Hey look! It's 4 time Emmy nominee Jim!!

Hey look! It's 4 time Emmy nominee Jim!!

Other urls found in this thread:


this guy is stoned

Nah he's had like 14 beers

>implying jim's not a stoner
are you alright?

nah i've had like 6 beers and a bunch of weed. i didn't start drinking until 4:30am. I feel great right now. I just wanted an /rlm/ thread

Jack blew up at Rich on stream after RIch hinted that he voted for Trump.

is it uploaded on youtube yet


OK, if that's true I need to fucking see that. What game where they playing?

He was in the last thread, calm down, it's bait

>November 6th - Half in the Bag: Dr Strange
>November 14th - Half in the Bag: Arrival
>November 16th - Best of the Worst: Plinketto #3 (Mike, Jay, Rich, Max Landis)
>November 25th - Half in the Bag: Bad Santa 2
>November 30th - Fletch Commentary
>December 7th - re:View: Saving Private Ryan (Mike & Jay)
>December 11th - Best of the Worst: Mike's Christmas Package (Mike, Jay, Rich, Jessi)
>December 15th - RLM Diversity University with Mike & Rich
>December 18th - Half in the Bag: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *Rich as guest*
>December 20th - Gremlins Commentary
>December 26th - re:View: Die Hard (Mike & Rich)
>December 31st - Half in the Bag: 2016 wrap-up

think there will be a new RLM vid today? they often up on sundays

>the list was a lie
>there will never be a Saving Private Ryan Re:View


>ommited your incorrect November 11th video

Can somebody get this onto a picture of Mike or Rich so I can tell this guy to fuck off

dude, rlm is in panic mode due to my hacking of their mainframe. They're changing everything.

I had their entire release schedule up through 2020 except pre rec because jack's cybersecurity is just too intense


Began watching them recently, this one is gay right?

Yes. The rest of them are married with kids.

No, he's married and has kids. he also used to do a lot of drugs. and had hair as recently as a year and a half ago. he's just a little eccentric.

What's the deal with this guy? Why does he keep coming back? He's heavily depressed in every fucking episode.

Maybe. Not much is known about him. He's a mystery man.

He was the best thing in the most recent BotW

he's canadian

you would too if you were working in the Disney CGI slave mines


good. Trump's a fucking disaster on foreign policy and the economy. i'm sure jack dislikes him for exactly the wrong reasons though

jim wasn't in the most recent botw

the most recent one he was in then, mid october

He's a friend of Colin. He's an introverted, quiet guy.

Takes time to change, but he's definitely changed over the episodes he's been in. He at least talks and jokes occasionally now, in his first episode he basically didn't make a sound.

>a "friend"

He's just there to make sure Jay doesn't steal Colin from him, he sees them heavy eye flirting the glances, the stares.

nice manfic

>RLM Diversity University with Mike & Rich

It's a squirrel love that cannot be denied!

he's a self insert for Sup Forums
you know, the quiet guy in the group who just listens to other people's jokes and things that happened to them while being occasionally invited to the group because you're the one who buys the most alcohol
that's me

I like the Candians. Well, I like the little one.

more canadians means less beardfat so they're ok in my book

>Blue Jays cap
>literally blew Jay


Why is his face always so red? Is it sunburn or alcoholism?

It's called being a fucking leaf.

is it true that meme magic turned jay into some sort of weird caveman creature?

stop trying to justify posting that picture (which is by the way, almost assuredly a fake)

yes no maybe


>not being the quiet guy in the group who just listens to other people's jokes until he gets drunk himself and becomes the life of the party

I can literally see the electricity shooting between

>disaster in foreign policy

I am not even American, but boy even I know that Hillary would be a major fuck up on foreign policy. Obama sucked too, btw.
Sponsoring Sunni "rebels" was proven the worst choice ever in the 80s and STILL you are doing it, lel.

Is that his bwc??

>implying Hillary's foreign policy was better
The cunt would've had us continue to support the Syrian rebels and she would've fucked with Russia until we got into fucking World War 3. With Trump we'll FINALLY stop supporting Islamic rebels that fuck up the middle east and our relationship with Russia will be repaired.

Every Goddamn RLM thread one of you autists either perpetuates a rumor or makes up a new one. Jack voted for Shillary but he only did it because of the "lesser of two evils" meme and Rich didn't vote at all.

RIP in pence Rich Evans

Done and done.

how did RLM take the Trump win?

off by one date.

mike has been on a binge since tuesday

This would be more believable if you said Josh blew up at Rich. Jack, despite being a liberal numale, is the pussy type that hates conflict and doesn't want to lose his only friends. And he's just not as super upset at Trump winning as Josh is (read his twitter page @NekoCaseOnly for laughs). Josh isn't that important of a member so he can afford to make enemies in the team.

>he only did it because of the "lesser of two evils" meme

No, he fully supports her and whenever Rich said something about her being a crook, he got all offended and says something like, "Hey let's not go that far!"


based wizard laying down the law

What is he on that list? I bet he's latino

>when you find Colin's IMDB and find out he's 42

when u see this

what am i meant to see here?


Hillary's entire history with foreign policy is causing conflict and giving arabs weapon