Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week

>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Attached: Royal Norwegian Navy.jpg (1600x1511, 262K)


It was funny yesterday.
... And this stale copypasta has run its course.

This is the average norwayian woman

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And the vikings will come with many dragon boats ....

When did this pasta start circulating and for what? Actual Norwegian here and if anything we aspire to be like the US. From anything to expanding our cities, importing shit, jump on all the trademarks like Starbucks, Burger King etc and making ammo for guns. If anything we're a toddler following the US around in awe.

you're as much as stupid as she is ugly: a fucking lot

No more mini 14.

That's some piss poor quality bait you've got there user.

Christ, what a faggot. If you love that murica so much why do you live in Norway then fag?

Amerikikes btfo

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Top kek

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Google "X couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Y in a week" (including spelling errors) and you'll figure out where it came from..

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You couldn't even stop some Austrian painter.

Be afraid
Our subs are targeting american pigs carriers as we speak

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This is what Norwegian families actually look like.
[spoiler]Her dad is Richard Garriott[/spoiler]

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Don't worry, 90% of the American navy is cold war death traps. More rust than ammo.

Few policemen who are too afraid to hit Ahmed isn't an army

You absolute idiot. At no point did I state my feelings toward that reality. I'm just informing how it is. Can't you even notice how every single of the things mentioned can be seen as something negative?

This is gold
11/10 bait

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Thought i had the catalogue open from yesterday.
Apparently didn't , terrible repost.

Norway has a lot of oil and a distinct lack of freedom, they oppress their neighbors and provoke the Danes. time to bring these nords some freedom.

Only way Scandinavia could stay relevant.

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Norwegian flag will be on the white house and pentagon in just 3 days

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As a Norwegian I can promptly confirm that you are a fucking idiot.

Only leftist cucks think Norway would ever go to war with the U.S, because these ignorant shitforbrains think that Trump is the "big bad", and get played on by the regressive left in the U.S that cannot form an argument.. let alone being capable of answering as what they think those of the opposing views would answer.

Long before you utter words from your ignorant mind and mouth on anything regarding relations between the U.S and Norway or politics at all, go fucking read such as The Righteous Mind and A Conflict of Visions.

You're not even a successful troll, you're just ignorant and a fucking moron

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the south will rise again

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kinda sad someone drew this unironically

Top kek
Mildly good autism b8

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The army isn't the biggest branch, nor the only branch obviously. In norway, everyone that has served in any branch has compulsory service in the home guard until they're 44 years of age, yearly service.

Which means that every single person to ever be in the norwegian military is added to the ranks, making it by far the biggest branch of the military by miles.

That was put in after WW2 to make sure there were always enough forces to combat an invasion or attack. The other branches are offensive branches with specializations and equipment to do the job. Requirements to get into all those branches are much higher in Norway than other countries, and land closer in requirements to special forces requirements of other nations than normal service requirements of those nations. On a soldier-to-soldier basis, Norway has the most technologically advanced military in the entire world, and the best equipped individual soldiers, to compensate for lower numbers due to lower population.

To put it into video-game terms, a team of 50 Norwegian troops vs 50 U.S troops would be like almost a 1v2 fight for the U.S troops, simply through higher grade equipment and tools for the Norwegian troops. Apply the same standards to a nation the size of the U.S, Russia or China, and you'd have world-dominating forces.

Women-jews, Norway-jews, Jew-jews, Dancer-jews... We need more jew-crossovers.

Are those fishing boats?

it needs a shorter nose, but otherwise it's spot on
top kek

Well, to summarize everything.

I get that. However, let's be real.
Norway and the US are not going to fucking war anytime soon.

This is major bait, and I'm only contributing to the unadulterated cesspool of autism, that is this thread.

Respect, my Nordic friend.

May you and your Country remain safe, and out of the fuck-fest we shove our dicks into.

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You have 2 hours to surrender or else

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Or what?

I get some hot blonde qt 3.14 Norwegian wife?

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Looks like the attack is over, boys.

We still love you Norway.

Go eat your surstroming and quit embarrassing yourself.

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NORWAY does not possess nuclear weapons. As a state party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) since 1970, it is recognised as a Non-Nuclear Weapon State (NNWS). It has signed and ratified the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

If the Vikings couldn't invade Canada without getting their asses kicked, what makes you think you can beat people ten times more belligerent and twenty times more pigheaded? We have fields of gleaming ARs that don't care if they mow down human children or Norwegians instead.

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Trips of truth

U.S. stated in its April 2017 New START declaration that 1,411 are deployed on 673 ICBMs, SLBMs, and strategic bombers.
Modern war is waged with atomic fire, not boats and guns.