Apart from The Civil War, World War II...

>Apart from The Civil War, World War II, and including 9/11 this may be the most cataclysmic event the country has ever seen

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


*rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you* *rapes you*

that he is a crybaby like all liberals

This man is a fucking idiot who parades as if he's some kind of beacon of reason and sanity

lefty Tea Party when

I need some more laughs

I used to like Colbert. Lost a lot of respect for him after he disgraced the Tonight Show by turning it into political garbage. Should have just stayed on his old show if he was gonna pull that crap.

He didn't actually say this, just an fyi. Glad you retards will believe any unsourced comment as long as it's put in a lefty's mouth while shaming the left for doing it to Trump.

Top kek, how pathetic.



>He didn't actually say this
Spotted the guy that can't read between the lines.

I hope Trump daddy "deports" these "people"

He didn't say this, but it was said on his show and he agreed with the sentiment


He's making a joke, you oversensitive faggots. The point is that even if Trump is a monster, his election is far from the worst thing that's happened in our history and people should calm down.

If all these shitlib comedians with their "he's literally hitler" rhetoric actually believed it, then why are they still here? Do they know what Hitler did to open subversives like themselves?


>Heillman being a cuck as usual

Why does Mark put up with him

nope. they already "joked" about him before the elections. so they'll continue "joking" on him all thru his term since its comedic right?


You should consider that being critical of the government is not a bad thing.

>ITT: Nobody understand what sarcasm is

>being sarcastic and/or ironic on the internet


What the hell are you talking about? It's not a joke at Trump's expense, they're mocking the people who are freaking out about Trump's election.

The point is that Trump isn't literally Hitler, so everyone should calm down. Why is this so hard for you people to understand? Is English your second language or something?

>Trump: the election is rigged!
>Hillary gets more votes, somehow loses anyway
>Trump: the election was won fair and square!
>Hillary supporters burn down your American cities

Your country is a fucking joke.

he actually said that?

Just a thought but maybe the liberals could have gone to vote, fucking idiots did it to themselves

Critical of that disaster that was Obama administration means you have a brain, criticize the actual government only means your brain is full of propaganda and you are actually working for America's enemies.

>Critical of that disaster that was Obama administration means you have a brain, criticize the actual government only means your brain is full of propaganda and you are actually working for America's enemies

This is so wrong it hurts. It's almost literally the opposite of what you think.

>he actually said that?

No, but the fact that you're gullible enough to believe he did is why we have a clown as President.

>Just a thought but maybe the liberals could have gone to vote, fucking idiots did it to themselves

They did. That's why Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

It's just that your vote doesn't actually matter if you live in Vermont, New York, or California. If you live in these states, you might as well throw your ballot in the garbage. Only five to six swing states really have a vote in this election and determine the fate of the country. Every else only votes to feel good about themselves. Like a little kid with a pretend wheel in the car thinks she's "helping" with the driving.

If only you had the least bit of education into what you criticise, you'd understand what a constitutional republic is, and why it is used in the USA. But you're probably some mongrel, dole-leeching halfwit who can't be bothered to do anything other than shit-post between reruns and your next spliff.

No (You)s for you mate, sorry.

>somehow loses anyway

maybe learn how our elections work before commenting


>It's just that your vote doesn't actually matter if you live in Vermont, New York, or California. If you live in these states, you might as well throw your ballot in the garbage.

Your vote does matter, it's just that the state practically always goes for one party. California alone makes up a little less than 1/5 of the electoral votes, it just gets little attention because it nearly always goes Democrat.

>Only five to six swing states really have a vote in this election

Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Virginia were all "swing states" in this election.

It's kind of disappointing how much you're projecting and dismissing other people, all to avoid actually having an intelligent conversation. Criticizing government and criticizing the administration are essentially the same - that said, you can also criticize the institution of government without being bumflustered about specifically the electoral college. For example, the system heavily favors a two party system that leads to situations like the one the country is currently in. To say that complaints such as this are the products of propaganda, I would argue, is in itself a form of propaganda aimed at discouraging the public from taking an active role in politics. For all the complaints about Hillary desiring a war with Russia, let it be known that Trump is doing the US far more disservice by actively encouraging Putin's behavior and simultaneously being openly hostile towards the country's allies. I would argue, in fact, that you are the one that has fallen for the campaigns of disinformation by America's enemies.

