a political discussion

Goddamn the guy in the rear is basically what I always imagined the Antichrist to look like

Adolf Hitler and the Trust Fund Kids.

here come the waterworks