Why didn't they make bane a woman?

Why didn't they make bane a woman?

In the comic bane is actually from spain.

Mages you think

Gender swapped plane scene thread?

Mrs Pavel, I'm Mrs. CIA.

they are weak

Because his devotion to Talia and her love for him plays such a big role in their actions that making him a woman would diminish the effect it has.

South America, fake place called Santa Prisca.

funnily enough it was revealed his father was a british assassin called King Cobra.

Nobody would take it seriously.

What about Emilia Clarke or Gal Galdot? They are stronk women.

She wasn't alone.

Because they're sexist and misogynists

>tfw no femdom Bane girl to tie you down and make you eat her smelly ass


Uh, you don't get to bring girlfriends.

They're not my gf's babe

They were trying to grab your purse. They work for the mercenary. The mascara man.

Because my dick wouldve exploded in the theatre



They did

Bane is supposed to be a tactical mastermind equal to, if not smarter than Bruce Wayne. No amount of suspension of disbelief would allow anyone to believe that a woman could be capable of this.

Why does she wear the mask?