No they weren't. People said states like Ohio and NC were swing states, but they weren't. It was just another meme the MSM fell for.

I know how they work, the "somehow" was meant to convey disdain, not confusion.

What, how does the electoral college lock the country into a 2 party system?

>For all the complaints about Hillary desiring a war with Russia, let it be known that Trump is doing the US far more disservice by actively encouraging Putin's behavior and simultaneously being openly hostile towards the country's allies. I would argue, in fact, that you are the one that has fallen for the campaigns of disinformation by America's enemies.
What ally has Trump been openly hostile to?

Well, burger off and go find a country you like then?

>No they weren't. People said states like Ohio and NC were swing states, but they weren't.

NC went Republican in '04, Democrat in '08, and Republican in '16. Ohio went Republican in '00 and '04 but Democrat in '08 and '12. Both states were won by close margins too. They were and are swing states.

What you posted didn't address what the person you quoted was actually talking about. Your post was pretentious, poorly thought out and a waste of my time. You should know that I pity you and that it is my, and the belief of everyone else on this website that you should never attempt to contribute or post here ever again.

It doesn't. What locks the country into a 2 party system is the existence of the presidency. The various factions that make up each "party" (they're more like coalitions) realize that trying to nominate their own guy will, at best, result in a president who wins like 15% of the vote and has no mandate whatsoever. By coming together to nominate a candidate, they have a much better chance of getting a leader who will at the very least nudge the country in their direction.

That's why 3rd parties never really last long, once it becomes apparent that they can't replace one of the main two, everyone (including its own officials) abandon it. The Populist Party with Bryan, the Bull Moose Party with Roosevelt, and the Reform Party with Perot all suffered this fate.

>War of 1812
>The Depression
>The Crash of 2008
>Kennedy Assasination
>Cuba Crisis
>Patriot Act
and on and on and on.

All ouranks fucking trump becoming president, jesus fuck I didnt want Trump, nor did anyone want Hillary either, but jesus fucking christ, calm down, we've been here before. Reagan was a fucking hollywood actor and Arnold Fucking Schwarzenegger governed California for TWO FUCKING TERMS.

We're not dead yet

So basically you're a cuck and have no idea what you're talking about it, got it. Thanks fatass.

Nothing in your meandering, flowery post addressed the post you were replying to at all. Also which of our allies has Trump been openly hostile to?

What the hell are you talking about? I'm not the guy you were replying to before.

>Trump is a monster
Deporting muslims and ILLEGAL mexicans is not being a monster its called common sense.
>his election is far from the worst thing that's happened in our history
You people are fucking insane.

>You people are fucking insane.

Wait, you think that Trump's election was the worst thing to happen in our history? Are you retarded?

t. cuck

Just stfu before I put my bellend in your arse, poofter.

So...uh, you want to scrap the presidency?

Every democracies have this problem, only dictatorship can stop factions.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>So...uh, you want to scrap the presidency?

Of course not. I just think it's a big part of the reason for the existence of the two party system, and that it would keep the two party system in place with or without the electoral college.


Four more years of the media making an utter fool of themselves and throwing the little credibility they had left in the gutter.

As long as democracy exists, there will be factions.

Isnt that what you think?

>didn't address what the person you quoted was actually talking about

I addressed what they said to the very extent to which they addressed what I said, which is to say, not at all. They didn't really say anything specific to what I posted other than "you're wrong".

However, in regards to their implication that I was wrong, I decided to elaborate on why I was not by pointing out that
1) Criticizing the government is not pointless
2) The propaganda of America's enemies is not what he implied it to be
3) I was not referring specifically to the constitutional republic aspect of the government
4) They're dumb

I'm not blaming the presidency for the existence of factions. Just saying that it limits the number of "official" major parties to 2. In a parliamentary system we'd have 5 or 6.

