please stop with the reviews, the rotten tomatoes reviews

post a simile review and discuss. yates is a great director but this will not be better than any of the potters he did, despite what anyone says. they were kino, esp 6 7 8


>Average Rating 7.2
Confirmed for slightly better than mediocre

thats still on average you dumby

With that title and those actors, It would need to be at least at 9/10 to convince me it's not shit (which it will definitely be)

Go back to your capeshit thread if you think RT ratings matter.

Goddamnit, it's shit even for cuckritics.

The easiest way to get your movie a 80+ tomato score:

>make a movie that's part of a beloved franchise (Star Wars, Harry Potter, MCU)
>make it as safe as possible, using elements that worked in previous movies and not taking any risks
>make sure it's the kind of generic movie that appeals to all demographics
>if you want to be sure it's critic proof, market it as some sort of progressive movie or have a female in the lead (not necessary if you fulfill the first 3 points though)

Seriously, it works every time.

Also, make sure it still has some sort of shallow gimmick that makes it look like it's different from previous installments.

>it's the same Star Wars movie...but with a female in the lead!
>it's the same Marvel movie...but with magic!
>it's the same Harry Potter movie...but now it's set in America!


you are literally only using capeshit and tfa as an example. the prequels werent all above 80
and two of the best potter films have a 78

Does every single American movie made these days have to have a really bitchy snappy female side character.

Are there any movies where the love interest or whatever is just a nice person like the main character?


those days are long gone.



You forgot
>have quips

Every movie since time immemorial has had quips and it's time you stopped bitching about their existence and started bitching about the low quality of them.

Does Waterston show her nips?

IGN gave it a 6.5

That bitch is COLD

what do you mean?


Even more useless than RT

who gives a shit

who cares she has bad tits

Here are the average ratings for the Harry Potter series:

Sorcerer's Stone - 7.1
Chamber of Secrets - 7.2
Prisoner of Azkaban - 7.9
Order of the Phoenix - 6.9
Half Blood Prince - 7.2
Deathly Hollows Part 1 - 7.1
Deathly Hollows Part 2 - 8.3

>she has bad tits

Nigger why do you think i said that ive seen inherent vice why are you such a faggot?

Who cares about RT? Who care's about 13 reviews in 2016?

Are you looking forward to Alien: Covenant?

>dat belly

It's 24 now. Still %100. Eat shit mousenigger

What the fuck are you talking about. I don't care about rotten tomatoes you are fucking cancer ridden shit. Stop posting fucking numbers post a fucking review or shut up until you see it.

Fuck off nignog

Why do the effects for this movie look so terrible, the last Harry Potter movie came out five years ago and it looked way better.