>muh HOT TAKE!


No, not at all. "Even if Trump is a monster" is not the same thing as saying "Trump is a monster". It actually implies the exact opposite.

World War 2 hardly affected America as they joined when the majority of the fighting had already taken place on the western front, nuked the eastern front and had almost no fighting on their own soil. They mostly took a financial hit from financing the allies.

If he's talking about just having 'seen' and not being involved in, he might as well have also added the Great War, but that requires knowledge of non-meme history.

Every democracies, including the UK, come down to 2 parties fighting.

This gets worse in multi-parties like France, every one party wins, and the rest team up to suppress it, reducing it to just 2 parties anyway.

If he actually said that then he can fuck off to some shithole with one sided "democracy"

>brags about his knowledge of history
>thinks the US nuked the eastern front

lmao I fucking love this place

So, is John Oliver going to write that check now or what?

What the fuck do you know about America's enemies?

I'm not bragging.

With the eastern front I mean the pacific front, because from the center of the world (europe) japan belongs to the east.

>What, how does the electoral college lock the country into a 2 party system?

I didn't mean to imply that the electoral college is the reason for the two party system (though it does somewhat). Sorry. I was mostly just referring to the kind of out-dated voting system.

>What ally has Trump been openly hostile to?
South Korea, Canada, Ukraine, Mexico, Germany...

You still haven't, which leads me to believe you are either an idiot or replied to the wrong post originally. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let you acknowledge your mistake as long as you promise to stop shitting up the thread. Dismissed.

>Every democracies, including the UK, come down to 2 parties fighting.

The UK has the Conservatives, Labour, SNP, and the Lib Dems. Germany has SPD, Die Linke, CDU/CSU, and the Greens. The smaller parties are still relevant, unlike the US which doesn't even have a single libertarian/green politician in Congress.

Ok, my bad. In the US, "eastern front" tends to mean the eastern front in Europe while the war with Japan is referred to as the "pacific war", so I just got confused for a second.

>I didn't mean to imply that the electoral college is the reason for the two party system (though it does somewhat). Sorry. I was mostly just referring to the kind of out-dated voting system.
The fuck? How is the voting system outdated?
>South Korea, Canada, Ukraine, Mexico, Germany...
South Korea now loves Trump because of his promise of military boost.
Canada now also welcomes him.
Ukraine is not US's ally.
Mexico deserves it.

>lost the popular vote
>has previously said that when a person loses the popular vote but gets the win anyway, it is an illegitimate victory and the people should revolt

>respect the president, or at least the people who voted for him
>previously disrespected the president for 8 years

Get over it. People are going to make fun of the goofy dipshit who says dumb things in a stupid accent, just like they did with Bush. It won't make him any less the president.

No one refers to Japan as the eastern front you underage retard. There was the western, the eastern with Russia and the Pacific theatre. You millenials are so stupud.

He meant that leftists are literally retarded lying scumbags that should all be gassed.

What about Iran-Contra, Lincoln JFK and MLK being assassinated, those blacks being infected with syphilis on purpose, etc?

Holy shit you are fucking braindead.

Mexico and Ukraine aren't US allies. And when has he even talked about Canada? All I remember him saying is "I love Canada".

From his post here, it seems like he's European. Maybe they teach it over there.

>The UK has the Conservatives, Labour, SNP, and the Lib Dems. Germany has SPD, Die Linke, CDU/CSU, and the Greens.
Which come down to Tory vs Labour almost every single times.
>The smaller parties are still relevant, unlike the US which doesn't even have a single libertarian/green politician in Congress.
How are they relevant?



>replied to the wrong post originally

I was sure I didn't, but I actually did. Sorry, that's my fault. The fucking (You) meme got me. I still more or less stand by what I said, but I'm just gonna slowly back away from this thread. Sorry again.

Colbert is the king of subtlety.

Maybe the Eurabian continentals.

*maybe they teach it differently over there

whoa man what a hilarious joke that really shivers me timbers

Fuck it, I'm ready for civil war. I don't want to live in a country with these crybullies. Tired of the back and forth. I will enjoy killing them let's get it on.

Exactly, that's what I'm saying.

They form coalitions with a larger party and actually get some influence (not a ton, but still) in how the country is run. Like with the Tory-Lib Dem coalition or the SPD-Green coalition. When was the last time anyone in the White House or the House/Senate leadership gave a flying fuck what the Libertarians or Green Party had to say?

Speaking of political comedians has John Oliver said something about the election? That cuck dedicacted the last months shitting all over Trump while refusing to touch Hillary's campaign. Really curious about how he's handling this

>No, but the fact that you're gullible enough to believe he did is why we have a clown as President.
you fucking piece of shit, I asked a question so don't assume I believed it

>They did.
last time I checked only like half of the eligible voters in the US actually went to vote, I bet loads of motherfuckers who didn't went to vote are bitching about trump now

fuck you btw you cunt

>some of his fellow citizens disagree with him politically
>wants to kill them

Real patriotic of you, really embodying the ideals our country was founded on there.

I loved how he went from "Trump is literally Hitler and this might be the most cataclysmic event since WW2" to "I just don't understand how politics became so poisonous. Guys, can't we just all get along?"

He reposted the old video of himself urging Trump to run with the caption "I'm an idiot".

>They form coalitions with a larger party and actually get some influence (not a ton, but still) in how the country is run. Like with the Tory-Lib Dem coalition or the SPD-Green coalition.
I can say with a safefly measure that these coalitions are exactly the same as the two-party system in the US.
> When was the last time anyone in the White House or the House/Senate leadership gave a flying fuck what the Libertarians or Green Party had to say?
When was the UK Parley give a shit about what the greens or Die Linke had to say?

Fucking kek. I can just imagine John Oliver in a dark room of his house with his crooked teeth asking himself "It's the current year, how could this happen?"

America is a country founded on killing people who disagree with them i.e. the literal American Independence War.

He doesn't care for Trump.

In his defense, some of these people who are out there rioting right now are genuinely campaigning to topple their democratically elected president who won the election fair and square. At that point, it's no longer a matter of having a different opinion, they are traitors who want to start a coup.

Not really. A substantial percentage of Americans weren't interested in fighting for independence at all, but they weren't harmed or even threatened. Even as late as 1775, many "revolutionaries" were toasting to King George's good health, and even in Boston there was intense debate among the colonists (that's talking, not shooting) over whether to even try to leave. The deep southern states were not on board at all in the early days, but the northeastern states didn't attack them. They just focused on the British.

If the American Independence War was about killing people who disagreed with them, they would have attacked the other colonists, lost any chance of widespread popular support, and the whole thing would have just been a historical footnote.

Holy shit you bunch of fucking crybabies can't stop bitching, I'm some glad I'm not american, it'd be hell having to deal with your numale faggot asses everyday

True, I hadn't thought about that.

>He's making a joke
LMAO no he isn't you fucking retard

Yes, really, they fought and killed people who want to impose higher taxes than them.

Alternately, they are doing exactly as the President Elect said they should, by taking up arms when their candidate lost (as per his campaign) to fight back against a "rigged" system where the person who lost the popular vote gets granted the presidency because of the electoral college (as per his response to the mistaken belief that Obama lost the popular vote in 2012).

This is one of those situations where BOTH sides are being hypocrites. Republicans for saying the protestors shouldn't do what they've been saying should be done for months, and Democrats for doing what they have been saying shouldn't be done for months. It's also a pretty clear example of why everyone was telling Trump to shut his fucking mouth with all the advocating against our electoral process. Whatever, I'm in a red state, so it doesn't affect me any.

That same president who on Monday said they would not agree to accept the results of the election?

Why should the protestors accept the election results if Trump himself wasn't willing to?

Maybe killing is a bit strong, but accidents can happen.

Because even Obama himself claims the election is not rigged.

Thus the protestors should own to their words.

>It's also a pretty clear example of why everyone was telling Trump to shut his fucking mouth with all the advocating against our electoral process
Why? It makes sense.